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Uh oh...I didn't see this coming. BREAKING: Freddie Gray Autopsy Released => Death Was ‘Accident’ Not Murder

boards of FL
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Whoa...I didn't see this coming. What the heck is the over eager, inexperienced Marilyn Mosby going to do now?

BREAKING: Freddie Gray Autopsy Released => Death Was ‘Accident’ Not Murder

Jim Hoft Jun 23rd, 2015 6:35 pm —75 Comments

Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby charged six local police officers with murder and manslaughter in the death of serial criminal Freddie Gray on May 1.

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Why are you lying about this? The results of the autopsy are the exact OPPOSITE of what you're saying:

Freddie Gray suffered a single "high-energy injury" to his neck and spine — most likely caused when the police van in which he was riding suddenly decelerated, according to a copy of the autopsy report obtained by The Baltimore Sun.

The state medical examiner's office concluded that Gray's death could not be ruled an accident, and was instead a homicide, because officers failed to follow safety procedures "through acts of omission."

Though Gray was loaded into the van on his belly, the medical examiner surmised that he may have gotten to his feet and was thrown into the wall during an abrupt change in direction. He was not belted in, but his wrists and ankles were shackled, putting him "at risk for an unsupported fall during acceleration or deceleration of the van."

The medical examiner compared Gray's injury to those seen in shallow-water diving incidents.

Gray, 25, was arrested April 12 following a foot pursuit by officers in the Gilmor Homes area, and he suffered a severe spinal injury while in police custody. His death a week later sparked protests over police brutality and unrest in the city — including looting and rioting — that drew international attention to the case.

The Baltimore state's attorney's office charged the six officers involved in Gray's arrest and transport. Officer Caesar R. Goodson Jr. the driver of the van, is charged with second-degree depraved-heart murder, while Sgt. Alicia D. White, Officer William F. Porter and Lt. Brian W. Rice are charged with manslaughter. Officers Edward M. Nero and Garrett E. Miller face lesser charges, including second-degree assault.

All of the officers have pleaded not guilty, and a trial has been set for October.

The autopsy report was completed April 30, the day before State's Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby announced criminal charges against the officers. The autopsy has not been made public, and the deadline for releasing evidence in the case to defense lawyers is Friday. A copy of the autopsy was obtained and verified by sources who requested anonymity because of the high-profile nature of the case.

The chief medical examiner, Dr. David Fowler, declined to comment, as did the defense attorneys for the officers, who said they have not received the autopsy.

In a statement, Mosby denounced the release of the report. She has sought a protective order to keep evidence in the case out of public view. "I strongly condemn anyone with access to trial evidence who has leaked information prior to the resolution of this case," Mosby said.

Baltimore police union president Lt. Gene Ryan said details in the autopsy raise questions about the charges, demonstrating why the union didn't want prosecutors to "rush to a decision."

The autopsy details a chronology of the events surrounding Gray's arrest that helped inform the medical examiner's conclusion. The medical examiner relied upon witness statements, videos and an examination of the transport van.

Gray tested positive for opiates and cannabinoid when he was admitted to Maryland Shock Trauma Center, according to the autopsy. The report makes no further reference to the drugs found in his system.

The report does not note any previous injuries to Gray's spine.

In concluding his death was a homicide, Assistant Medical Examiner Carol H. Allan wrote that it was "not an unforeseen event that a vulnerable individual was injured during operation of the vehicle, and that without prompt medical attention, the injury would prove fatal."

While bystanders captured his arrest on video showing Gray moaning for help, the autopsy concluded that he suffered no injuries suggesting a neck hold or stemming from physical restraint. Allan noted that Gray could be seen bearing weight on his legs and speaking as he was loaded into the van.

Officers placed Gray on a metal bench running from front to back along the outside wall of the van. He was not belted in, which is a violation of Baltimore police policy. After the doors were closed, he could be heard yelling and banging, "causing the van to rock," the autopsy noted.

The van made several stops. The second stop occurred a few blocks away on Baker Street, where officers placed an identification band and leg restraints on Gray.

"Reportedly, Mr. Gray was still yelling and shaking the van," the medical examiner wrote. "He was removed from the van and placed on the ground in a kneeling position, facing the van doors, while ankle cuffs were placed, and then slid onto the floor of the van, belly down and head first, reportedly still verbally and physically active."

Authorities previously said the third stop in the area of Fremont and Mosher streets was captured on video, which showed the van driver, Goodson, getting out and looking in the back.

During a fourth stop, at Dolphin Street and Druid Hill Avenue, authorities said, Goodson called for assistance, at which point Porter got involved.

"The assisting officer opened the doors and observed Mr. Gray lying belly down on the floor with his head facing the cabin compartment, and reportedly he was asking for help, saying he couldn't breathe, couldn't get up, and needed a medic," the autopsy says. "The officer assisted Mr. Gray to the bench and the van continued on its way."

