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The most inept useless President we've ever had got rid of our coal plants and now the klutz might hammer our Nuke power

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But something most people don’t realize is that the Russians also dominate the rare earth metals sector, namely the mining of uranium.

If Russia were to restrict the export of that uranium, explains Katusa, life as we know it in the United States could come to an abrupt halt.

   If that happened America’s lights would go out. It would be the greatest blackout in American history…

   The irony is John Kerry is going out there with Obama and talking about all these sanctions they’re going to put on the Russians. If the Russians wanted they could pull the rug out from under the American energy matrix and 20%, one out of every five homes in America, would be in blackout.

   You have to remember the facts… You can talk about hope and dreams all you want, but the reality is that one in every five homes in America is powered by Russian fuel.

In the following must listen interview with Future Money Trends, Marin Katusa delves into the facts behind America’s dependence not just on foreign oil, but uranium and other resources, and explains the repercussions should Russia choose to literally “pull the plug” on the United States.


Earth to clueless T.......the utility companies in Mass are switching to their Natural Gas Peaker Plants which were designed for high demand periods because Natural Gas was is now about equivalent to coal and we have hundreds of years of supply......screw the Russians and the horse that Putin rode in on...............



Earth to idiots: Nuclear power plants are DANGEROUS.


"Switching " doesn't mean already operating gumby.

For the clueless who do not read and do not understand.....all across america in the late 90s utilities built Peaker plants which run on Natural Gas. They have sat idle for years until there is a "Peak" demand which is how they were named. Well Einstein, those Peaker plants are operating around the clock in some areas because they are actually less expensive than the coal fired plants. Additionally, thorium nuclear plants are in design phase and will bring on a whole new revolution in Nuclear.....catch up to is sometimes like talking to people who lived in 1957. When a thread blames the President because utilities are shutting down dirty and expensive older coal plants and replacing them with 50% cleaner and cheaper natural gas which we have an abundance......where do you suppose the little bus is to take you folks to school.



Earth to Obamabots, doesn't it get tiring defending this stupid unqualified excuse for a president, the only thing he does well is vacation ?


Earth to idiots: Nuclear power plants are DANGEROUS.

The newer design phase thorium plants are just a fraction of the danger of current nuclear plant deployment. Good things are on the horizon for America energy generation. We are blessed with natural resources and the ability to move into the next phase of nuclear. The new nuclear will be much safer for this world than the old coal fired plants.

Also the concern about China and India continuing to spew coal is real, but in the United states over the last 25 years we produced 12 million watts of production of solar.....the Chinese last year produced 12 million in one year. The growth of solar, wind, and new nuclear make the entire discussion of dirty coal moot in twenty five years.



Gas may be a difficult pipe dream....

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Twice this month Dominion East Ohio Gas asked its customers to conserve -- to use less gas -- exactly when the coldest weather in a generation invaded Ohio.

The request was a surprise. Ridiculous and even outrageous to some consumers. The last time gas companies had been short of gas was in the 1970s.

............."As we have seen over the last few years, natural gas is being used much more heavily in electricity generation. This trend appears likely to accelerate as coal-powered generation is retired, renewable energy resources require more backup by natural gas plants, and low natural gas prices encourage more use of gas," he wrote.

.......Rolling blackouts in Texas during severe cold weather in the Southwest in February 2011 got FERC's attention, prompting an investigation to see why things got so out of control. Reading the conclusions of that initial analysis was when "the light went off in my head," said Moeller in an interview.

"When (grid managers) did rolling blackouts, they did not realize they had blacked out gas compressor stations," he said. "People in New Mexico lost natural gas."


Earth to Obamabots, doesn't it get tiring defending this stupid unqualified excuse for a president, the only thing he does well is vacation ?

This is why I come calling the President stupid and unqualified.......that we are not delivering natural gas efficiently to the Peaker just cannot make this stuff up.....its a wonder people can find their refrigerators and the toilet, and distinguish between the two.



Floridatexan wrote:
Earth to idiots:  Nuclear power plants are DANGEROUS.  

Really? How many fatalities have we had in the United States from nuclear power plants?

Are they more or less dangerous than say 5 gallon buckets? Which has the most fatalities each year?



