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FOR SEAOAT: "They just want to use these words. That's sexist. That's racist. That's prejudiced. They don't even know what they're talking about" ... Jerry Seinfeld

boards of FL
Hospital Bob
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2seaoat wrote:Another LIE.

I thought crazy was limited to one thread....I will so? was highlighted in red so what part was not clear to you?



Markle wrote:
2seaoat wrote:Another LIE.

I thought crazy was limited to one thread....I will so? was highlighted in red so what part was not clear to you?

Obviously the part where anything you said made sense.


There was no lie.....and he runs from his words.



2seaoat wrote:There was no lie.....and he runs from his words.

The constitution and its amendments told us that a black man was equal to a white man under the law, yet politics of Jim Crow in the South took that fundamental right away from Americans.

This is a flat out lie. What is not clear to you and the other Progressives?

Have you heard of Dred Scott v. Sandford and was that before or after the Jim Crow Laws.

Jim Crow Laws were passed by who? Right, DEMOCRATS.

Keep up the great work. You are an outstanding foil!



2seaoat wrote:There was no lie.....and he runs from his words.

The constitution and its amendments told us that a black man was equal to a white man under the law, yet politics of Jim Crow in the South took that fundamental right away from Americans.

This is a flat out lie. What is not clear to you and the other Progressives?

Have you heard of Dred Scott v. Sandford and was that before or after the Jim Crow Laws.

Jim Crow Laws were passed by who? Right, DEMOCRATS.

Keep up the great work. You are an outstanding foil!



It is common knowledge that after the Civil Rights Act, the South went Republican. LBJ even predicted it. All the racists jumped to the GOP and never looked back. What planet were you living on?



Floridatexan wrote:
It is common knowledge that after the Civil Rights Act, the South went Republican. LBJ even predicted it. All the racists jumped to the GOP and never looked back. What planet were you living on?

I call bs... names or you and seagoat just say this over and over to reaffirm your own deluded conditioning.

The racists in fact were elected by racists for decades after lbj... and they were and are DEMOCRATS.


Nixon's southern strategy worked.  Racism is everywhere, but rarely does it become a platform for a Party.  The poll taxes and literacy tests of the Democrats has now become voter identification of the Republicans.....old Abe and Teddy are rolling over in their grave as the dixiecrat switch has condemned the Republican party to the evil so many sacrificed to defeat.  Morality does matter despite labels.



The platform is democratic... and lbj said plainly. The rouse is to manipulate the black vote with govt programs.

Your ilk has done the black citizen and culture NO favors. I don't think even you can truly buy the bs revision...

no matter how many times you lie to yourself.



2seaoat wrote:Nixon's southern strategy worked.  Racism is everywhere, but rarely does it become a platform for a Party. The poll taxes and literacy tests of the Democrats has now become voter identification of the Republicans.....old Abe and Teddy are rolling over in their grave as the dixiecrat switch has condemned the Republican party to the evil so many sacrificed to defeat.  Morality does matter despite labels.

Gosh, 2seaoat, RACISM has been the platform for the Democrats for many decades.

Semi-retired President Obama has worked very, very hard at dividing this country into as many races and religions as possible.


No lies.....every one of my life long democratic relatives in Alabama left the Democratic Party between 1968 and 1976.   Twenty real people with real views of the equal protection clause and the federal government enforcing the same.  Maybe you lived in Michigan and had no connection to the South.....I thought you grew up in Texas.....but in Birmingham Alabama, there is no confusion.....the racist left the Democratic party and became Republicans.



2seaoat wrote:No lies.....every one of my life long democratic relatives in Alabama left the Democratic Party between 1968 and 1976.   Twenty real people with real views of the equal protection clause and the federal government enforcing the same.  Maybe you lived in Michigan and had no connection to the South.....I thought you grew up in Texas.....but in Birmingham Alabama, there is no confusion.....the racist left the Democratic party and became Republicans.

You said this, and as you know, it is a lie.

yet politics of Jim Crow in the South took that fundamental right away from Americans.

You know full well the segregation laws were in effect decades before the Jim Crow laws. Why would you lie about something so trivial?



2seaoat wrote:No lies.....every one of my life long democratic relatives in Alabama left the Democratic Party between 1968 and 1976.   Twenty real people with real views of the equal protection clause and the federal government enforcing the same.  Maybe you lived in Michigan and had no connection to the South.....I thought you grew up in Texas.....but in Birmingham Alabama, there is no confusion.....the racist left the Democratic party and became Republicans.

As you know, racism has always been far worse in the North than in the South. Never lived in either Texas or Michigan.

Funny, you've made claims in the past about the Democrats who switched to the Republican party in the 60's. And yet, you've never been able to name even just one.