The van made a fifth stop at North and Pennsylvania avenues to pick up a second arrestee, where Mosby has said White helped check on Gray.

"Mr. Gray was found kneeling on the floor, facing the front of the van and slumped over to his right against the bench, and reportedly appeared lethargic with minimal responses to direct questions," the report says.

The medical examiner concluded that Gray's most significant injury was to the lower left part of his head. Given the descriptions of his demeanor and positioning in the van, it most likely occurred between the second and fourth stops made by the van driver, and possibly before the third stop, according to the autopsy.

While it's possible Gray was hurt while lying on the floor and moving back and forth, Allan determined that his body likely couldn't have moved in that position with enough force to cause his injuries.

Allan surmised that Gray could have gotten to his feet using the bench and opposite wall. With his hands and ankles restrained, and unable to see out of the van and anticipate turns, she said, he was at a high risk for an unsupported fall.

She also noted the possibility that Gray's neck injury occurred "with him in a partially reclining position or as he was changing his position on the floor of the van," if the van moved abruptly enough.

The injury to Gray's spinal cord would have caused loss of function of his limbs, and would have "direct effects" on his ability to breathe, according to the autopsy.

Police had said in a court filing that the second passenger reported hearing Gray banging and kicking through the metal divider. Allan said that would not have been possible given Gray's injuries, but he may have been suffering a seizure at the time, which could have caused the noise, she said.


boards of FL

boards of FL

Markle wrote:Whoa...I didn't see this coming.  What the heck is the over eager, inexperienced Marilyn Mosby going to do now?

BREAKING: Freddie Gray Autopsy Released => Death Was ‘Accident’ Not Murder

Jim Hoft Jun 23rd, 2015 6:35 pm —75 Comments

Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby charged six local police officers with murder and manslaughter in the death of serial criminal Freddie Gray on May 1.

Read more:

Would you like to stand corrected?

The state medical examiner's office declared Gray's death a homicide because officers failed to follow safety guidelines "through acts of omission," according to a copy of the report obtained by the newspaper.

An autopsy report obtained by the Baltimore Sun concludes that Freddie Gray’s death was a non-accidental homicide after he suffered a “high-energy” injury to his neck and spine while in the Baltimore police van transporting him after his arrest in April.

Freddie Gray suffered a "high-energy injury" that was likely caused by a sudden change in the speed of the Baltimore police van in which he was placed after being arrested in April, according to an autopsy report obtained by The Baltimore Sun.

The death of Baltimore man Freddie Gray was the result of a "high-energy injury" to his spine and was ruled a homicide due to "acts of omission" by police, according to The Baltimore Sun.

BALTIMORE –  A medical examiner found Freddie Gray suffered a "high-energy injury" while riding in a Baltimore police van and the failure of officers to follow procedures means the death is a homicide, according to an autopsy report obtained by The Baltimore Sun.

The state’s medical examiner’s office ruled Gray’s death a homicide due to the officers’ apparent failure to abide by safety protocols “through acts of omission,” the report states. It describes an injury similar to the kind one would endure from a shallow-water diving incident, and notes that Gray would likely have been unable to break his own fall because his ankles and wrists were tied. The injury to his spinal cord, the report finds, also would have inhibited his abilities to breathe or move his limbs.

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Here's what I think ...

Gray's injury was caused by the van driver Ceasar Goodson   (who was may have been a Jail/detention Officer rather than a Police Officer.   This is not uncommon in many municipalities that Jail/detention Officers drive the transport vans.)

Gray was probably mouthing off so Goodson "took him for a ride."

In any prisoner transport situation it's the responsibility of the transport officer to ensure the prisoner is properly/safely secured and transported.

btw .... Ceasar Goodson was one of the African American guys.   Sorry race-baiters ... there goes your "racial" crime.

In any case .... I guess we'll see how it plays out in court.  Hopefully the guilty parties will be held accountable and the non-guilty will be acquitted.   I fear though that's not likely to happen if this trial occurs in Baltimore.

Last edited by EmeraldGhost on 6/24/2015, 4:30 pm; edited 1 time in total



EmeraldGhost wrote:Here's what I think ...

Gray's injury was caused by the van driver Ceasar Goodson   (who was may have been a Jail/detention Officer rather than a Police Officer.   This is not uncommon in many municipalities that Jail/detention Officers drive the transport vans.)

Gray was probably mouthing off so Goodson "took him for a ride."

In any prisoner transport situation it's the responsibility of the transport officer to ensure the prisoner is properly/safely secured and transported.

btw .... the Ceasar Goodson was one of the African American guys.   Sorry race-baiters ... there goes your "racial" crime.

