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Rate of uninsured Americans higher in states that DID NOT expand Medicaid and/or implement exchanges

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boards of FL

boards of FL

Pay attention, people living in GOP controlled states. You're worse off because of your local political situation.

Rate of uninsured Americans higher in states that DID NOT expand Medicaid and/or implement exchanges Jjnjgwxetkc_fjkqpvfnpg



Not all of us want to be part of the nanny state or let government have that much control.



Not all of us want to be part of the nanny state or let government have that much control. How many lost insurance only to have to buy Obamacare? How many have paid their premiums ?

boards of FL

boards of FL

PACEDOG#1 wrote:Not all of us want to be part of the nanny state or let government have that much control. How many lost insurance only to have to buy Obamacare? How many have paid their premiums ?

The % of people without insurance has fallen, so while I don't know the specific number that answers your question, I can at least tell you that the number is negative. I don't expect you to understand what that means.

Regarding your question about paid premiums: 7.3 million.



It must be a wonderful feeling to force people to comply with your subjective beliefs... steering society is such fun stuff.

Wait till ya get a load of my ideas when it's my turn to shove shit down the leftists throats. Y'all ain't seen anything yet.

boards of FL

boards of FL

PkrBum wrote:It must be a wonderful feeling to force people to comply with your subjective beliefs... steering society is such fun stuff.

If no healthcare policy were in place, would that represent a situation to you in which no one is subject to any external force from any other consumer?



Does that not exist in a free market? I've said before that a smarter idea to save money and therefore more affordable...

would be to separate the govt programs from the private ones.

But I'm beyond that now... I'm preparing for when I can exact extreme solutions. No healthcare if you're obese... sry. You knew what you were doing with every bite. No healthcare if you smoke... tough shit. No procreation if you have hereditary defects.

I've got more solutions for all kinds of problems... unemployment, hunger, housing, transportation, crime.

Leftists won't be in power forever... but even if they are it's easy to subvert them.

boards of FL

boards of FL

You didn't answer my question.  You seem to have a problem with Obamacare because people are being forced to do things they don't want to do.  Force is being exerted on them.  Your logic states that since Obamacare creates a situation in which force is being exerted, that means it's bad.  

OK.  Fair enough.  It exerts force, therefore it's bad.  So let's hypothetically throw Obamacare out for a moment.  Poof.  It's gone.  Are we now in a force-free situation?  When someone files bankruptcy on their astronomical medical debt (and other, unrelated debts), is force not being exerted upon you and I?  Are we not, in a sense, being forced to comply with and share the consequences of the subjective beliefs of others?

Last edited by boards of FL on 5/20/2014, 4:45 pm; edited 1 time in total



boards of FL wrote:

Pay attention, people living in GOP controlled states.  You're worse off because of your local political situation.

Rate of uninsured Americans higher in states that DID NOT expand Medicaid and/or implement exchanges Jjnjgwxetkc_fjkqpvfnpg

And how many states have DROPPED their own system?

States that did not set up exchanges KNEW they could not afford the system unlike those who think the money just grows on trees or comes from the Obama stash.

boards of FL

boards of FL

Markle wrote:And how many states have DROPPED their own system?

No idea. But I can tell you that, regardless of the number, people are better off in states that expanded Medicaid and/or set up exchanges. This is an objective fact, and no amount of off-topic rhetorical questions will change this objective fact.



Not in my solution. In my solution private healthcare is a service... you may choose to buy it or not.

It's not magic... it's not a right... it's not free. Govt healthcare is free... it sucks... if you rely on it you'll likely die.

There... nobody is forced. Totally separate systems.

boards of FL

boards of FL

PkrBum wrote:Not in my solution. In my solution private healthcare is a service... you may choose to buy it or not.

It's not magic... it's not a right... it's not free. Govt healthcare is free... it sucks... if you rely on it you'll likely die.

There... nobody is forced. Totally separate systems.

