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Any predictions for tomorrow's jobless claims numbers?

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boards of FL

boards of FL

Good news? Bad news?

boards of FL

boards of FL

Bad news.



Obviously, the masses are in need of more austerity measures, and more tax cuts for the 1% also too. Rolling Eyes

Last edited by salinsky on 6/14/2012, 10:49 am; edited 1 time in total

boards of FL

boards of FL

salinsky wrote:Obviously, the masses are need of more austerity measures, and more tax cuts for the 1% also too. Rolling Eyes

I'm looking forward to the presidential debates. Particularly in seeing how republicans will address the economy when there is some actual opposition there to call them out.



boards of FL wrote:
salinsky wrote:Obviously, the masses are need of more austerity measures, and more tax cuts for the 1% also too. Rolling Eyes

I'm looking forward to the presidential debates. Particularly in seeing how republicans will address the economy when there is some actual opposition there to call them out.

If repubs want any chance of winning they had better come up with some damn good ideas, something other than slashing the federal workforce to zero because that alone ain't gonna save anything. I do think Romney will do better in the debates on the economy simply because any ideas he has will be something new and Obama's ideas have not worked.

boards of FL

boards of FL

But Romney will only have one solution: Cut taxes. Nothing new about that.



boards of FL wrote:But Romney will only have one solution: Cut taxes. Nothing new about that.

Here is my take on all of this. it involves to principles, reduce spending and increase income to achieve a sustainable balance. Right now either one of the azzhats running for the office are willing to do both. Obama wants to increase taxes, fine increase them but how does that help when he is spending money faster than they can make it, how is it going to help when he is increasing government handouts for corporations and private citizens. Romney wants to reduce spending, cut taxes fine but how will it help when there is no more government jobs to cut. typical rebup idea except all they ever want to cut is low level jobs not the plethora of money being spend on ridiculous bullshit like teaching Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly or spending billions to help private companies.

A very simple analogy on a very simplistic scale but apply either candidates philosophy to a standard household of 4, would that household survive or crash and burn. Obama, marginal increase income - massive increase spending = Fail. Romney - marginal decrease spending - massive decrease income = Fail.



It's really simple. As the estimable Charles Pierce puts it, "f*ck the deficit, people got no jobs, people got no money". The American consumer is tapped out. Under these circumstances, government must be the spender of last resort. Mired in the middle of an economic downturn is no place to be cutting jobs of any kind. We have to grow our way out of this slump, and then we can turn our attention to the deficit.

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