In any case .... I guess we'll see how it plays out in court.  Hopefully the guilty parties will be held accountable and the non-guilty will be acquitted.   I fear though that's not likely to happen if this trial occurs in Baltimore.

So the arresting officers did not break his neck, interesting.



Joanimaroni wrote:

So the arresting officers did not break his neck, interesting.

Well, that's pretty clear from the video of him being placed in the transport van.

boards of FL

boards of FL

His neck broke due to a series of bad decisions. All cops involved should be charged.

Bad decision #1: Placing him on his belly in the back of the van

Bad decision #2: Not securing him in the back of the van

Bad decision #3: Slamming on the breaks when you knowingly have a guy in the back who is laying on his belly and is not secured

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boards of FL wrote:His neck broke due to a series of bad decisions.  All cops involved should be charged.

Bad decision #1:  Placing him on his belly in the back of the van

Bad decision #2:  Not securing him in the back of the van

Bad decision #3:  Slamming on the breaks [brakes] when you knowingly have a guy in the back who is laying on his belly and is not secured

As you well know, all the officers were charged.

boards of FL

boards of FL

Markle wrote:
boards of FL wrote:His neck broke due to a series of bad decisions.  All cops involved should be charged.

Bad decision #1:  Placing him on his belly in the back of the van

Bad decision #2:  Not securing him in the back of the van

Bad decision #3:  Slamming on the breaks [brakes] when you knowingly have a guy in the back who is laying on his belly and is not secured

As you well know, all the officers were charged.

Are you ready to stand corrected now?  

Were you lying when you created this thread, or are you simply stupid?

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boards of FL

boards of FL

Well I guess this thread is done!

Uh oh...I didn't see this coming.  BREAKING: Freddie Gray Autopsy Released => Death Was ‘Accident’ Not Murder 1589835_o

I approve this message.


The autopsy is but one piece of evidence in a trial.  Experts will give their opinion as to what the autopsy results indicate.  There was NOTHING in that report which excluded any of the officers.....nothing.   Now in regard to charging documents, a prosecutor is going to include the highest murder charge with a manslaughter charge because a lesser included offense can always be determined by the jury.  Mr. Markle's source strangely used the word "democrat" in describing the city and the reason police officers have reduced their arrests.....because they are afraid of get charged with a crime.....sorry professional police officers do not participate in slow downs and carry out their duties as they have been trained and few will ever have a problem......but those who breach the standard of care for a professional police officer, then they are most certainly at risk.   Mr. Markle thinks that we should give a pass to a police officer if a grand jury indicts......last time I checked grand juries do not have party affiliation.  Mr. Markle is consistently wrong on every subject.....pure evil, or dumb as a fence post....not good choices.



2seaoat wrote:Mr. Markle is consistently wrong on every subject.....pure evil, or dumb as a fence post....not good choices.

Uh oh...I didn't see this coming.  BREAKING: Freddie Gray Autopsy Released => Death Was ‘Accident’ Not Murder HystericallyLaughingmanandboy



boards of FL wrote:
Markle wrote:
boards of FL wrote:His neck broke due to a series of bad decisions.  All cops involved should be charged.

Bad decision #1:  Placing him on his belly in the back of the van

Bad decision #2:  Not securing him in the back of the van

Bad decision #3:  Slamming on the breaks [brakes] when you knowingly have a guy in the back who is laying on his belly and is not secured

As you well know, all the officers were charged.

Are you ready to stand corrected now?  

Were you lying when you created this thread, or are you simply stupid?

For what?



2seaoat wrote:Mr. Markle is consistently wrong on every subject.....pure evil, or dumb as a fence post....not good choices.

Uh oh...I didn't see this coming.  BREAKING: Freddie Gray Autopsy Released => Death Was ‘Accident’ Not Murder HystericallyLaughingmanandboy

Uh oh...I didn't see this coming.  BREAKING: Freddie Gray Autopsy Released => Death Was ‘Accident’ Not Murder E2454354-4d44-4ac6-9b35-84e4be224b5b


Gawd,Markle! I'll turn my head while you slowly crawl off this thread w/ your hand on your behind.



[b][size=18]The following quote comes from Semi-sane Markle's initial comment: "The state medical examiner’s office concluded that Gray’s death fit the medical and legal definition of an accident, but ruled it to be a homicide because officers failed to follow safety procedures “through acts of omission.”

This is but another time where Markle bends the truth ... in other words, LIES. So what else is new?



The following quote is the one Semi-sane Markle cites for his claim that Gray's death was an accident:  "The state medical examiner’s office concluded that Gray’s death fit the medical and legal definition of an accident, but ruled it to be a homicide because officers failed to follow safety procedures “through acts of omission.”

So this is but another time when Markle has bent the truth er ... LIED in hopes of scoring a point.  So what else is new?

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