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How about some revenge on Israel ?

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The reason LBJ ordered the USS Liberty destroyed and all 294 crew members murdered was because he and Israel were going to blame the massacre of the USS Liberty on Egypt so that the United States would have a pretext to attack, bomb and take out Nasser of Egypt who, as author Barry Chamish points out, had drifted into the Soviet camp over the previous ten years.
Author Peter Hounam discovered the smoking gun on LBJ’s participation in the USS Liberty murders when he interviewed former SAC (Strategic Air Command, i.e. nuclear) B-52 pilot Jim Nanjo who told him his nuclear SAC unit in San Diego went on high alert 1-2 hours before the Liberty was attacked on June 8, 1967. Only President Johnson could have given the grave order to go on nuclear high alert, which implies LBJ knew about Israeli attack on the Liberty in advance.
If LBJ knew about attack on the Liberty in advance then it means he orchestrated the whole plot with the Israeli Defense Forces acting on his orders through IDF head Moshe Dayan.
The other smoking gun that indicts LBJ in the USS Liberty murders is what we learned from what Rear Admiral Lawrence Geis told Lt. Commander David Lewis, who was the head of the Liberty’s NSA group.  LBJ told Admiral Geiss that he did not give a damn if the ship sank that he would not embarrass an ally (Israel).
Which begs the question, how did Lyndon Johnson know before anyone else that Israel was attacking the USS Liberty?




revenge.....a christian concept?  How about the truth?  I do not believe you possess the same.  I certainly do not believe the American government in regard to every detail, but doing a witch hunt fifty years later is like expecting the Turks to admit they participated in Genocide.  At some point folks sure as hell knew it was an American ship, but It could have been the mistake that all the investigations have determined.  Revenge as a motive rarely leads to the truth.



The revenge concept wasn't for me it was for Karl...he seems to need such things...



How about we raise the question of why we had a ship in that location when we knew hostilities were imminent?



Obviously so Israel could sink it and blame Cairo. Then we would retaliate



Spying never occurred to you?



The absurd thing about it was the ship would have been spying for ISRAEL if anyone. They "were" our "ally" in the area.

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