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Obama Denies Lying to pass Obamacaid

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Dispite seagoat claiming to read between lines of thousands of pages. He also doubled down on pelosi's denial that gruber was part of the construction of the law. I think there's a distinction for his legacy here... the biggest liar to ever hold the office.

Which is impressive considering the company... particularly some recent competition from the likes of nixon and clinton.

President Obama says he and his administration did not mislead the public on the financing of the health care law,disputing statements by a consultant who said supporters of the bill took advantage of the "stupidity" of American voters.

"The fact that an adviser who was never on our staff expressed an opinion that I completely disagree with in terms of the voters is not a reflection on the actual process that was run," Obama told reporters at a news conference following the G-20 summit in Brisbane,Australia.

Obama was responding to a recently discovered videotape featuring Jonathan Gruber,an MIT professor and outside adviser of health care. Gruber said the Obama administration obscured the financing of the law in order to get it passed.

"If you have a law that makes explicit that healthy people pay in and sick people get money,it wouldn't have passed," Gruber said on the video. "Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage and,basically,call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever. But basically that was really critical to getting the thing to pass."

"While Gruber was not a staffer,he was a paid consultant whose models were used to help assess the impact of various policy changes being considered as part of health care legislation. Official logs show he visited the White House about a dozen times between 2009 and this year.

"Despite Obama's dismissive tone toward Gruber,the president has acknowledged that some of his own statements about the law were ill-advised,in particular his repeated promises that if Americans liked their health care plans they could keep them. In fact,many plans were deemed inadequate under the law,leading people to get notices that their plans were being canceled."




Lol... he was the target audience. I was wondering if we could count exactly how many lies there were:

"So let me begin by saying this to you and to the American people: I know that there are millions of Americans who are content with their health care coverage -- they like their plan and, most importantly, they value their relationship with their doctor. They trust you. And that means that no matter how we reform health care,we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. ... If you like your health care plan,you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period. ... No one will take it away, no matter what. My view is that health care reform should be guided by a simple principle: Fix what's broken and build on what works. And that's what we intend to do."



20,000 pages of lies



This whole last five years and ten months have been a lie


It must hurt knowing that the legislation was passed, it is working, and the transition to Medicare for all in the next decade is all but certain. I love the four year whine. I think the realization that congress will not repeal it, and the Supreme Court will further penalize the red states which did not set up state exchanges where the Supreme Court will send it back to congress to clarify it, and people will lose benefits. The perfect accelerator for 2016 and the transition to Medicare for all. I guess I would be whining to if the subsidy money will only be going to those wise enough to set up state exchanges......this will get better and better. Oh, by the way, the American voters had ample opportunity to throw the President out of office if they thought the ACA was bad, but then again the small bus crew were talking about Bhengazi.


This whole last five years and ten months have been a lie

Certainly for people with low IQs I would not disagree. Fortunately, we have a presidential election in 2016 and the low IQ folks can be lead around with Bhengazi and the ACA is bad, but most Americans are not stupid, and the results are certain. Sorry, it must be driving some of you mad. I am enjoying the news stories this year how well the exchanges are being accepted and understood. Like fingernails on the chalkboard from some of you.



This was a good one he repeated over and over that obamacaid would save the average family 2,500 a year in premiums.



2seaoat wrote:It must hurt knowing that the legislation was passed, it is working, and the transition to Medicare for all in the next decade is all but certain. I love the four year whine. I think the realization that congress will not repeal it, and the Supreme Court will further penalize the red states which did not set up state exchanges where the Supreme Court will send it back to congress to clarify it, and people will lose benefits. The perfect accelerator for 2016 and the transition to Medicare for all. I guess I would be whining to if the subsidy money will only be going to those wise enough to set up state exchanges......this will get better and better. Oh, by the way, the American voters had ample opportunity to throw the President out of office if they thought the ACA was bad, but then again the small bus crew were talking about Bhengazi.

"Let me also say that -- let me also address a illegitimate concern that's being put forward by those who are claiming that a public option is somehow a Trojan horse for a single-payer system. I'll be honest; there are countries where a single-payer system works pretty well. But I believe -- and I've taken some flak from members of my own party for this belief -- that it's important for our reform efforts to build on our traditions here in the United States. So when you hear the naysayers claim that I'm trying to bring about government-run health care,know this: They're not telling the truth."



2seaoat wrote:This whole last five years and ten months have been a lie

Certainly for people with low IQs I would not disagree.  Fortunately, we have a presidential election in 2016 and the low IQ folks can be lead around with Bhengazi and the ACA is bad, but most Americans are not stupid, and the results are certain.   Sorry, it must be driving some of you mad.  I am enjoying the news stories this year how well the exchanges are being accepted and understood.   Like fingernails on the chalkboard from some of you.

Obama Denies Lying to pass Obamacaid Th?id=HN.608045654398209060&w=180&h=183&c=7&rs=1&pid=1

Oh look! The legacy of the Obama administration and the Democratic party continues!

I can see the memoires now...

'The president who thought everyone was stupid!'



Last edited by Damaged Eagle on 11/16/2014, 2:54 pm; edited 1 time in total


Health care inflation almost stopped in its track. Fifty billion in savings. The web sites all working and people getting good choices in shopping for health care. Folks retiring early and enjoying the new found freedom of not being tied to a job for coverage. People are getting it, but it is too funny that there was ample opportunity to defeat the President in 2012, but the American people overwhelmingly supported this president. So the midterms became a proxy for the President's job.......not, and now the whining that folks were lied to.......nope........stupid is permanent. Now the President will have some fun with his last two is time to rub the puppies noses in it.



2seaoat wrote:This whole last five years and ten months have been a lie

Certainly for people with low IQs I would not disagree.  Fortunately, we have a presidential election in 2016 and the low IQ folks can be lead around with Bhengazi and the ACA is bad, but most Americans are not stupid, and the results are certain.   Sorry, it must be driving some of you mad.  I am enjoying the news stories this year how well the exchanges are being accepted and understood.   Like fingernails on the chalkboard from some of you.

You are in denial LOL

Even the GOV that you are defending isn't saying what youre saying LMAO!



2seaoat wrote:Health care inflation almost stopped in its track.  Fifty billion in savings.  The web sites all working and people getting good choices in shopping for health care.  Folks retiring early and enjoying the new found freedom of not being tied to a job for coverage.  People are getting it, but it is too funny that there was ample opportunity to defeat the President in 2012, but the American people overwhelmingly supported this president.  So the midterms became a proxy for the President's job.......not, and now the whining that folks were lied to.......nope........stupid is permanent.  Now the President will have some fun with his last two is time to rub the puppies noses in it.

Obama Denies Lying to pass Obamacaid Th?id=HN.608032425901952934&w=204&h=164&c=7&rs=1&pid=1

Are you getting in touch with your liberal Dixiecrat side today?





“I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits —either now or in the future,”



Obama Denies Lying to pass Obamacaid Th?&id=HN.608029406538371009&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1

And he closes down the government, the national monuments, national parks, etc... when the Republican controlled house sends him exactly what he promised in the budget they wrote up.





Of course the obama lies turn exponential once they leave his teleprompter.