What happens in the PkrBum system when an an ambulance shows up at the scene of an accident in which an 8 year old that was hit by a car, and that 8 year old has no insurance?  Hell, what happens when you call 911?

"In order to be connected with a Taco Bell Doritos Cool Ranch Locos Taco emergency response representative, please enter a valid policy number.  Then press #."



boards of FL wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Not in my solution. In my solution private healthcare is a service... you may choose to buy it or not.

It's not magic... it's not a right... it's not free. Govt healthcare is free... it sucks... if you rely on it you'll likely die.

There... nobody is forced. Totally separate systems.

What happens in the PkrBum system when an an ambulance shows up at the scene of an accident in which an 8 year old that was hit by a car, and that 8 year old has no insurance?  Hell, what happens when you call 911?

"In order to be connected with a Taco Bell Doritos Cool Ranch Locos Taco emergency response representative, please enter a valid policy number.  Then press #."

Take the 8 y/o uninsured to the govt hosp. Unless she's overweight... or smoking or drinking or other prohibited things.

I'll sort of be deciding them as we go. Perhaps a score can be determined by exercise, bad habits, and genetic desirability.

boards of FL

boards of FL

PkrBum wrote:Take the 8 y/o uninsured to the govt hosp. Unless she's overweight... or smoking or drinking or other prohibited things.

I'll sort of be deciding them as we go. Perhaps a score can be determined by exercise, bad habits, and genetic desirability.

The PkrBum system has government hospitals?



boards of FL wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Take the 8 y/o uninsured to the govt hosp. Unless she's overweight... or smoking or drinking or other prohibited things.

I'll sort of be deciding them as we go. Perhaps a score can be determined by exercise, bad habits, and genetic desirability.

The PkrBum system has government hospitals?

Try to keep up... The govt administered programs are served exclusively by the govt. Private insurance is a free market.

You can also be able to purchase private insurance... but choose not to. Maybe even a catastrophic govt service.

But there is nothing wrong with going completely uninsured if you wish. Bad ideas fail... it's your life.

boards of FL

boards of FL

PkrBum wrote:Try to keep up... The govt administered programs are served exclusively by the govt. Private insurance is a free market.

I'm trying to, but what you're saying now seems irreconcilable with the beliefs that you regularly promote on this forum. So to clarify, PkrBum wants a healthcare system in which their are two sectors: one operated by the government and one operated by private enterprise. And in the PkrBum system, everyone can go to the government ran sector at no cost, while only paying customers can go to the private sector.

Am I understanding you correctly here, PkrBum? This is your ideal healthcare system? If that isn't it, please fill in the blanks.



The govt system isn't free either. Medicare and va paid... and still do even upon eligibility in this system. Disability and qualifying under medicaid are relatively free. It wouldn't seem much of a leap to make an affordable option to enter the govt system... perhaps based on income... or limited catastrophic coverage for a base price.

The real advantage will be in removing the govt systems from the private market... and hopefully much of the bureaucracy the govt has used to limit competition and price set. The savings would make the private market much more affordable.



boards of FL wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Take the 8 y/o uninsured to the govt hosp. Unless she's overweight... or smoking or drinking or other prohibited things.

I'll sort of be deciding them as we go. Perhaps a score can be determined by exercise, bad habits, and genetic desirability.

The PkrBum system has government hospitals?

VA Hospitals are government hospitals.

They have the same level of competency and efficiency as anything else run by the government.

boards of FL

boards of FL

PkrBum wrote:The govt system isn't free either. Medicare and va paid... and still do even upon eligibility in this system. Disability and qualifying under medicaid are relatively free. It wouldn't seem much of a leap to make an affordable option to enter the govt system... perhaps based on income... or limited catastrophic coverage for a base price.

The real advantage will be in removing the govt systems from the private market... and hopefully much of the bureaucracy the govt has used to limit competition and price set. The savings would make the private market much more affordable.

