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Weakness of President Obama forces Israel to launch ground operation in Gaza against Terrorists Hamas

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Weakness of President Obama forces Israel to launch ground operation in Gaza against Terrorists Hamas

Published July 17, 2014

The Israeli military launched a ground operation in the Gaza Strip Thursday, the Israel Defense Forces said.

The office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced he had instructed the IDF to start a ground operation in Gaza to destroy the underground tunnels that reach into Israel.

The army said in a statement late Thursday that after 10 days of Hamas attacks, it had "initiated a ground operation within the Gaza Strip." The army said the objective was to strike a "significant blow to Hamas' terror infrastructure."

Hamas spokesman Fouzi Barhom, Hamas told reporters in Gaza,"The decision of the Israeli army to start a ground invasion in Gaza is dangerous and they will pay back heavily for it. Hamas is ready for the conformation."

Last edited by Markle on 7/17/2014, 5:10 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelling correction)


All star game influenced by weakness of President Obama.......

Japanese tsunami blamed on Obama.........

Chilean boy loses soccer ball and President Obam is blamed......

The United States has no power to stop the Israelis from protecting themselves and has no power to stop people who feel they are prisoners in their own country from protecting themselves as they see fit......but I like it when you start threads blaming President Obama.......they are well thought out.



I need my waders...

Weakness of President Obama forces Israel to launch ground operation in Gaza against Terrorists Hamas Marchwaders07_409


Floridatexan wrote:
I need my waders...

Weakness of President Obama forces Israel to launch ground operation in Gaza against Terrorists Hamas Marchwaders07_409

Are you free to take care of an old guy's bucket list.....I want to fondle a fish.



Markle wrote:Weakness of President Obama forces Israel to launch ground operation in Gaza against Terrorists Hamas

Published July 17, 2014

The Israeli military launched a ground operation in the Gaza Strip Thursday, the Israel Defense Forces said.

The office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced he had instructed the IDF to start a ground operation in Gaza to destroy the underground tunnels that reach into Israel.

The army said in a statement late Thursday that after 10 days of Hamas attacks, it had "initiated a ground operation within the Gaza Strip." The army said the objective was to strike a "significant blow to Hamas' terror infrastructure."

Hamas spokesman Fouzi Barhom, Hamas told reporters in Gaza,"The decision of the Israeli army to start a ground invasion in Gaza is dangerous and they will pay back heavily for it. Hamas is ready for the conformation."

Just what are you implying Herr Markle?  That President
Barack Hussein Obama should prevent the Israelis from defending themselves?

Or that President Barack Hussein Obama should wipe-out Hamas?

Please explain to us how Obama's weakness relates to Israelis invading Gaza in a military strike ...  We're all ears... LOL



Markle is taking PaceDog's place as the forum pro-Zionist apologist.

Any President who stands up to the Israeli hardliners deserves two-thumbs up!

Markle would rather that President Obama kowtow to Bibi Netanyahu, and let the Israelis dictate terms to the U.S. government, all the while extracting $$ billions in tribute from the American Congress.

Markle is fine with Israel demanding access to the most advanced U.S. military technology, which they then copy and sell to the highest bidder, even potential enemies of the United States.



Mr. Markle continues to be an on going joke . . . a bad one but a joke nevertheless!



2seaoat wrote:All star game influenced by weakness of President Obama.......

Japanese tsunami blamed on Obama.........

Chilean boy loses soccer ball and President Obam is blamed......

The United States has no power to stop the Israelis from protecting themselves and has no power to stop people who feel they are prisoners in their own country from protecting themselves as they see fit......but I like it when you start threads blaming President Obama.......they are well thought out.

Weakness of President Obama forces Israel to launch ground operation in Gaza against Terrorists Hamas AnimatedLaughterPink



Weakness of President Obama forces Israel to launch ground operation in Gaza against Terrorists Hamas 13322110

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

1. If I was the head of state of israel and these outlaws on the other side of my country's border were firing rockets into my country, and I had agreed to a ceasefire put forward by Egypt, but the outlaws said fuck the ceasefire and kept firing the rockets, I would have done what Netanyahu did.

2. Obama didn't cause this. Hamas did. And to blame Obama for it is an indication of nothing but Fox News brainwashing. Merkel, stop getting your information from Steve Douchey and Elizbeth Hasselbeck for christs sakes.



Gaza has been under siege for seven years to the point that the Israelis are counting out the calories the population is allowed to have.

Hamas has offered to abide by a cease fire, but it must include an agreement to some alleviation of the siege.

The Egyptian proposal offered no such thing.



Sal wrote:Gaza has been under siege for seven years to the point that the Israelis are counting out the calories the population is allowed to have.

