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What Do Pigs Do After Shooting a Man Dead for Carrying a Toy Gun in Walmart?

Hospital Bob
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Interrogate his girlfriend as though she were a criminal, of course ....

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

You may have heard about this by now, but another aspect of this bizarre story is equally bizarre to me.

This is according to an attorney on CNN this afternoon. According to her, Ohio is an open carry state, with no need for any license, and with the law actually permitting open carry of a gun inside the store.
And which, according to her, means that even if the kid had possessed an actual REAL gun in the Walmart, the cops would not have been allowed to even question him about it

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

And this comes on the heels of the kid with the toy gun being shot dead in that other incident.

Which now begs the question,  what possible reason is there to even allow the manufacture of toy guns (or bb guns either one) which look like real guns?  Those things are a recipe for tragedy and there is no valid reason for anyone to possess one.



You gotta be shitting me . . . . .

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I wish I was. I couldn't believe my ears when I was hearing this.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I tell you what,  I've never bought into most of the "gun control" proposals because most of them are just baloney which won't work.
But no one will ever convince me there is any valid reason for the law to permit people to be wearing guns inside a fucking store.  Not unless it's in Deadwood SD in 1880.  And definitely not in 2014 when gun violence is running rampant.  And if the NRA supports such a thing,  which I'm sure they do,  then the NRA doesn't stand for national rifle association.  It stands for Nuts, Retards, and Assholes.

Last edited by Bob on 12/16/2014, 8:18 pm; edited 1 time in total



[quote="Bob"]I tell you what,  I've never bought into most of the "gun control" proposals because most of them are just baloney which won't work.
But no one will ever convince me there is any valid reason for the law to permit people to be wearing guns inside a fucking store.  Not unless it's in Deadwood SD in 1880.  And definitely not in 2014 when gun violence is running rampant.  And if the NRA supports such a thing,  which I'm sure they do,  then the NRA doesn't stand for national rifle association.  It stands for Retards,  Nuts and Assholes.[/quote

If people were armed up, everyone would be a lot more polite.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

All I can say to that, Karl, is I never have any problem with people in the Walmart and I'm in there a lot. If people are not being polite to you then maybe the issue is not with them.

And I can tell you this with absolute certainty. You have told me you are a bonafide genuine Christian. I hope Jesus Christ is taking a nap and he didn't see what you just wrote. Because I can assure you he would never approve of you saying people need to be openly wearing guns in a department store because that's the only way for people to be polite to each other.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

But as I read what you said again, now I'm thinking you were just making a joke. If that's all it was then I apologize to you for reacting that way.
But I would like to know which it is.



Meanwhile, a white dude can drunkenly walk around in front of a school with a rifle, pointing it at passerbys, and the cops will cordon off the street, and spend an hour talking the idiot down, before confiscation the gun, letting the asshole walk and pick his boom stick up at the police station the next day.

Welcome to 'Murica!!

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

If I picture the whole thing happening the same way EXCEPT the kid was white,  I end up looking at it this way, Sal.
Since it's incomprehensible how a death could result from this regardless of the color of the cop or the kid,  I have to think there had to be some extra little ingredient that put this incident completely over the top and off the scale.
Kinda like there have been countless earthquakes to impact California.  But only one 1906 one.  Something had to give that one an extra little incentive to happen.  
And the only thing it points to in this case is the color of the kid waving the gun.  Because I agree,  I just don't see this happening with the kid being white.
But almost as bad as the kid dying,  is seeing what they put his girlfriend through with the interrogation.  And I am really confused by that.  Even if the cops are telling the truth when they claim the interrogator wasn't informed,  how is it even possible for the interrogator not to know it was a fake gun all that much time after the shooting went down.  Are they using smoke signals for communicating. That's just obviously not believable.


Training and screening are important when a person goes into law enforcement. I can tell you first hand cops are scared with the conceal and carry and open carry. When a friend of mine who is retiring as sheriff was on patrol, he knew some nights on a stop it would take 15 minutes for backup. The British police for the most part patrol with much less fear because they are unarmed and have significantly less chance of being confronted with a gun. I would not want my son to go in law enforcement. I was an NRA member until I was 21. I shot competitively in scouting, and felt that the NRA stressed gun safety in my youth. When it became a shill for manufacturer profits and the sportsman and recreational user was transplanted by scardy cats and fearful people......we became a nation of barneys.......We need to start with common sense protection for our policeman, and we need intensive training for the evolving dangerous world they must exist. Clearly some people should not go into law enforcement and we need better methods of screening those who are not fit......but this battle begins and ends with the law enforcement command structure.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Last night CNN did a special program and one segment of it featured Capt. Ron Johnson. You probably remember that was the name of the black highway patrol captain who was called in to restore order to Ferguson.
It showcased the story of how he came to be as a person and how that enabled him to help bridge the barrier between the cops and the protestors and rioters.
Somehow society needs to help create more like him. Effective leaders on both sides seem to be few and far between. So it takes an individual who himself IS on both sides (half black, half cop) to empathize with and communicate with both sides.
I know, this didn't seem to work with Obama because the country is now even more racially divided than before he came on the scene. But Capt. Johnson is not a political celebrity and I pretty much have no use for those anymore.