Rep. Tony Cárdenas: "If you have insurance right now, your plan stays the same. This means if you get your health insurance through work, if you have Medicare or if you are a member of California Healthy Families, you keep that coverage." ("What Valley Residents Need to Know about Health Care Reform")

Rep. Kathy Castor: "…If you like your health insurance, you can keep it. Keep your current doctor as you see fit." ("What Does Health Insurance Reform Mean for You?")

"Nothing in this bill will force you to drop your current coverage. Rest assured, if you like your health insurance, you can keep it." (Press Release, 7/31/2009)

Rep. Gerry Connolly: "I already have insurance through an employer, a union, Medicare, Medicaid, TriCare, the VA, COBRA, or a retirement plan. Do I need to do anything? No. If you have coverage from any of these sources, you can keep it. Nothing in the Affordable Care Act requires you to change plans." (Obamacare FAQ)

Rep. Jim Costa: "I currently have an insurance plan that works. How will the new health care law affect me? Health reform protects existing coverage, and encourages employers to maintain it. It also improves current coverage by strengthening consumer protections." (Obamacare FAQ)

Rep. Joseph Crowley: "Our health care plan provides stability and security for those who have health insurance. If you like what you have, you can keep it." (Press Release, 11/7/2009)

Rep. Henry Cuellar: "Keep your doctor, and your current plan, if you like them." (Health Care Reform Summary, prepared by House Democratic Leadership, 8/10/2009)

Rep. Peter DeFazio: "The legislation is not a government takeover of health care. It will not get between anyone and their doctor. If you have insurance, you can keep your current plan." (Press Release, 3/24/2010)

Rep. Ted Deutch: "If you have job-based health insurance you like, you can keep it." (Health Care FAQ)

Rep. Lloyd Doggett: "If you already have coverage through your employer, Medicare, TRICARE, or some other source, you can keep that insurance and you are not required to buy additional coverage." (The Affordable Care Act)

Rep. Keith Ellison: "If you like the insurance you have, you can keep it. Don't listen to that stuff you heard in the last hour, Mr. Speaker. The truth is, you get to keep your health insurance if that's what you want." (Floor Speech)

Rep. Eliot Engel: "This is a great day for all Americans from all walks of life – seniors, youth, the sick and the healthy. If you have health insurance, you can keep your doctor and your health plan. You like it, you keep it. It's that simple." (Press Release, 11/9/2009)

Rep. Anna Eshoo: "Q. My employer already provides coverage for me and my family and I like my plan. Do I need to do anything differently? A. No. You just keep the coverage you have." (Press Release, as seen on 10/22/2013)

Rep. Sam Farr: "If you have job-based health insurance you like, you can keep it. You're considered covered. You may be able to change to Marketplace coverage if you prefer." (Obamacare FAQ)

Rep. John Garamendi: "Just six months after our historic health insurance reforms were signed into law, important consumer protections are going into effect. These protections mean that never again will your insurance run out or be taken away from you when you need it the most." (Press Release, 10/20/2010)

Rep. Gene Green: "If you have job-based health insurance you like, you can keep it. In fact, with new regulations and standards, the insurance you currently have will include new consumer protections like no lifetime limits, minimum coverage standards, and limits on administrative costs." (Obamacare FAQ)

Rep. Raul Grijalva: "No one is forced to do anything. The entire premise of this legislation is to build on what works in today's system. If you have employer sponsored health care today - as do most insured people – than little to nothing will change, except that your premiums will no longer subsidize coverage for the uninsured. If you are covered in the individual insurance market, you can keep your plan permanently and it will count as acceptable coverage even if it doesn't meet those terms under the new law." (Obamacare FAQ)

Rep. Alcee Hastings: "Individuals who already have health insurance through their employers or are self-insured will keep their insurance. There is absolutely no provision within the ACA that would remove existing coverage from individuals and families. Furthermore, the law will make existing plans more secure and affordable." (Obamacare FAQ)

Rep. Mike Honda: "Under the bill, if you are covered by a large employer, you are not likely to see many changes to your healthcare coverage." (Blog Release, 4/5/2010)

Rep. Steny Hoyer: "We need to build upon the current system of employer-sponsored care, with a system that provides patients their choice of insurance coverage and their choice of doctors. In other words, if you like what you have, you should be able to keep it." (Town Hall Meeting, 4/21/2009)

Rep. Marcy Kaptur: "The goal is to try to get you into a plan that you pick, where you feel you have very carefully monitored care, that you participate in, so nobody's left out, nobody's rejected and you have choices. That sounds like a much better system than we have today for so many people. If you like what you have, you keep it…" (Press Release)

"The whole intention of the law is to relieve some of the worries that seniors face," Congresswoman Kaptur said. And, "you keep the insurance that you have if you like it." (Telephone Townhall)

Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy III: "If you have job-based health insurance you like, it is not necessary to change your plan. You may be able to change to Marketplace coverage if you prefer. Any job-based health plan you currently have qualifies as minimum essential coverage." (Obamacare FAQ)

Rep. Ron Kind: "In order to increase access to affordable coverage we must make sure no one is denied coverage, specifically due to pre-existing conditions. Reform seeks to build on the existing system so that if you like your employer sponsored health insurance, you can keep it." (Press Release, 7/22/2009)

Rep. Jim Langevin: "Keep your doctor, and your current plan, if you like them." (Newsletter, 8/10/2009)

Rep. Rick Larsen: "This bill will give the power back to the American consumer. It preserves choice and creates competition in the insurance market. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you change jobs, you can keep your coverage." (Press Release, 3/21/2010)

Rep. John Larson: "I am committed to health care reform that allows you to keep your current plan if you like it, reform that puts you and your doctor in charge of your care. The cost of inaction on health care will continue to debilitate our families, small businesses, and our nation." (Press Release, 8/24/2009)

Rep. Sander Levin: "If you like your current health plan, you will be able to keep it. But it is clear that our nation wants us to fix what's not working by reducing costs, increasing prevention, improving quality, and covering uninsured Americans," said Rep. Levin." (Press Release, 6/9/2009)

Rep. Michelle Lujan-Grisham: "If you are already receiving coverage through eligible employer-sponsored insurance, eligible individual insurance, grandfathered health plans, and federal programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, VA Health Care, CHIP and others, you do not need to purchase new health insurance." (Blog Post, 11/6/2013)

Rep. Doris Matsui: "If you are insured and already have a "qualified" health insurance plan through your employer, nothing changes. You can keep your plan. You can keep your doctor." (Obamacare FAQ)

Rep. Jerry McNerney: "Reforming health care is a fiscally responsible course of action that will build on the best of the American system by making sure people can keep their current insurance if they like it and choose what doctors they want see." (Press Release, 3/22/2010)

Rep. George Miller: "If you get insurance through your job or have Medicare, you don't need to do anything – you can keep your insurance." (Blog Post, 9/30/2013)

Rep. Rick Nolan: "If you like the plan you have, you can keep it. And in fact, you'll get a host of other built-in new consumer protections." (ACA Resources)

Rep. Frank Palone: "Our health plan fulfills commitments made by this Congress and President Obama to reform health care. The plan … Keeping your doctor and your plan if you like them." (Press Release, 7/19/2009)