Hamas has offered to abide by a cease fire, but it must include an agreement to some alleviation of the siege.

The Egyptian proposal offered no such thing.

I read where Hamas has put forth a list of requirements for Israel to accept before they will call a cease fire -- the list includes releasing all Palestinian terrorists now serving time in Israeli prisons.

Israel is more than willing to discuss Gaza problems but not under the threat of indiscriminate rocket firing.

I agree with you that the pressure Israel puts on Gaza is terrible. But so is the ongoing threat from Palestinians that they will never accept the presence of the State of Israel.

What the Israelis want is a stable environment and peaceful relations with their neighbors. What's wrong with that?



Wordslinger wrote:

What the Israelis want is a stable environment and peaceful relations with their neighbors.  What's wrong with that?

That may well be what the Israelis want, but it's not what Bibi wants, and it's not what serves him politically.

If that's what the Israelis want, they'd do well to remove him from office and install an honest broker of a two state solution.



Sal wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:

What the Israelis want is a stable environment and peaceful relations with their neighbors.  What's wrong with that?

That may well be what the Israelis want, but it's not what Bibi wants, and it's not what serves him politically.

If that's what the Israelis want, they'd do well to remove him from office and install an honest broker of a two state solution.

Good point. But the reason he's in power is that Jews above the age of 40 in Israel don't trust Arabs anymore. They're ultra conservative in that regard.

What Bibi wants is to remain in power. Hamas is helping him do that.



No, they do not want peace, unless it means the complete expulsion of the Palestinians from what they consider to be Jewish land. This is very long, but worth the read if you want to understand the progression of Zionism in the region.

The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict

By Jews for Justice in the Middle East
Published in Berkeley, CA, 2001
Jews for Justice has made this excellent resource available to people around the world. We have converted their booklet to a more easily copied format...

"As the periodic bloodshed continues in the Middle East, the search for an equitable solution must come to grips with the root cause of the conflict. The conventional wisdom is that, even if both sides are at fault, the Palestinians are irrational “terrorists” who have no point of view worth listening to. Our position, however, is that the Palestinians have a real grievance: their homeland for over a thousand years was taken, without their consent and mostly by force, during the creation of the state of Israel. And all subsequent crimes — on both sides — inevitably follow from this original injustice.

This paper outlines the history of Palestine to show how this process occurred and what a moral solution to the region’s problems should consist of. If you care about the people of the Middle East, Jewish and Arab, you owe it to yourself to read this account of the other side of the historical record..."



When have these 2 not been fighting? yawn



The natural byproduct of oppression and occupation is resistance.

We should've learned that lesson in Iraq or Vietnam.

Merely inflicting attrition militarily will not end the resistance.

The nature of the occupation and oppression needs to be addressed.

That means working in good faith on a two state solution, a process that Bibi has tragically now announced DOA.



Bob wrote:1.  If I was the head of state of israel and these outlaws on the other side of my country's border were firing rockets into my country,  and I had agreed to a ceasefire put forward by Egypt,  but the outlaws said fuck the ceasefire and kept firing the rockets,  I would have done what Netanyahu did.

2.  Obama didn't cause this.  Hamas did.  And to blame Obama for it is an indication of nothing but Fox News brainwashing.  Merkel,  stop getting your information from Steve Douchey and Elizbeth Hasselbeck for christs sakes.

In 2008, Republicans and Conservatives told the world that this is exactly what would happen with a naïve, incompetent, inexperienced President trying to apologize to the world.

We are exactly where we forecast we would be. Whine, groan, stomp your feet and call everyone who made this accurate forecast RACISTS but this is what happened.

Do you think Vladimir Putin is the least bit concerned that one of his rockets may have accidentally taken down a passenger plane over the Ukraine? Putin sees the numerous "red lines" President Barack Hussein Obama has drawn in the sand, then divided them into 12 pink lines and ignored them.

This weakness is seen by Palestine as a great time to lob thousands of rockets into Israel forcing Israel into a ground invasion.

Countries in South America see President Obama giving Amnesty to any illegal alien in the United States. President Obama does NOTHING to stem the flow instead asks for billions to care for those here. Putting MORE stress on our already strained entitlement system. See the Cloward-Piven Strategy. All according to his goals so he sees no reason not to go on a 16 day vacation at Martha's Vineyard in a $12 million estate. He's happy!



Floridatexan wrote:
No, they do not want peace, unless it means the complete expulsion of the Palestinians from what they consider to be Jewish land.  This is very long, but worth the read if you want to understand the progression of Zionism in the region.

The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict

By Jews for Justice in the Middle East
Published in Berkeley, CA, 2001
Jews for Justice has made this excellent resource available to people around the world. We have converted their booklet to a more easily copied format...