2seaoat wrote:Earth to Obamabots, doesn't it get tiring defending this stupid unqualified excuse for a president, the only thing he does well is vacation ?

This is why I come calling the President stupid and unqualified.......that we are not delivering natural gas efficiently to the Peaker just cannot make this stuff up.....its a wonder people can find their refrigerators and the toilet, and distinguish between the two.

Naw he's just generally inept, I am not blaming him for everything just lack of ability to perform his day to day duties...and he sucks at basketball.



Nuclear isn't going anywhere. New technology is going to revitalize the nuclear industry. What will go away are the large, old-fashioned nuke plants. In their place will come smaller, modular nuclear plants that are more efficient and less prone to accidents.

The future for electricity generation is a solar one. Hit me with Solyndra and all of that other crap if you wish, but solar it will be.


and he sucks at basketball

See if we try real hard we can agree. He has been playing customer golf on the basketball for the last 20 years. He does not get elbows or get shoved, and he has faced soft defense forever......


The future for electricity generation is a solar one. Hit me with Solyndra and all of that other crap if you wish, but solar it will be.

The Chinese are proving you correct.




There certainly will be improvements in solar efficiency, but it makes sense today with the current efficiencies, so solar will only grow in percentage of electrical generation........



Floridatexan wrote:
Earth to idiots:  Nuclear power plants are DANGEROUS.  

The most inept useless President we've ever had got rid of our coal plants and now the klutz might hammer our Nuke power Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRf8P-JWTKoOYoTkltUOhMN3uZBjregrj_eEhcFdDRnPmROvde7GQ

How many nuclear accidents has the US military experienced idiot?




How many nuclear accidents has the US military experienced idiot?




2seaoat wrote:The future for electricity generation is a solar one. Hit me with Solyndra and all of that other crap if you wish, but solar it will be.

The Chinese are proving you correct.

The Chinese are building one highly sophisticated coal powered plant a month and have more nuclear plants under construction and in the planning stage than the rest of the world combined.

Then there is India.



Floridatexan wrote:
Earth to idiots:  Nuclear power plants are DANGEROUS.  

Hardly. Quit fretting. Something has to be operating for you to post on this board. If it isn't coal or nuke, how do you expect to get any power? Don't say natural gas because the Crist plant isn't set up for that.



2seaoat wrote:How many nuclear accidents has the US military experienced idiot?


Moron, this is a list not of NUCLEAR POWER accidents, but nuke weapons issues during the development of the A Bombs/H bombs and military nuclear WEAPONS accidents. What an asshat you are.


You failed to read through the list....nothing new.



2seaoat wrote:How many nuclear accidents has the US military experienced idiot?


The most inept useless President we've ever had got rid of our coal plants and now the klutz might hammer our Nuke power Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTltYY4tEftSGSSVYoRHG7JbK_3I0gXmpnfNNa_qjAfmwhaRNf4

Considering the prevalence of the use of nuclear power in the US military I think you need to define lots.

How many of the accidents were power plant related and how many were weapons related?

Percentage wise were more people killed by these US nuclear incidents involving power plants than killed at civilian coal operated power plants?

Percentage wise did more US nuclear power plant accidents happen in our military as compared to other countries.



boards of FL

boards of FL

PACEDOG#1 wrote:
2seaoat wrote:How many nuclear accidents has the US military experienced idiot?


Moron, this is a list not of NUCLEAR POWER accidents, but nuke weapons issues during the development of the A Bombs/H bombs and military nuclear WEAPONS accidents. What an asshat you are.

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boards of FL

boards of FL

Damaged Eagle wrote:
2seaoat wrote:How many nuclear accidents has the US military experienced idiot?


The most inept useless President we've ever had got rid of our coal plants and now the klutz might hammer our Nuke power Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTltYY4tEftSGSSVYoRHG7JbK_3I0gXmpnfNNa_qjAfmwhaRNf4

Considering the prevalence of the use of nuclear power in the US military I think you need to define lots.

How many of the accidents were power plant related and how many were weapons related?

Percentage wise were more people killed by these US nuclear incidents involving power plants than killed at civilian coal operated power plants?

Percentage wise did more US nuclear power plant accidents happen in our military as compared to other countries.



When your rhetorical question blows up in your face...just ask more rhetorical questions.

That'll show'em!

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