Rep. Mark Pocan: I have health insurance from my employer, and I like the plan that I have. Do I get to keep it? "You can keep the plan you have, and will enjoy many of the benefits of the Affordable Care Act, including the prohibiting of insurance companies from dropping your coverage just because you got sick." (ACA FAQ)

Rep. Jared Polis: "If you are currently insured and like the plan you have, you'll likely be able to stick with your current plan." ("Obamacare Enrollment Begins Today," 10/1/2013)

Rep. David Price: "Just as in the past, if you like your doctor, you can choose to stay with your doctor." (Constituent Mailing, 7/14/2013)

Rep. Mike Quigley: "Allows you to keep your coverage and doctor if you like them." (Press Release, 8/20/2009)

Rep. John Sarbanes: "Keep your doctor, and your current plan, if you like them." (Health Care Reform E-Newsletter, 8/12/2009)

Rep. Allyson Schwartz: "If you already have health coverage you like, you can keep it." (ACA: Update)

Rep. Eric Swalwell: "If you have employer-provided health insurance, public program insurance such as Medicare, or are a veteran receiving VA health care, you are considered covered and can keep your current plan." (ACA FAQ)

Rep. Niki Tsongas: The legislation takes significant steps towards covering all Americans, while enabling anyone happy with their current plan to keep it." (Press Release, 3/21/2010)

Rep. Chris Van Hollen: "If you like your doctor and your plan, you can keep them." (Press Release, 7/14/2009)

Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz: "Let me be clear: if you like your current plan, you'll be able to keep it. Rather, we will build on our current system, so we can give you the freedom to choose what works best for you and your family. If you like your doctor, keep your doctor. If you like your current plan, keep your current plan. If you don't, or if you don't have one, then get one that works for you." (Press Release, 7/1/2009)

Rep. Henry Waxman: "If you like your doctor and your current plan, you keep them. But we fundamentally reform the insurance company practices that are failing our families." (Press Release, 3/21/2013)

Rep. Peter Welch: "Under the legislation, individuals with insurance can keep the coverage they have now, and it will get better." (Obamacare FAQ)

Rep. John Yarmuth: "Keep your doctor, and your current plan, if you like them." (Obamacare FAQ, as seen on August 23, 2013)



1) Carried out military interventionism in Libya without Congressional approval

In June 2011, U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) said that Obama had violated the Constitution when he launched military operations in Libya without Congressional approval.

In April 2014, Ralph Nader said that Obama should be impeached for his actions in Libya.

2) Gave a no-bid contract to Halliburton cronies – just like Bush did

In May 2010, it was reported that the Obama administration had selected KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, for a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through 2011, just hours after the Justice Department had said it would pursue a lawsuit accusing the Houston-based company of using kickbacks to get foreign contracts.

Don’t be fooled by the words “former subsidiary.” These are the same Halliburton cronies that Bush gave a no-bid contract to.

3) Has an administration full of lobbyists, after promising he wouldn’t have any

On November 15, 2007, in Las Vegas, Nevada, Obama said that lobbyists

“… will not work in my White House.”

However, by February 2010, he had more than 40 lobbyists working in his administration. A list of them can be seen here.

4) Has close ties to Wall St., but pretends to support Occupy Wall St.

Although Obama claims to support the Occupy Wall St. movement, the truth is that he has raised more money from Wall St. than any other candidate during the last 20 years. In early 2012, Obama held a fundraiser where Wall St. investment bankers and hedge fund managers each paid $35,800 to attend. In October 2011, Obama hired Broderick Johnson, a longtime Wall Street lobbyist, to be his new senior campaign adviser. Johnson had worked as a lobbyist for JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Fannie Mae, Comcast, Microsoft, and the oil industry.

5) Broke his promise to close Guantanamo Bay

Obama broke his promise to close Guantanamo Bay.

6) Supported the $700 billion TARP corporate-welfare bailout just like Bush

While Senator, Obama voted for the $700 billion TARP bank bailout bill. The bailout rewarded irresponsible and illegal behavior. It redirected resources from more productive uses to less productive uses. It punished the hard working taxpayers who had played by the rules and obeyed the law. It created horrible incentives, and sent the wrong message. The bailout was evil because it rewarded the bad people and punished the good people. No society that does this can expect to remain free or prosperous. Instead of bailing out these corrupt corporations, we should have let them cease to exist, like we did with Enron.

7) Waged the biggest war against medical marijuana of any president, which was the opposite of what he had promised

In May 2008, Obama campaign spokesperson Ben LaBolt said that Obama would end DEA raids on medical marijuana in states where it’s legal. Also in 2008, Obama said that he supported the “basic concept of using medical marijuana for the same purposes and with the same controls as other drugs” and that he was “not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws.”

However, in February 2010, DEA agents raided a medical marijuana grower in Highlands Ranch in Colorado, a state where medical marijuana is legal. Also in February 2010, DEA agents raided a medical marijuana dispensary in Culver City in California, a state where medical marijuana is legal. In July 2010, the DEA raided at least four medical marijuana growers in San Diego, California. Also in July 2010, the DEA raided a medical marijuana facility in Covelo, California. Then in September 2010, the DEA conducted raids on at least five medical marijuana dispensaries in Las Vegas, Nevada, where medical marijuana is legal. In 2011, the DEA conducted raids on medical marijuana in Seattle, Washington, West Hollywood, California, and Helena, Montana, all places where it is legal. In April 2012, the DEA carried out several raids on medical marijuana in Oakland, California.

In February 2012, Rolling Stone magazine wrote that Obama’s war against medical marijuana went “far beyond anything undertaken by George W. Bush.” In April 2012, Mother Jones magazine wrote: “The president campaigned on the promise that he’d stop federal raids on medical marijuana operations that were in compliance with state laws, a vow that Attorney General Eric Holder repeated after the election. But then the Obama administration raided more than 100 dispensaries in its first three years and is now poised to outpace the Bush administration’s crackdown record.” In May 2012, the Washington Post wrote: “Obama has become more hostile to medical marijuana patients than any president in U.S. history.” In May 2012, U.S. Congressperson Nancy Pelosi (D-California) said she had “strong concerns” about Obama’s forced closure of five medical marijuana facilities in Pelosi’s congressional district. In April 2012, commenting on Obama’s crackdown on medical marijuana, U.S. Congressman Barney Frank (D-Massachusetts) said, “I’m very disappointed… They look more like the Bush administration than the Clinton administration.”

In July 2012, federal prosecutors filed civil forfeiture actions against Harborside Health Center, a medical marijuana dispensary in Oakland, CA, which claims to be the world’s largest, and which claims to serve more than 100,000 medical marijuana patients. In April 2012, federal agents raided Oaksterdam University, an educational institution in Oakland, CA, which teaches people about medical marijuana. In April 2012, federal agents raided a medical marijuana facility which had been serving 1,500 patients near Lake Elsinore, CA. In June 2012, the Obama administration filed asset-forfeiture lawsuits against two landlords who rented their buildings to medical marijuana stores in Santa Fe Springs, CA. The Obama administration also sent warning letters which threatened similar legal action to dozens of other, nearby landlords. During the first seven months of 2012, the DEA shut down 40 medical marijuana dispensaries in Colorado, all of which had been operating in compliance with state and local law.

