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Democrats Privately Calling Obama 'Detached,' 'Flat Footed,' 'Incompetent'

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RATS deserting the sinking ship...only two years too late.


RATS deserting the sinking ship...only two years too late.

The perfect foil for Hillary to win in a landslide.



2seaoat wrote:RATS deserting the sinking ship...only two years too late.

The perfect foil for Hillary to win in a landslide.

You are on a roll today! Must have had some REALLY GOOD DRUGS! Good for you!

Democrats Privately Calling Obama 'Detached,' 'Flat Footed,' 'Incompetent' Laughing

Keep up the good work!



PACEDOG#1 wrote:

RATS deserting the sinking ship...only two years too late.

Democrats Privately Calling Obama 'Detached,' 'Flat Footed,' 'Incompetent' Got-ha13


Here is a clue......the President will begin massive withdrawals of American troops in mid November, after the mid term elections. By the time Hillary is in office she will be bullet proof. If everything goes into the chitter.....she still makes out because she has always been hawkish.......They seem to own you Mr. old will you be at the end of Hillary's second term?



What Democrats? This "news report" has no substance. It's easy to make a statement like this and puff it up. There's not a whiff of any Democrat attacking the president ANYWHERE in the report...just an allegation of private communications. This is a new low for CNN. Their ratings must be in the toilet.



Floridatexan wrote:
What Democrats?  This "news report" has no substance.  It's easy to make a statement like this and puff it up. There's not a whiff of any Democrat attacking the president ANYWHERE in the report...just an allegation of private communications.  This is a new low for CNN.  Their ratings must be in the toilet.
It's always been known as the Clinton News Network. Even so, it's proof that the Obama Administration in just another "gilded age."

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