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Ferguson Grand Juror Sues Prosecutor

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Sal wrote:There should've been a trial to determine if that was the case.

You continue to ignore the FACT that the majority of the eyewitnesses by a sizable margin agreed that Brown's hands were raised when the fatal shots were fired.

Well, apparently the facebook video is not Brown,however, I have reservations about a person who strong arms a clerk and then punches a cop in the face as not being a thug. The fact that four witnesses who were black told a different story is more telling to me than a majority who were highly influenced by the black community.



Vikingwoman wrote:
Well, apparently the facebook video is not Brown,however, I have reservations about a person who strong arms a clerk and then punches a cop in the face as not being a thug. The fact that four witnesses who were black told a different story is more telling to me than a majority who were highly influenced by the black community.

You're entitled to your opinions.

You should not be entitled to disregard our entire system of justice to validate those opinions.



Sal wrote:
Vikingwoman wrote:
Well, apparently the facebook video is not Brown,however, I have reservations about a person who strong arms a clerk and then punches a cop in the face as not being a thug. The fact that four witnesses who were black told a different story is more telling to me than a majority who were highly influenced by the black community.

You're entitled to your opinions.

You should not be entitled to disregard our entire system of justice to validate those opinions.

Your second sentence is uncalled for.

The prosecutor also allowed the testimony of eye-witnesses that were inconsistent, they changed their story after evidence was presented to disprove their initial statement.


Sal wrote:
Vikingwoman wrote:
Well, apparently the facebook video is not Brown,however, I have reservations about a person who strong arms a clerk and then punches a cop in the face as not being a thug. The fact that four witnesses who were black told a different story is more telling to me than a majority who were highly influenced by the black community.

You're entitled to your opinions.

You should not be entitled to disregard our entire system of justice to validate those opinions.

I don't know if Brown had his hands up or not. I wasn't there and life has taught me witnesses lie as well as prosecutors and cops. I would be more apt to support Brown if he hadn't tried to take the cops gun and shown a propensity for violence, therefore, I have a hard time seeing him as a tragic figure.



You don't seem able to grasp that the focus of this thread is not the conduct of Brown or Wilson, it is the misconduct of the special prosecutor.

One of the grand jurors is suing him over that misconduct.

That is unprecedented, and should clearly tell you that something was awry, but you continuously dismiss it because "black thug".


Sal wrote:
Vikingwoman wrote:
Well, apparently the facebook video is not Brown,however, I have reservations about a person who strong arms a clerk and then punches a cop in the face as not being a thug. The fact that four witnesses who were black told a different story is more telling to me than a majority who were highly influenced by the black community.

You're entitled to your opinions.

You should not be entitled to disregard our entire system of justice to validate those opinions.

Based on your opinion the outcome of the GJ investigation should have been different. In effect you feel your opinion entitles you alone in this forum to disregard the entire CJS. OK, got it - if you don't like a verdict then it's wrong. Well that certainly settles that minor point of law.



That you don't understand grand jury proceedings, the special prosecutor's role in same, and how radically this prosecutor deviated from the norm in this case is not my problem.



In a volatile and high profile case like this I think a trial is in order if nothing else but to show our system works and law enforcement isn't held to a different standard..



TEOTWAWKI wrote:In a volatile and high profile case like this I think a trial is in order if nothing else but to show our system works and law enforcement isn't held to a different standard..

That's true, but there should've been an indictment because there was more than enough probable cause had the prosecutor chosen to make the case.

There was no indictment because the prosecutor wanted no indictment and acted accordingly.



Sal wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:In a volatile and high profile case like this I think a trial is in order if nothing else but to show our system works and law enforcement isn't held to a different standard..

That's true, but there should've been an indictment because there was more than enough probable cause had the prosecutor chosen to make the case.

There was no indictment because the prosecutor wanted no indictment and acted accordingly.

I agree the prosecutor should have just requested a trial and skipped the whole charade of a mislead and scapegoated grand jury.


Sal wrote:You don't seem able to grasp that the focus of this thread is not the conduct of Brown or Wilson, it is the misconduct of the special prosecutor.

One of the grand jurors is suing him over that misconduct.

That is unprecedented, and should clearly tell you that something was awry, but you continuously dismiss it because "black thug".

Anybody can sue anybody for anything. The fact that this juror has initiated a lawsuit doesn't prove anything except he/she was disagreement w/ the rest of the grand jury.This juror apparently has strong convictions about this case that wasn't shared by the group. This happened in the Blago trial when a juror despite tape recordings refused to believe it. I don't think you've looked at this case w/ an unbiased mind. There are black people who are thugs, believe it or not.



Sal wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:In a volatile and high profile case like this I think a trial is in order if nothing else but to show our system works and law enforcement isn't held to a different standard..

That's true, but there should've been an indictment because there was more than enough probable cause had the prosecutor chosen to make the case.

There was no indictment because the prosecutor wanted no indictment and acted accordingly.

I agree the prosecutor should have just requested a trial and skipped the whole charade of a mislead and scapegoated grand jury.

He just wants a rubber stamp racial vindication. Hence the hesitation to claim the slaughter of a latino and chinese american police officer as compensation. It reminds me of the need to label the fl shooting as racial. The agenda clouds reason.



PkrBum wrote:
Sal wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:In a volatile and high profile case like this I think a trial is in order if nothing else but to show our system works and law enforcement isn't held to a different standard..

That's true, but there should've been an indictment because there was more than enough probable cause had the prosecutor chosen to make the case.

There was no indictment because the prosecutor wanted no indictment and acted accordingly.

I agree the prosecutor should have just requested a trial and skipped the whole charade of a mislead and scapegoated grand jury.

He just wants a rubber stamp racial vindication. Hence the hesitation to claim the slaughter of a latino and chinese american police officer as compensation. It reminds me of the need to label the fl shooting as racial. The agenda clouds reason.

The agenda clouds reason.........absolutely.



The funny thing is that the prosecutor's decision to rig the grand jury had more to do with the color blue.

Black comes in more with your eagerness to accept it.



Sal wrote:The funny thing is that the prosecutor's decision to rig the grand jury had more to do with the color blue.

Black comes in more with your eagerness to accept it.

Response ....

.... nothing.

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