Bob is so afraid of being afraid.....he has lost his mind. He called Sal and Seaoat liars. Bob you are a Scardy Cat. Own it, and deal with it. Brown people will not hurt you. Muslims will not behead you. Folks at Motel 6 are not going to hurt you. It is a political movement of scardy cats and there is no sitting on the fence when you are afraid, because when brave Americans get rendered to Butchmeup telling us we are ALL going to die from ISIS, at some point it becomes a sad joke.
An apology for calling us liars would be appropriate, but that would take courage. There is no Wizard of Oz who will bestow courage on will need to deal with what scares you about Mexican kids and Muslims all by your lonesome.
An apology for calling us liars would be appropriate, but that would take courage. There is no Wizard of Oz who will bestow courage on will need to deal with what scares you about Mexican kids and Muslims all by your lonesome.