You didn't answer my question. You seem to have a problem with Obamacare because people are being forced to do things they don't want to do. Force is being exerted on them. Your logic states that since Obamacare creates a situation in which force is being exerted, that means it's bad.
OK. Fair enough. It exerts force, therefore it's bad. So let's hypothetically throw Obamacare out for a moment. Poof. It's gone. Are we now in a force-free situation? When someone files bankruptcy on their astronomical medical debt (and other, unrelated debts), is force not being exerted upon you and I? Are we not, in a sense, being forced to comply with and share the consequences of the subjective beliefs of others?
Last edited by boards of FL on 5/20/2014, 4:45 pm; edited 1 time in total