I don't know if you realize it or not, but you're essentially describing the NHS, which all would agree is to the left of our current healthcare policy in the US.



boards of FL wrote:
PkrBum wrote:The govt system isn't free either. Medicare and va paid... and still do even upon eligibility in this system. Disability and qualifying under medicaid are relatively free. It wouldn't seem much of a leap to make an affordable option to enter the govt system... perhaps based on income... or limited catastrophic coverage for a base price.

The real advantage will be in removing the govt systems from the private market... and hopefully much of the bureaucracy the govt has used to limit competition and price set. The savings would make the private market much more affordable.

I don't know if you realize it or not, but you're essentially describing the NHS, which all would agree is to the left of our current healthcare policy in the US.

I think the difference is stark... it would be removing the govt system entirely from the private market.

I don't think we can put the toothpaste back in the tube regarding those that are now dependant on govt:

Veterans - 20M
Active Military - 2M
Medicare - 9M
Medicaid - 60M
Fed Disability - 11M

We're talking about a large portion of our population... not including those that are subsidized now.

There may as well be a fully socialized govt system in place for those people. It'll still suck... but thems the breaks.

The savings alone to the private market would probably exceed all of the expectations proclaimed by obamacaid.



boards of FL wrote:
Markle wrote:And how many states have DROPPED their own system?

No idea.
 But I can tell you that, regardless of the number, people are better off in states that expanded Medicaid and/or set up exchanges.  This is an objective fact, and no amount of off-topic rhetorical questions will change this objective fact.

If it was such a good thing, why are states DROPPING expanding Medicaid. The STATES CANNOT AFFORD this mandate being shoved up their throats. How does it make any sense that something, anything, is good for the people if it plunges the state deep in debt?



boards of FL wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:Not all of us want to be part of the nanny state or let government have that much control. How many lost insurance only to have to buy Obamacare? How many have paid their premiums ?

The % of people without insurance has fallen, so while I don't know the specific number that answers your question, I can at least tell you that the number is negative.   I don't expect you to understand what that means.  

Regarding your question about paid premiums: 7.3 million.

Please show us your reliable link showing 7.3 PAID PREMIUMS.

boards of FL

boards of FL

Markle wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:Not all of us want to be part of the nanny state or let government have that much control. How many lost insurance only to have to buy Obamacare? How many have paid their premiums ?

The % of people without insurance has fallen, so while I don't know the specific number that answers your question, I can at least tell you that the number is negative.   I don't expect you to understand what that means.  

Regarding your question about paid premiums: 7.3 million.

Please show us your reliable link showing 7.3 PAID PREMIUMS.

Let me know if you need anything else.

boards of FL

boards of FL

Markle wrote:If it was such a good thing, why are states DROPPING expanding Medicaid.   

Because they are controlled by GOP politicians who are trying to sabotage the policy at the expense of their constituents. You could probably stand to read a bit more news, by the way.



boards of FL wrote:
Markle wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:Not all of us want to be part of the nanny state or let government have that much control. How many lost insurance only to have to buy Obamacare? How many have paid their premiums ?

The % of people without insurance has fallen, so while I don't know the specific number that answers your question, I can at least tell you that the number is negative.   I don't expect you to understand what that means.  

Regarding your question about paid premiums: 7.3 million.

Please show us your reliable link showing 7.3 PAID PREMIUMS.

Let me know if you need anything else.

Charles Gaba

Web Developer in Michigan. Currently best-known for being the guy. Also known as Brainwrap at Daily Kos.

Bloomfield Hills, MI ·

Try again. The same ONE PERSON, Charles Gaba who is also at the DailyKOS? Give me a break!

EVEN YOU knows that the government has no clue how many have paid.

The government also has NO WAY to validate someone's CLAIMED income for the purpose of subsidies.

The government also has NO WAY of verifying how much insurance companies are making claims and being PAID by the government for those subsidies.

But hey, what can go wrong?

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