In April 2013, the DEA raided four medical marijuana dispensaries in Los Angeles, California. Also in April 2013, the DEA raided a medical marijuana dispensary in San Diego, California. In July 2013, the DEA conducted multiple medical marijuana raids in Washington state, including the cities of Olympia, Tacoma, and Seattle. In August 2013, the DEA raided People’s Choice Alternative Medicine, a medical marijuana facility in Ann Arbor, Michigan. In October 2013, the DEA raided 28 medical marijuana facilities in Michigan. In November 2013, the DEA raided 12 medical marijuana facilities in Denver, Colorado.

In May 2012, ABC News reported that during Obama’s youth, he often smoked large quantities of recreational marijuana. Obama’s marijuana smoking wasn’t even medical – it was recreational. And yet now, he is taking large scale, widespread action to prevent people with AIDS, cancer, multiple sclerosis, glaucoma, and other illnesses, who have prescriptions from their doctors, from using their prescription medicine – how cold hearted can a person be?

Cool Nominated a six-time tax cheater to head the government agency that enforces the tax laws

Obama nominated Timothy Geithner, a repeat tax cheater, to head the government agency that enforces the tax laws.

Prior to his nomination, Geithner had:

1) Illegally failed to pay more than $34,000 in social security and medicare taxes

2) Illegally declared the cost of his children’s summer camp as a form of day care.

3) Illegally failed to pay the early withdrawal penalty when he took money out of his retirement plan

4) Illegally declared non-eligible items as a charitable deduction

5) Illegally declared something which was ineligible as a small business deduction

6) Illegally declared utility expenses which had actually been for his personal use

9) Gave tax dollars to AIG executives, then pretended to be outraged about it

Obama signed a “stimulus” bill that spent money on bonuses for AIG executives. Prior to signing this bill, Obama had said, “when I’m president, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely.” However, after reading “line by line” and signing the “stimulus” bill that protected the AIG bonuses, Obama pretended to be shocked and outraged at the bonuses, and said, “Under these circumstances, it’s hard to understand how derivative traders at A.I.G. warranted any bonuses at all, much less $165 million in extra pay… How do they justify this outrage to the taxpayers who are keeping the company afloat?” and also said that he would “pursue every single legal avenue to block these bonuses.”

10) Expanded Bush’s unconstitutional government faith based programs

Obama expanded the federal government’s faith based programs which had been started by President George W. Bush.

11) Supported Bush’s unconstitutional Patriot Act

In May 2011, Obama signed a renewal of the Patriot Act.

12) Increased the national debt more in one term than Bush did in two

The national debt increased more during Obama’s first three years and two months than it did during all eight years of George W. Bush’s presidency.

13) Agrees with Bush’s support of unconstitutional, indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without filing any charges

In December 2011, ACLU executive director Anthony D. Romero criticized Obama for signing a bill that gave the U.S. government the power to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens without any charges being filed or any trial taking place.

14) Agrees with Bush’s support of unconstitutional, warrantless wiretapping

President Obama has defended warrantless wiretapping.

15) Avoided prosecution of Wall. St criminals

Although Obama had promised to prosecute Wall St. criminals, during his entire first term, his administration did not file any criminal charges against any of the top financial executives.

16) Had four U.S. citizens killed without judicial process

Obama had four U.S. citizens killed without judicial process.

The ACLU accused Obama of violating the U.S. Constitution for doing this.

U.S. Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) said that Obama’s actions might be an impeachable offense.

Ralph Nader wrote that Obama

“has extended the Bush doctrine by declaring his unilateral right, as secret prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner, to destroy anybody, anywhere in the world, including American citizens, suspected to be engaged in alleged terrorist activities, all this vaguely and loosely defined as anti-U.S. security.”

17) Ordered private company to fire 1,000 employees

In 2011, after Boeing had hired 1,000 new employees to work at its new factory in South Carolina, the Obama administration ordered Boeing to shut down the factory, because the factory was non-union.

Youll have to go look at the other almost 800 lies documented here.. its too many to post



I think it's also fair to call the exemptions and waivers a lie... including the reinterpretion to except congress.

List of waivers and exemptions:

