You just can't make these things up! Robert Reich expresses concerns here that if Republicans take the Senate, they might use a "dubious" maneuver called RECONCILLATION. You might remember that term. It was the DUBIOUS maneuver used by Democrats, in addition to bribes, payoffs and most likely blackmail to cram ObamaCare up the...throats of the unwilling voters.
Scary news from MoveOn: If Republicans win the Senate, they might use a dubious procedure known as “reconciliation”
Via Dan Foster, I’m not in the habit of watching MoveOn attack ads but I’m glad I made time for this important educational piece, featuring the always likable Robert Reich. I’ve been telling myself that the election doesn’t much matter since whoever’s in the minority will still have enough votes to filibuster legislation, but it turns out there’s a shady maneuver on the books called “reconciliation” that would allow Senate Republicans to pass any sort of fiscal legislation they liked with just 51 votes. Sure, Obama would just veto whatever landed on his desk, but that’s not the point. The point is, 51 votes. Can you imagine what sort of world-changing, paradigm-shifting legislation a GOP majority might pass if it were suddenly able to skirt the onerous 60-vote obstacle?
Is there no end to Progressive hypocrisy?
Scary news from MoveOn: If Republicans win the Senate, they might use a dubious procedure known as “reconciliation”
Via Dan Foster, I’m not in the habit of watching MoveOn attack ads but I’m glad I made time for this important educational piece, featuring the always likable Robert Reich. I’ve been telling myself that the election doesn’t much matter since whoever’s in the minority will still have enough votes to filibuster legislation, but it turns out there’s a shady maneuver on the books called “reconciliation” that would allow Senate Republicans to pass any sort of fiscal legislation they liked with just 51 votes. Sure, Obama would just veto whatever landed on his desk, but that’s not the point. The point is, 51 votes. Can you imagine what sort of world-changing, paradigm-shifting legislation a GOP majority might pass if it were suddenly able to skirt the onerous 60-vote obstacle?
Is there no end to Progressive hypocrisy?