"As the periodic bloodshed continues in the Middle East, the search for an equitable solution must come to grips with the root cause of the conflict. The conventional wisdom is that, even if both sides are at fault, the Palestinians are irrational “terrorists” who have no point of view worth listening to. Our position, however, is that the Palestinians have a real grievance: their homeland for over a thousand years was taken, without their consent and mostly by force, during the creation of the state of Israel. And all subsequent crimes — on both sides — inevitably follow from this original injustice.

This paper outlines the history of Palestine to show how this process occurred and what a moral solution to the region’s problems should consist of. If you care about the people of the Middle East, Jewish and Arab, you owe it to yourself to read this account of the other side of the historical record..."

Thanks FT for posting the link . . . . it was very informative for me and when I learn I grow!



Markle wrote:
Bob wrote:1.  If I was the head of state of israel and these outlaws on the other side of my country's border were firing rockets into my country,  and I had agreed to a ceasefire put forward by Egypt,  but the outlaws said fuck the ceasefire and kept firing the rockets,  I would have done what Netanyahu did.

2.  Obama didn't cause this.  Hamas did.  And to blame Obama for it is an indication of nothing but Fox News brainwashing.  Merkel,  stop getting your information from Steve Douchey and Elizbeth Hasselbeck for christs sakes.

In 2008, Republicans and Conservatives told the world that this is exactly what would happen with a naïve, incompetent, inexperienced President trying to apologize to the world.

We are exactly where we forecast we would be.  Whine, groan, stomp your feet and call everyone who made this accurate forecast RACISTS but this is what happened.

Do you think Vladimir Putin is the least bit concerned that one of his rockets may have accidentally taken down a passenger plane over the Ukraine?  Putin sees the numerous "red lines" President Barack Hussein Obama has drawn in the sand, then divided them into 12 pink lines and ignored them.

This weakness is seen by Palestine as a great time to lob thousands of rockets into Israel forcing Israel into a ground invasion.

Countries in South America see President Obama giving Amnesty to any illegal alien in the United States.  President Obama does NOTHING to stem the flow instead asks for billions to care for those here.  Putting MORE stress on our already strained entitlement system.  See the Cloward-Piven Strategy.  All according to his goals so he sees no reason not to go on a 16 day vacation at Martha's Vineyard in a $12 million estate.  He's happy!


I have never seen more bullshit heaped in one post as in Markle's post above. How in the universe does Vladmir Putin/the shootdown of an air liner over Ukraine and Cloward and Piven have anything to do with the turmoil in Gaza?

Weakness of President Obama forces Israel to launch ground operation in Gaza against Terrorists Hamas Laughi33

Yes, my friend; wingnut hysteria can be very amusing at times......



Markle wrote:
Bob wrote:1.  If I was the head of state of israel and these outlaws on the other side of my country's border were firing rockets into my country,  and I had agreed to a ceasefire put forward by Egypt,  but the outlaws said fuck the ceasefire and kept firing the rockets,  I would have done what Netanyahu did.

2.  Obama didn't cause this.  Hamas did.  And to blame Obama for it is an indication of nothing but Fox News brainwashing.  Merkel,  stop getting your information from Steve Douchey and Elizbeth Hasselbeck for christs sakes.

In 2008, Republicans and Conservatives told the world that this is exactly what would happen with a naïve, incompetent, inexperienced President trying to apologize to the world.

We are exactly where we forecast we would be.  Whine, groan, stomp your feet and call everyone who made this accurate forecast RACISTS but this is what happened.

Do you think Vladimir Putin is the least bit concerned that one of his rockets may have accidentally taken down a passenger plane over the Ukraine?  Putin sees the numerous "red lines" President Barack Hussein Obama has drawn in the sand, then divided them into 12 pink lines and ignored them.

This weakness is seen by Palestine as a great time to lob thousands of rockets into Israel forcing Israel into a ground invasion.

Countries in South America see President Obama giving Amnesty to any illegal alien in the United States.  President Obama does NOTHING to stem the flow instead asks for billions to care for those here.  Putting MORE stress on our already strained entitlement system.  See the Cloward-Piven Strategy.  All according to his goals so he sees no reason not to go on a 16 day vacation at Martha's Vineyard in a $12 million estate.  He's happy!


I have never seen more bullshit heaped in one post as in Markle's post above. How in the universe does Vladmir Putin/the shootdown of an air liner over Ukraine and Cloward and Piven have anything to do with the turmoil in Gaza?

Weakness of President Obama forces Israel to launch ground operation in Gaza against Terrorists Hamas Laughi33

Yes, my friend; wingnut hysteria can be very amusing at times......