24 Hour Fitness Allied Building Inspectors IUOE Local 211 Welfare Fund Alpha Omega Home Health, LLC Andersen Corporation Bowman Sheet Metal Heating & Air-conditioning Bricklayers Insurance & Welfare Fund Bridge, Structural, Ornamental & Reinforcing Ironworkers Local Union No. 60* Carey Johnson Oil Co, Inc Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Albany* Cement Masons' Local No. 502 Welfare Fund City of Bloomington VEBA Health Savings Plan* City of Burnsville* City of Olathe* Clausen Miller PC Crystal Run Village, Inc* Delta Apparel Discovery Benefits* Dr. Trailer Repair, Inc. Employer-Teamsters Local Nos. 175 & 505 Health and Welfare Fund Entrust Fabri-Quilt GC Harvesting, Inc. Glen Curtis, Inc. #2143 Heritage Christian Services IBEW Local 3 NYC Electrical Division Health & Welfare Fund Indiana Area UFCW Union Locals and Retail Food Employers' Health and Welfare Plan Ingham County Innovative Driver Services Company Integrity Data* Inter-County Hospitalization Plan, Inc. Jakov P. Dulcich & Sons Jefferson Rehabilitation Center JLG Harvesting, Inc. Johnson Machine Works Kent County Laborers' District Council of Virginia Health and Welfare Trust Fund Laborers National Health and Welfare Fund Local 1245 Health Fund Local 237 Teamsters Suffolk Regional Off-Track Betting Corp. Health and Welfare Trust Fund Local 295 Welfare Fund Local 381 Group Insurance Fund Local 805 Welfare Fund Marble Industry Trust Fund McGregor Schools ISD #4* MJ Soffe MO-Kan Teamsters and Welfare Fund Mounds View Public Schools* MVP North State Bank North States Industries Inc* Pathways Inc. Pavers and Road Builders District Council Welfare Fund Phoenix Children's Academy Roofers Local 8 Insurance & Trust Fund San Bernardino IHSS Public Authority SCC Healthcare Group, LLP Schenectady ARC* Schoharie County ARC* Sieben Polk Law Firm Sitel, Inc. Southern Graphic Communication Health Fund Springbrook Standalone HRA* St. Lawrence NYSARC* Sunview Vineyards of California, Inc. Tandem Eastern Inc. / Consolidated Transport Systems, Inc. Taylor Farms Teamsters Union Local # 35 The Day Care Council/Council of Supervisors and Administrators Welfare Fund The Public Authority of San Luis Obispo County The University Financing Foundation, Inc. The Village of Newark Non-Union Employee Plan* Theatrical Stage Employees Local One Tuff Shed, Inc. U.A. Local 13 & Employers Group Insurance Plan* UFCW & Participating Food Industry Employers Tri-State Health & Welfare Fund UFCW Local 1500 Welfare Fund UFCW Local One Health Care Fund Ulster Greene ARC* Westminster-Canterbury of Lynchburg Wine and Liquor Salesmen of NJ A-1 Transport AIDS Council of Northeastern New York Avon Central School District Azeros Health Plans, Inc.* Benton County* Bessey Tools, Inc. Canandaigua City Schools* City of Eagan* City of Shakopee Post-Employment Health Care Savings Account Plan * Community Work and Independence Inc. Continuing Developmental Services Crystal Cabinet Works, Inc. CU*Answers, Inc. Euromarket Designs, Inc., d/b/a Crate and Barrel First National Bank of Dietrerich Franziska Racker Centers* Fridley Public Schools Health Savings Plan* FSA/SUNYAB-Campus Dining and Shops Genesee County ARC* Genesee County Economic Development Corp Health Reimbursement Account* Grand Island Central School District* Hammondsport Central School District Imperial Wholesale, Inc. Learning Disabilities Association of Western New York Minnesota State Retirement System Post-Employment Health Care Savings Plan - City of Roseville* Naples Central School District Naples Central School District Support Staff Newark Central School District Niagara-Wheatfield CSD Self Funded Panama Central School District People 1st Health Strategies, Inc. Pipe Fitters' Welfare Fund, Local 597* Ron Clark Construction Health reimbursement Arrangement* Sherman Central School District Silver Creek Central School District* Sodus Central School District Telco Construction Town of Albion Town of Chenango Town of Lockport Twin City Die Casting* Western Area Volunteer Emergency Services * Westfield Academy* Williamson Central School District American Radio Association Plan Carpenters Health and Security Trust of Western Washington Communicare Health Benefits Trust District Council 1707 Local 389 Home Care Employees Health & Welfare Fund Health and Welfare Plan of the Laundry, Dry Cleaning Workers & Allied Industry Health Fund, Workers United Northern Illinois and Iowa Laborers Health and Welfare Fund Prell Services United Food and Commercial Workers Retail Employees and Employers Health and Welfare Plan A-1 Realty* AABR* ABCO Diecasters* Alfred P. Sloan* Alizio & Galfunt* All American Heating and AC* Allied Pilots Association Amherst Central School District* AristaCare at Meadow Springs* Arthur Sanderson& Sons* Associated General Contractors of ND Employees* Autistic Service, Inc.* Bartech Group Basf Fuel Cell, Inc.* Battery Park City Authority* Battery Park City Conservancy* Benefit Analysis Inc.* Blaze SSI* Blue Beacon Board of Trustees for the Operating Engineers Local 101 Health and Welfare Fund Business Wire* Cargo Ventures* Carnegie Corporation of NY* Carpenters Local No. 491 Health & Welfare Plan Central Laborers' Welfare Fund Central States, Southeast and Southwest Areas Health and Welfare Fund City of Cottage Grove* City of Inver Grove Heights* City Of Roseville MN* Clinton Management* Cloquet Area Fire Department* Cohen Partners* Community Bank of Bergen County* Community Mainstreaming* Contract Cleaners Service Employees Benefit Trust Cornerstone Search Group* D & D Ag Supply and Construction, Inc.* Dial Senior Management, Inc Douglaston Development* Dr. Margaret Andrin, MD FACOG LLC* Dynasil Corporation* Echo Molding* Eighth District Electrical Benefit Fund Electrical Workers Health and Welfare Fund Enterprise Concrete Products, LLC Texas Epilepsy Foundation* Epilepsy Foundation Northeastern New York* Evans Chemetics* Excellus Health Plan Fairport Central School District* Goodwill Industries of Central Indiana Gregory Packaging* Gulf Coast Health Care Handcraft Manufacturing Corporation* Haver Analytics Health Waiver* Health Care Employees Dental and Medical Trust Hiawatha Medical, Inc.* Highfield Gardens Care Center* Hirsch International* Hotel, Restaurant & Bar Employees Health and Welfare Fund Hypex Inc.* IBEW Local Union No. 126 Health and Welfare Fund International Union of Operating Engineers, Supplemental Benefit Fund Local 409* Interstate Connecting Components* Jacobson Family Investments* J-B Wholesale Pet Supplies* JKL International* Jump, Scutellaro, and Co., LLP* KC International dba Ekman Recycling* Kerwin Communications* Kingstown Capital Management* Koellman Gear Corporation* Kramer Electronics* Lakeview Subacute Care Center* Langan Engineering and Financial Services, Inc.* LBDD* League of Minnesota Cities* Leisure Properties LLC d/b/a/ Crownline Boats* Liberty House Nursing Home* Lifetime Assistance, Inc* Lincoln Hall* Local 888 UFCW Maharishi University of Management Mamiya America Corporation* Mandt Reiss & Associates PLLC Margaret P. Muscarelle Child Dev. Center* Merrill Farms LLC Micelli Motors, Inc.* Midwest Asphalt Corporation * Midwest Teamsters Monroe County* Nassau County Chapter, NYSARC, Inc* NCHC, Inc.* New York State Assn. for Retarded Children Erie Co. Chapter dba/Heritage Centers* NJ Society of CPAs* North Greece Fire District* Northern Minnesota-Wisconsin Area Retail Food Health & Welfare Fund Ogontz Avenue Revitalization Corporation* Parkview Care and Rehab* PCB Machining Solutions* PCB Piezotronics* Philadelphia Macaroni Company* Phoenix Partners Group, LP* Privilege Underwriters, Inc.* Progressive AE* Quadrant Capital Advisors, Inc.* Regency Management Group, LLC* Rhoads Industries* Roofers Local #96 Health & Welfare Fund Rowe and Company, Inc.