You know full well the segregation laws were in effect decades before the Jim Crow laws.

too funny.....segregation laws were in effect decades before Jim Crow laws....your intelligence on economics and inflation has just been challenged by your understanding of history.......thank you Bob for your racist is refreshing both in its timing and its exposure.


This is the MO of this administration,” Perry continued, "Anytime there is an accident like this, the president is clear: He doesn’t like for Americans to have guns, and so he uses every opportunity, this being another one, to basically go parrot that message.”


So being a proponent of political correctness and dropping the word "racist" at every turn does not necessarily indicate exceptional intelligence. lol

Yep post this sarcastic thread to make fun of people (Sal and I) who think racism is real and present danger in America......and then 9 people get executed by an impressionable slow young person who wears racist patches on his jacket, has a confederate flag on his license plate, and poses with confederate flags and hand guns......yep your dog whistle world kinda turned on ya didn't it......not so funny now.....your lol kinda missed the mark....but now you will just get mad at the shooter, and want to torture him......rerun.



Markle wrote:
2seaoat wrote:Nixon's southern strategy worked.  Racism is everywhere, but rarely does it become a platform for a Party.  The poll taxes and literacy tests of the Democrats has now become voter identification of the Republicans.....old Abe and Teddy are rolling over in their grave as the dixiecrat switch has condemned the Republican party to the evil so many sacrificed to defeat.  Morality does matter despite labels.

Gosh, 2seaoat, RACISM has been the platform for the Democrats for many decades.

Semi-retired President Obama has worked very, very hard at dividing this country into as many races and religions as possible.

Markle, take a minute or two and tell me, give me specific examples of how President Obama has heightened racial tensions in this country. Would you please do this? You keep making that claim and I can't figure out what you are talking about, other than as I've said before the man was elected twice, which I'm sure raised tensions in some quarters but that is nothing he's done it is who he is, our first black president. How has he divided the country?

Come on shed some light on this statement for me or stop making the claim.



2seaoat wrote:So being a proponent of political correctness and dropping the word "racist" at every turn does not necessarily indicate exceptional intelligence. lol

Yep post this sarcastic thread to make fun of people (Sal and I) who think racism is real and present danger in America......and then 9 people get executed by an impressionable slow young person who wears racist patches on his jacket, has a confederate flag on his license plate, and poses with confederate flags and hand guns......yep your dog whistle world kinda turned on ya didn't it......not so funny now.....your lol kinda missed the mark....but now you will just get mad at the shooter, and want to torture him......rerun.

.....but you think ISIS is a pretender to be Islamic, yet they wave an Islamic Flag, torture infidels as the Koran requires et al.....if you are gonna stereotype, do it for can't pick and choose


Sorry pace, but ISIS is a creation of Israel and Saudi Arabia to keep American blood and wealth flowing into the middle east and keeping the MIC making obscene war profits......and what supports this insane policy.....the states of the old confederacy which collectively suck on the government teat and get more dollars than other states in the union, who have the most military bases and contractors in their districts, and feed the war monster under the guise that we have something to fear from terrorist which require a military response....which keeps the old confederacy fat with federal dollars.....hell is time that the truth is spoken.  Racism is used to keep the Oligarchy fat, the MIC fat, and Saudi Arabia and Israel pulling our strings like we were their colony.

The gig is up.  Take the flag down.  Stop the hate in politics.   America has to unite around our founding principles of equality for all and justice......not murdering librarians and men and women of god.  Shame on you Pace.  Shame.



"Sorry pace, but ISIS is a creation of Israel and Saudi Arabia"

and obama. He aided and armed them in syria during another schizophrenic diplomatic blunder.


Another vintage Bob thread. I will keep running them until he mans up after getting whooped up by Sal......



A story I heard today: A young mother of 4, and 3 of her children are "mixed". Her parents won't have anything to do with the younger children...complete rejection. In 2016.


We now have four black children joining our family get togethers as my son's wife has five sisters, and two married black men who are working, wonderful fathers, and beautiful kids. Hate does not work when your family starts becoming mixed and happy. When you see the children play it is fun. My oldest grandson has become a tough little guy fighting with his year older cousin whose father is a pretty good size man and his son is a real challenge for my grandson. My daughter in law's dad was not happy with one of the daughter's black husbands and it was pure prejudice, but he evolved and then died of a heart attack, so when going to birthday parties for my grandson, it is the new American family which is mixed, so people like Bob who judge Mexicans, Muslims, and blacks are just a bunch of old folks who have to fade away with their Jim Crow upbringing and selling elevator music with confederate thirty years, I really think some of these hateful stigmas will simply pass, and our founding father's dream of equality will be achieved.

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