And STILL AGAIN, you have nothing and refute nothing. You're a real winner at that sort of thing! A terrific foil I might add!

Weakness of President Obama forces Israel to launch ground operation in Gaza against Terrorists Hamas Socrates



Markle wrote:
Bob wrote:1.  If I was the head of state of israel and these outlaws on the other side of my country's border were firing rockets into my country,  and I had agreed to a ceasefire put forward by Egypt,  but the outlaws said fuck the ceasefire and kept firing the rockets,  I would have done what Netanyahu did.

2.  Obama didn't cause this.  Hamas did.  And to blame Obama for it is an indication of nothing but Fox News brainwashing.  Merkel,  stop getting your information from Steve Douchey and Elizbeth Hasselbeck for christs sakes.

In 2008, Republicans and Conservatives told the world that this is exactly what would happen with a naïve, incompetent, inexperienced President trying to apologize to the world.

We are exactly where we forecast we would be.  Whine, groan, stomp your feet and call everyone who made this accurate forecast RACISTS but this is what happened.

Do you think Vladimir Putin is the least bit concerned that one of his rockets may have accidentally taken down a passenger plane over the Ukraine?  Putin sees the numerous "red lines" President Barack Hussein Obama has drawn in the sand, then divided them into 12 pink lines and ignored them.

This weakness is seen by Palestine as a great time to lob thousands of rockets into Israel forcing Israel into a ground invasion.

Countries in South America see President Obama giving Amnesty to any illegal alien in the United States.  President Obama does NOTHING to stem the flow instead asks for billions to care for those here.  Putting MORE stress on our already strained entitlement system.  See the Cloward-Piven Strategy.  All according to his goals so he sees no reason not to go on a 16 day vacation at Martha's Vineyard in a $12 million estate.  He's happy!

And all this from a guy who claims he "doesn't hate Obama."



Markle wrote:
Markle wrote:
Bob wrote:1.  If I was the head of state of israel and these outlaws on the other side of my country's border were firing rockets into my country,  and I had agreed to a ceasefire put forward by Egypt,  but the outlaws said fuck the ceasefire and kept firing the rockets,  I would have done what Netanyahu did.

2.  Obama didn't cause this.  Hamas did.  And to blame Obama for it is an indication of nothing but Fox News brainwashing.  Merkel,  stop getting your information from Steve Douchey and Elizbeth Hasselbeck for christs sakes.

In 2008, Republicans and Conservatives told the world that this is exactly what would happen with a naïve, incompetent, inexperienced President trying to apologize to the world.

We are exactly where we forecast we would be.  Whine, groan, stomp your feet and call everyone who made this accurate forecast RACISTS but this is what happened.

Do you think Vladimir Putin is the least bit concerned that one of his rockets may have accidentally taken down a passenger plane over the Ukraine?  Putin sees the numerous "red lines" President Barack Hussein Obama has drawn in the sand, then divided them into 12 pink lines and ignored them.

This weakness is seen by Palestine as a great time to lob thousands of rockets into Israel forcing Israel into a ground invasion.

Countries in South America see President Obama giving Amnesty to any illegal alien in the United States.  President Obama does NOTHING to stem the flow instead asks for billions to care for those here.  Putting MORE stress on our already strained entitlement system.  See the Cloward-Piven Strategy.  All according to his goals so he sees no reason not to go on a 16 day vacation at Martha's Vineyard in a $12 million estate.  He's happy!


I have never seen more bullshit heaped in one post as in Markle's post above. How in the universe does Vladmir Putin/the shootdown of an air liner over Ukraine and Cloward and Piven have anything to do with the turmoil in Gaza?

Weakness of President Obama forces Israel to launch ground operation in Gaza against Terrorists Hamas Laughi33

Yes, my friend; wingnut hysteria can be very amusing at times......

And STILL AGAIN, you have nothing and refute nothing.  You're a real winner at that sort of thing!  A terrific foil I might add!

Weakness of President Obama forces Israel to launch ground operation in Gaza against Terrorists Hamas Socrates


Weakness of President Obama forces Israel to launch ground operation in Gaza against Terrorists Hamas Zzzzzz10



Weakness of President Obama forces Israel to launch ground operation in Gaza against Terrorists Hamas AnimatedLaughterPink



The period since the Second Intifada ended has been a mostly nonviolent period, and Israel has not rewarded the Palestinians for it. 

Israel has never come to the table with something that would (or should) make the Palestinians want to end their resistance. 

Instead, they make constant illegal land grabs. 

As the stronger party, the Israelis bear responsibility for wanting other things more than they want peace.

And, so, they wind up in a situation where they have a policy of blowing up families and apartment buildings while trying to make it okay by warning everyone they are about to be bombed.

This is no way to live. 

For anyone.

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