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57 percent DISAPPROVE of President Barack Hussein Obama's PERFORMANCE ON FOREIGN POLICY.

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President Barack Hussein Obama has chaos anywhere he looks when he gets up in the morning...yet he has time to play golf.

Remember when foreign policy was Obama’s strong suit? Not anymore.
By Aaron Blake June 18 at 11:19 AM

A new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll shows Obama's approval on foreign policy hitting a new low. Just 37 percent approve of Obama's performance on foreign policy, while 57 percent disapprove.

Yet the Progressives continue to flail. Shameful and disgusting. When has President Obama NOT been caught by surprise on ANY of the ongoing scandals and chaos in his foreign policies.



57 percent DISAPPROVE of President Barack Hussein Obama's PERFORMANCE ON FOREIGN POLICY. Cvfspj10

Bush's approval rating averaged 37% during his second term, and went as low as 25% or so before he was through.

no stress

no stress


57 percent DISAPPROVE of President Barack Hussein Obama's PERFORMANCE ON FOREIGN POLICY. Cvfspj10

Bush's approval rating averaged 37% during his second term, and went as low as 25% or so before he was through.
As it should..Bush progressively got suckier. But seriously Z, have you critiqued Obama lately? Put your politics aside and make an assessment of his work.




57 percent DISAPPROVE of President Barack Hussein Obama's PERFORMANCE ON FOREIGN POLICY. Cvfspj10

Bush's approval rating averaged 37% during his second term, and went as low as 25% or so before he was through.

Doesn't matter one iota does it?

Run that average from the first 18 months of the President Bush and President Barack Hussein Obama or take your toys and to home.

Your desperation is palpable.



Your desperation is palpable.

Markle's desperation is only going to grow as the election gets closer.

57 percent DISAPPROVE of President Barack Hussein Obama's PERFORMANCE ON FOREIGN POLICY. Winkin10



ZVUGKTUBM wrote:Your desperation is palpable.

Markle's desperation is only going to grow as the election gets closer.

57 percent DISAPPROVE of President Barack Hussein Obama's PERFORMANCE ON FOREIGN POLICY. Winkin10

THANK YOU, I do appreciate you supporting my position even if it obviously pains you greatly.

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