People who are physically weak and frighten easily should not be in law enforcement. If they are, they must be properly trained. Most of these tragedies are based upon fear. How can we reduce the fear, yet make sure officers are protected. They do not have easy jobs, and the whole us and them thing has gone unchecked since 911 when the whole damn country lost their collective minds in fear. We need to start over in our criminal justice system and look at the high cost to our economy and the loss of quality of life in our communities as we have become a nation of frightful people. We do have Andy's and they need to be rewarded and advanced. Barney has to go.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Well,  when it comes to downright fear,  nothing tops what we're experiencing right now today.  Some psycho little dictator in some pissant little shithole on the other side of the world can hire some computer geeks to whip our asses into submission and surrender.



A man should be able to carry a gun anywhere anytime. Why are you other men so scared of a man with a gun ? I carry everyday...I had one yesterday in the restaurant Bob. It didn't jump out and shoot anyone did it ? They have been demonized way to much by small minded men that fear them. Once you understand it's just a tool like a knife or a hammer you should stop fearing it and just respect it. I guess some men like to think they can whoop any man in the room and a gun totally over rules that bravado. I think every woman should carry after they receive training on the safe use of them. A guy tried to abduct my daughter in a parking lot, she put her high heel in his face and got away. I would have much rather she put a bullet in his face.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

TEOTWAWKI wrote:A man should be able to carry a gun anywhere anytime. Why are you other men so scared of a man with a gun ? I carry everyday...I had one yesterday in the restaurant Bob. It didn't jump out and shoot anyone did it ? They have been demonized way to much by small minded men that fear them. Once you understand it's just a tool like a knife or a hammer you should stop fearing it and just respect it. I guess some men like to think they can whoop any man in the room and a gun totally over rules that bravado. I think every woman should carry after they receive training on the safe use of them. A guy tried to abduct my daughter in a parking lot, she put her high heel in his face and got away. I would have much rather she put a bullet in his face.

Hell if I'd known you were packin I woulda brought my Judge. lol

I really enjoyed lunch yesterday. Especially the good company of you and Lisa and SheWrites. It's fun to get to know folks with social media and then be able to translate that into real life.
That broiled fish I ate was the first actual food I'd had in 12 days after a diet of applesauce and canned peas. lol

And it's hard to believe we all had two hours of good continuous conversation and you and I completely forgot about 9/11 the whole time. lol



Forgot, not likely. It just wasn't important in that time and place. It was nice to have lunch and conversation with two attractive ladies. You are a pretty cool guy yourself Bob . That Phenix city story was VERRRY interesting. You have had an interesting life Bob. Glad you survived it ...I believe you might actually mean it when you say you are going to sell slot machines to Cuba.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

But just to clarify,  it's not the concealed carry I object to.  That hasn't really led to any problems at least in our state because if it had we would be hearing about it and we don't.

It's the concept of everybody running around openly displaying firearms like they did in Miss Kitty's saloon that I'm uncomfortable with.  I just think something's wrong with that picture in 2014.  I'm resistant to the kind of change which takes us backwards which is exactly the same reason I hate that muslim shit.



Bob that's what's wrong with progressives...they sometimes pass up good ideas from the past and should turn around and go get it. Open carry is the proper way to pack. Only sneaky people hide things.



If I decide to open carry I want to strap up like the Frito Bandito. Razz Razz
What Do Pigs Do After Shooting a Man Dead for Carrying a Toy Gun in Walmart? Fritos10



SheWrites wrote:If I decide to open carry I want to strap up like the Frito Bandito. Razz  Razz
What Do Pigs Do After Shooting a Man Dead for Carrying a Toy Gun in Walmart? Fritos10
I have always liked that look....badges? we don't need no stinkin badges....

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

TEOTWAWKI wrote:...I believe you might actually mean it when you say you are going to sell slot machines to Cuba.

No that's what the mobsters did. All I wanna do is go down there and buy up that old stuff to peddle it back here. Don't wanna sell to them. But I'd be glad to trade them Camrys and Accords even up for 57 Chevys. I'd even give 2 for 1 if it's a convertible. lol



Bob wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:...I believe you might actually mean it when you say you are going to sell slot machines to Cuba.

No that's what the mobsters did.  All I wanna do is go down there and buy up that old stuff to peddle it back here.  Don't wanna sell to them.  But I'd be glad to trade them Camrys and Accords even up for 57 Chevys.  I'd even give 2 for 1 if it's a convertible.  lol
See Bob that's why I never made it as a picker...I got the flow backards....

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