* Rush-Henrietta Central School District HRA* Security Benefit Fund of the Uniformed Firefighters Association of New York City SEIU Health and Welfare fund, 2000 Seneca Cayuga ARC* Service Employees 32BJ North Health Benefit Fund* Sierra Video Systems* SMEG* Strategic Industries* Superior Officers Council Health and Welfare Fund Teamsters Local Union 966 Health Fund Techno Source USA* The Alternative Living Group, Inc.* The Arc of Otsego (Otsego County Chapter NYSARC, Inc.)* The Arc of Rensselaer County* The City of Cloquet* The Henry Luce Foundation* The Maritime Aquarium of Norwalk, Inc.* The Pew Charitable Trusts* The Rehabilitation Center* The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation* Topco* Totino Grace High School* Urstadt Biddle Properties* W.H. Reaves & Co., Inc.* Walder, Hayden & Brogan, PA* Walters-Morgan Construction, Inc. Wellspring Advisors* West Bergen Mental Healthcare* Westchester ARC* Westchester JCS* Western Beef* Hollow Metal Trust Fund Theatrical Teamsters Local 817 IBT Welfare Fund Vestal Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc. AccessAbility, Inc. Ackerman Oil Employee Benefit Trust Albany County Chapter, NYSARC Inc., DBA New Visions of Albany* American Eagle Outfitters Basin Disposal Bengard Ranch, Inc. Bestway Rental, Inc Big Lots, Inc. Byrd Harvest, Inc. Cardinal Hayes Home for Children HRA plan* CDS Administrative Services, LLC Center for Energy and Environment* City of Brooklyn Park* D'Arrigo Bros. Co. of California Defender Services, Inc. DineEquity, Inc Green Leaf Distributors, Inc. IBEW Local Union No. 728 Family Healthcare Plan Joseph Gallo Farms Life Benefit Plan Luther Automotive Group HRA* Metrics Inc. Nueces County Appraisal District Ocean Properties Ltd P-R Farms, Inc. SEIU Health & Welfare Fund Sports Arena Employees' Local 137 Welfare Fund Staywell Saipan Basic Plan Truck Drivers and Helpers Local 355 Health and Welfare Fund Communications Workers of America, Local 1180 Security Benefits Fund Health and Welfare Fund of the Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. Police Department City of New York Man-U Service Contract Health and Welfare Fund Paschall Truck Lines, Inc. SEIU Local 300, Civil Service Forum Employees Welfare Fund Electrical Welfare Trust Fund Highmark West Virginia Inc. d/b/a Mountain State Blue Cross Blue Shield Advocacy and Resource Center* Amalgamated, Industrial and Toy & Novelty Workers of America, Local 223 Sick Benefit Fund Atlanta Plumbers & Steamfitters Fringe Benefit Funds Aurora Consulting Group, Inc.* Brock Enterprises, Inc. Central Texas Health and Benefit Trust Fund Locals 520, 60 & 72 Electricians Health, Welfare & Pension Plans I.B.E.W. Local Union No. 995 Essex County Chapter NYSARC, Inc. dba Mountain Lake Services* Executive Management Services, Inc. Florida Laborers Health Fund Fulton County Chapter NYSARC, Inc.* General Parts, LLC* Greystone program, Inc* Hacienda Harvesting, Inc. IBEW Local No. 640 and Arizona Chapter NECA Health & Welfare Trust Fund Lone Star Park at Grand Prairie Louisiana Electrical Health Fund Maverick, Inc. Employee Health Care Benefits Plan Memphis Construction Benefit Fund Mid-South Carpenters Regional Council Health and Welfare Fund Mountain Lake Services NECA-IBEW Local 480 Health and Welfare Plan Plumbers and Pipefitters Welfare Fund of Local Union No. 719 Retiree Plan of the Central States, Southeast and Southwest Areas Health and Welfare Fund Richmond Community Services* Sheet Metal Workers Local No. 177 Health and Welfare, Pension and Vacation Funds Sheet Metal Workers' National Health Fund South Central Laborers' Health & Welfare Fund Southeastern Pipetrades Health & Welfare Fund Telamon Corporation Health Reimbursement Arrangement* The ARC of Delaware County* UFCW Local 1262 and Employers Health & Welfare Fund United Cerebral Palsy of Ulster County, Inc* Vincent B Zaninovich & Sons, Inc. Wayne ARC Standalone HRA Section 105 Plan* Wildwood Program* Allied Welfare Fund Becker County Post-Retirement Health Care Savings Plan* Becker County VEBA* FIDUCIA* Triple-S Salud, Inc. B. R. Company Britz Companies, ET AL Century Health and Wellness Benefit Plan and Trust EBSA Foundation Encore Enterprises Faurecia USA Holdings Goodwill Industries of Kentucky, Inc. Minnesota Cement Masons Health and Welfare Fund Plumbers Local Union No. 690 of Philadelphia and Vicinity Health Plan Robert Heath Trucking Inc Securitas Security Services USA, Inc. Sunwest Fruit Company, Inc The Louis Berger Group, Inc. United Food & Commercial Workers Unions and Employers Midwest Health Benefits Fund WD Young& Sons, Inc. Atlantis Casino Resort Spa United Food and Commercial Workers and Employers Arizona Act Trust Mini-Med Plan Allen's Family Food Anderson Media Corporation Blasters, Drillers & Miners Union Local No. 29 Welfare Fund Care Initiatives, Inc. Cement and Concrete Workers District Council Welfare Fund Plan COARC* Construction Workers Local 147 Welfare Fund Crystal Run Healthcare Diamondback Management Services, LTD Freeman Metal Products Hardwick Clothes, Inc. Hronis, Inc. International Union of Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Isaacson Isaacson Seridan & Fountain, LLP Katy Industries, Inc. Landscape, Irrigation and Lawn Sprinkler Industry Health and Welfare Plan and Trust Local 298 Health Benefit Fund Plan Local 803 Health and Welfare Fund Louisiana Laborers Health and Welfare Fund M.A. Mortenson Maple Knoll Communities Marshall Durbin Food Corporation Minnesota Teamsters Construction Division Name Brand, Inc. Oklahoma Goodwill Industries PepsiCo, Inc Plumbers & Pipefitters Local Union 823 Health & Welfare Fund Plumbers & Steamfitters Local No. 6 Health and Welfare Fund Regent Care Center Rice Food Markets, Inc. Rice Food Markets, Inc. Ricker Oil Company Skilled Health Care Southwestern Teamsters Security Fund Teamsters Local 445 Welfare Plan Teamsters Local 210 Affiliated Health and Insurance Fund Teamsters Welfare Fund of Northern New Jersey Local 1723 The Durango Herald The Talbots, Inc Town of Frisco Medical Plan Tudor Ranch UNITE HERE Local 74 Welfare and Dental Trust United Employees Health Plans United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 1000 and Kroger Dallas Health and Welfare Plan United Service Employees Union, Local 377, RWDSU, UFCW WageWorks, Inc IBEW Local 613 and Contributing Employers Family Health Plan (Union) Advantage Benefits Company, LLC Aerospace Contractors' Trust** AJFC Community Action Plan** Altisource Portfolio Solutions American Heritage Life Insurance Company Americare Properties, Inc. AMN Healthcare Andrews Transport L.P.** Anoka Hennepin Credit Union* ** APWU Health Plan Conversion Plan Aspen Snowmass** ATCO Rubber Products, Inc Baylor County Hospital District Belk Farms** Bricklayers Local 1 of MD, VA and DC Cardon & Associates, Inc** Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Ogdensburg Central Mills** Civil Service Bar Association Security Benefit Fund** Cotton Belt Inc.** CPC Logistics Health & Welfare Plan** Delmarva United Food and Commercial Workers** Dole Food Company** EchoStar** First Acceptance Corporation Fontanese Folts Aubrecht Ernst Architects, PC** Forest Products Inc. Group Health Plan** Fruhauf Uniform Direct Labor Golden State Bulb Growers, Inc.** Greater Kansas City Laborers Welfare Fund** Grower's Transport LLC Heartland Automotive** Helfman Enterprises, Inc.** Hoosier Stamping and Manufacturing Corp. Horizon Bay Realty LLC** I.B.E.W. Local 1249 Insurance Fund** Ingomar Packing Company, LLC Integra Healthcare, Inc. (Integrity Home Care)** International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers** International Brotherhood of Trade Unions Health and Welfare Fund - Local 713 International Union of Operating Engineers Local 295-295C Welfare Trust Fund** International union of Operating Engineers, Local Union Number 137** Iron Workers Local Union #28 Health and Welfare Fund** Lamanuzzi & Pantaleo** Living Resources** Local 1102 Amalgamated Welfare Fund Local 1102 Health & Benefit Fund Local 1102 Welfare Fund-- Lerner Employees Local 272 Welfare Fund** Local 338 Affiliated Benefit Funds Madelia Community Hospital** Max Homes, Loc** Medical Development Corporation** Mesa Air Group** Mesa Packing** Michigan Conference of Teamsters Welfare Fund** Minnesota and North Dakota Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers** Mission Linen Supply NFI Industries Operating Engineers Local 835 Health and Welfare Fund Opportunity Resources, Inc. Health and Welfare Plan Orange County AHRC* ** Orscheln Industries Pacific Risk Management** Pearson Candy Company Pinnacle PRM** Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 430 Health and Welfare Fund** Progressive Logistics Services** Pure Air Filter Sales & Service** Rancho Maria PRM** Reiter Affiliated Companies** Retail, Wholesale & Dept. Store Union Local 1034 Welfare Fund Rio Farms PRM** Sensient Technologies Corp. Service Employees International Union Local 1 Cleveland Welfare Fund SFN Group Sheet Metal Workers Funds of Local Union 38** SMWIA 28** Southeast OBGYN, PC* ** Southern CA Pipe Trades Trust Fund Southern Operators Health Fund** Stonebridge Hospitality Associates** Sun Healthcare Group, Inc. Teamsters Local 522 Welfare Fund Roofers Division Teamsters Local Union 72 Welfare Fund** Telesis Management Corporation Texas Carpenters and Millwrights Health and Welfare Fund The Mentor Network The Wada Farms, Inc. The Wilks Group, Inc. dba Ashley Furniture Homestore The Wright Travel Agency** Town of Grand Island* ** Trans-System, Inc. True Leaf Farms** UFCW Local 371 Amalgamated Welfare Fund** United Crafts Benefits Fund** United Food & Commercial Workers Unions and Employers Local No. 348 Health & Welfare Fund** United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1445 New Hampshire United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1459 and Contributing Employers Health and Welfare Fund** United Food and Commercial Workers Local 464a** United Food and Commercial Workers Local 911** Varsity Contractors, Inc. Waffle House Weckworth Manufacturing** Western Express, Inc. Western Harvesting PRM Health Plan** WG Yates and Sons Construction Company** World Class Automotive** Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation** Alaska Pipe Trade U.A. Local 367 Health and Security Trust** Amalgamated National Health Fund American Farms, PRM Health Plan** American Growers Cooling, PRM Health Plan** AUTO, LP, dba AutoInc. Health Benefit Plan** Better Way Partners, LLC** Big Valley Labor, PRM Health Plan** CB Harvesting, PRM Health Plan** City of Rockwall** Cocopah Nurseries, Inc. Express Harvesting, PRM Health Plan** Fallen Oak Packing, PRM Health Plan** FirstCarolinaCare Insurance Company on behalf of Longworth Industries Foot Locker, Inc.** Fresh Express G&H Farms, PRM Health Plan** Gill Ranch, PRM Health Plan** Gill Transport, PRM Health Plan** Gills Onions, PRM Health Plan** Green Valley Farm Supply, PRM Health Plan** Greencroft Communities Growers Express, PRM Health Plan** Hall Management Group, Inc.** IH Services** Independent Group Home Living Program, Inc. King City Nursery, PRM Health Plan** Meijer Health Benefits Plan/Primary Care Option Mission Ranches, PRM Health Plan** Moore's Retread & Tire of the Ark-La-Tex, Inc. NOITU Insurance Trust Fund** Payroll Solutions Plumbers and Pipefitters Local No. 630 Welfare Fund Seco Packing Transcorr United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 1000 United Wire, Metal & Machine Health & Welfare Fund** Western Growers Assurance Trust Wisconsin United Food & Commercial Workers Unions and Employers Health Plan** 1199SEIU Greater New York Benefit Fund A. Duda & Sons, Inc. Adecco Group, Inc. Biomedic Corporation Buffets, Inc. Carington Health System Cleveland Bakers Teamsters Club Chef LLC Columbia Sussex Mgmt, LLC CRST International Inc. Darr Equipment, Co. DC Cement Masons Welfare Fund Deaconess Long Term Care Diamond Comic Distributors, Inc. ECOM Atlantic, Inc. FW Walton, Inc. G4S Secure Solutions GC Services, L.P. & First Community Bancshares, Inc. Guardsmark, LLC Indiana Teamsters Health Benefits Fund Knox County Association for Retarded Citizens Laundry and Dry Cleaning Workers Local No. 52 Mars Super Markets, Inc. MPS Group, Inc. Nexion Health Noodles & Company Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy Quality Integrated Services, Inc. RE Rabalais Constructors, LTD RREMC LLC Security Forces Inc. Shirkey Nursing Social Service Employees Union Local 371 Spindle, Cooling, & Warehouse Strauss Discount Auto Sunburst Hospitality Susser Holding Corp Telescope Casual Furniture Teletech Holdings, Inc. The Brinkman Corporation The LDF Companies United Food and Commercial Workers Union (Mount Laurel, NJ) United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 1459 Universal Orlando Valley Services, Inc. United Food and Commercial Workers and Participating Employers Interstate Health and Welfare Fund Protocol Marketing Group Sasnak Star Tek Adventist Care Centers B.E.S.T of NY Boskovich Farms, Inc Café Enterprises, Inc. Capital District Physicians FleetPride, Inc. Gallegos Corp Hensley Industries, Inc. Jeffords Steel and Engineering Laborers' International Union of North America Local Union No. 616 Health and Welfare Plan O.K. Industries Service Employees Benefit Fund Sun Pacific Farming Coop SunWorld International, LLC UFCW Allied Trade Health & Welfare Trust United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 1995 HCR Manor Care IBEW No.915 Integra BMS for Culp, Inc. New England Health Care Employees Welfare Fund † Wiliamson-Dickie Manufacturing Company Aegis Security Insurance Company † Alliance One Tobacco Asbestos Workers Local 53 Welfare Fund Assurant Health (2nd Application) Captain Elliot's Party Boats Carlson Restaurants CH Guenther & Son CKM Industries dba Miller Environmental Caribbean Workers’ Voluntary Employees’ Beneficiary Health and Welfare Plan † Darden Restaurants Duarte Nursery Employees Security Fund Florida Trowel Trades Ingles Markets Meijer O'Reilly Auto Parts Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 123 Welfare Fund Sun Belt UFCW Local 227 Uncle Julio's United Group US Imaging Vino Farms AdvantaStaff, Inc. † Agricare Alaska Seafood American Fidelity Convergys Darensberries Gowan Company Greystar Macayo Restaurants Periodical Services UniFirst Universal Forest Products UFCW Maximus Local 455 American Habilitation Services, Inc. † GuideStone Financial Resources Local 25 SEIU MAUSER Corp. Preferred Care, Inc. Ruby Tuesday The Dixie Group, Inc. UFCW Local 1262 Whelan Security Company AMF Bowling Worldwide Assisted Living Concepts Case & Associates GPM Investments Grace Living Centers Mountaire Corporation † Swift Spinning Belmont Village Caliber Services Cracker Barrel DISH Network Groendyke Transport, Inc Pocono Medical Center Regis Corporation The Pictsweet Co. Diversified Interiors Local 802 Musicians Health Fund MCS Life Insurance Company † The Buccaneer CIGNA Greater Metropolitan Hotel Local 17 Hospitality Benefit Fund GSC-ILA The Allied Industries Health Fund Harden Healthcare Vernon Sheltered Workshop, Inc. Health and Welfare Plan #501 I.U.P.A.T Sanderson Plumbing Products, Inc. Transport Workers United Federation of Teachers Welfare Fund Aegis Aetna Allflex Baptist Retirement BCS Insurance Cryogenic Fowler Packing Co. Guy C. Lee Mfg. HealthPort Jack in the Box Maritime Association Maverick County Metropolitan D.C. Paving Industry Employees Health and Welfare Fund PMPS-ILA PS-ILA QK/DRD (Denny's) Reliance Standard Tri-Pak United Agricultural Benefit Trust


the Obama administration ordered Boeing to shut down the factory,

Most of these lies are simple stupid people incapable of understanding how government works. You stated a lie with the above. The NLRB is an independent body which reviews administrative hearings. It has Republicans and Democrats on the Board. It is independent of any President. However, Presidents can appoint and senate approve those appointments. You see how the hysteria of stupid creates an illusion, and you lack even cursory understanding of how government works.....and it is people like you which eat up this nonsense and then repeat it. Stupid cannot be fixed.



PkrBum wrote:I think it's also fair to call the exemptions and waivers a lie... including the reinterpretion to except congress.

List of waivers and exemptions:

24 Hour Fitness Allied Building Inspectors IUOE Local 211 Welfare Fund Alpha Omega Home Health,... Paving Industry Employees Health and Welfare Fund PMPS-ILA PS-ILA QK/DRD (Denny's) Reliance Standard Tri-Pak United Agricultural Benefit Trust

Obama Denies Lying to pass Obamacaid Th?&id=HN.608041694436724696&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1

When you live in a tyranny the nobles are always exempt from having to follow the laws and pay the levies they create for the peasants. One must remember that the rally call of the nobles is 'The peasants are stupid!'





Damaged Eagle wrote:
PkrBum wrote:I think it's also fair to call the exemptions and waivers a lie... including the reinterpretion to except congress.

List of waivers and exemptions:

24 Hour Fitness Allied Building Inspectors IUOE Local 211 Welfare Fund Alpha Omega Home Health,... Paving Industry Employees Health and Welfare Fund PMPS-ILA PS-ILA QK/DRD (Denny's) Reliance Standard Tri-Pak United Agricultural Benefit Trust

Obama Denies Lying to pass Obamacaid Th?&id=HN.608041694436724696&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1

When you live in a tyranny the nobles are always exempt from having to follow the laws and pay the levies they create for the peasants. One must remember that the rally call of the nobles is 'The peasants are stupid!'



Classic fascism.



2seaoat wrote:the Obama administration ordered Boeing to shut down the factory,

Most of these lies are simple stupid people incapable of understanding how government works.  You stated a lie with the above.  The NLRB is an independent body which reviews administrative hearings.  It has Republicans and Democrats on the Board.   It is independent of any President.  However, Presidents can appoint and senate approve those appointments.   You see how the hysteria of stupid creates an illusion, and you lack even cursory understanding of how government works.....and it is people like you which eat up this nonsense and then repeat it.  Stupid cannot be fixed.

Obama Denies Lying to pass Obamacaid Th?id=HN.608016560286730777&w=103&h=164&c=7&rs=1&pid=1

I rest my case Pkr.





2seaoat wrote:the Obama administration ordered Boeing to shut down the factory,

Most of these lies are simple stupid people incapable of understanding how government works. You stated a lie with the above. The NLRB is an independent body which reviews administrative hearings. It has Republicans and Democrats on the Board. It is independent of any President. However, Presidents can appoint and senate approve those appointments. You see how the hysteria of stupid creates an illusion, and you lack even cursory understanding of how government works.....and it is people like you which eat up this nonsense and then repeat it. Stupid cannot be fixed.

Sometimes I think you don't really believe the bs you post... it seems designed to make the left look as stupid as able.

WASHINGTON - Bringing to an end years of right-wing obstruction and delay, the Senate yesterday filled all five National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) seats with permanent members, ensuring the board can go ahead and govern worker-management relations for 85 million U.S. workers, most of them in the private sector.

As a result of the Senate confirmations, following a deal two weeks ago to break Republican obstruction, the NLRB has what it hasn't had in ten years: five full-term members.

Democratic NLRB Chairman Mark Gaston Pearce won a new term by a 59-38 margin, with seven Republicans joining both the Senate independents and 50 Democrats to approve his nomination.

Two strongly pro-labor Democratic nominees, Nancy Schiffer, an AFL-CIO counsel, and Kent Hirozawa, Pearce's top aide, won by 54-44 margins, with only Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, joining both independents and 51 Democrats. Murkowski also voted for Pearce. Her vote seems to be her continuing pay-back to a Republican Party that unsuccessfully backed her tea party opponent in the Alaska GOP's primary election last time around.

The two Republicans nominated by the president, management side labor lawyers Phillip Miscimarra and Harry Johnson, won by unanimous voice votes.

Angry over GOP obstructionism and under pressure from the labor movement and its allies, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., on July 11 filed a motion in the Senate to invoke cloture (in this case end debate) on the NLRB nominations Republicans were stalling and on several other stalled Obama cabinet appointments including Richard Cordroy (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau); Gina McCarthy (Environmental Protection Agency); and Thomas Perez (Department of Labor).

In addition, Reid threatened to exercise the "nuclear option," by which all nominees would be voted on in a single action. To speed things up Reid also vowed to change Senate filibuster rules, so that a simple majority of 51 votes, rather than a three-fifths majority, would be needed to invoke cloture.

"We're not interested in cutting a deal to pass one or two or three nominees," said Reid to the press at the time. "The president deserves to have his team in place, and there are no more major objections to the qualifications of any of these nominees. All we need is six GOP votes to invoke cloture. Let them vote against these people."


Sometimes I think you don't really believe the bs you post... it seems designed to make the left look as stupid as able.

Richard F. Griffin, Jr. 24 D 01/09/12 - 8/2/13
Nancy J. Schiffer D 8/2/13 -
Kent Y. Hirozawa D 8/5/13 -
Philip A. Miscimarra R 8/7/13 -
Harry I. Johnson, III R 8/12/13 -

These folks made the decision on Boeing. Stupid can not be corrected and ignorance is no excuse. I mean really, you did not know that the NLRB is an independent agency. Your knowledge void which Boards keeps referring to is becoming glaring. Please give substance in your posts which is true and understands who government works, or take the time to learn. I think I try to teach, but damn the void between these Ivory towers of alternative paradigms and reality are amazing.



2seaoat wrote:Sometimes I think you don't really believe the bs you post... it seems designed to make the left look as stupid as able.

Richard F. Griffin, Jr. 24 D 01/09/12 - 8/2/13
Nancy J. Schiffer D 8/2/13 -
Kent Y. Hirozawa D 8/5/13 -
Philip A. Miscimarra R 8/7/13 -
Harry I. Johnson, III R 8/12/13 -

These folks made the decision on Boeing. Stupid can not be corrected and ignorance is no excuse. I mean really, you did not know that the NLRB is an independent agency. Your knowledge void which Boards keeps referring to is becoming glaring. Please give substance in your posts which is true and understands who government works, or take the time to learn. I think I try to teach, but damn the void between these Ivory towers of alternative paradigms and reality are amazing.

That isn't what I was referencing... I misread what you said about the senate and appointments. I apologize.

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