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30 Million Teatards Descend on DC - Shut Down Government

Hospital Bob
boards of FL
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Tomorrow, Operation American Spring will attempt to flood Washington, D.C. with Tea Party activists committed to removing President Obama from office.

“[I]t will be painful, and some people may die because the government will not be non-violent; some of us will end up in a cell, and some may be injured,” organizer Harry Riley said in December, fearing that “patriots may be killed, wounded, incarcerated” in their effort to overthrow Obama.

Riley has insisted that “10-20 million people” will descend on Washington, and guaranteed a minimum of 10 million: “We’re trusting there’s going to be about 10 million or more people that are going to be there to back this up, verified, validated.”

“They will be all over D.C. Wherever they can find a spot to stand, that's where they'll be. Around the White House, around the Capitol, on the Mall, all over,” Riley said. “We will wait, we will be there, we will interrupt the traffic, we will interrupt the commerce.”

“We're going to shut the city down.”

Believe it or not, Riley's is actually on the low side of attendance estimates from Operation American Spring backers.

Jim Garrow, a far-right activist and conspiracy theorist backing the effort, told fringe radio host Pete Santilli that “they’re expecting 30 million people.”

or not ...

Operation American Spring, billed as a Friday morning multi-million patriot march on Washington, D.C., to oust leadership from the nation’s capital — from President Obama to House Speaker John Boeher — has proven woefully below expectations.

“It’s a very dismal turnout,” said Jackie Milton, 61, a Jacksboro, Texas, resident and the head of Texans for Operation American Spring, to The Washington Times. He said hopes were high when he arrived in Alexandria, Va., a day or so ago and found motels and hotels were sold out for 30 miles around.

But weather’s dampened turnout a bit, he said.

“We were getting over two inches of rain in hour in parts of Virginia this morning,” Mr. Milton said. “Now it’s a nice sunny day. But this is a very poor turnout. It ain’t no millions. And it ain’t looking like there’s going to be millions. Hundreds is more like it.”


boards of FL

boards of FL

I literally laughed out loud at "teatards".



No more pathetic than you liberals Million Man March



PACEDOG#1 wrote:No more pathetic than you liberals Million Man March

Million Man March

30 Million Teatards Descend on DC - Shut Down Government Widemo10

Operation American Spring

30 Million Teatards Descend on DC - Shut Down Government Fdwbtk10

Seems like a valid comparison.




30 Million Teatards Descend on DC - Shut Down Government Coup-510

30 Million Teatards Descend on DC - Shut Down Government Coup-p10




Sal wrote:30 Million Teatards Descend on DC - Shut Down Government Coup-510

30 Million Teatards Descend on DC - Shut Down Government Coup-p10


Wait a minute.... Those photos are obviously Photoshopped......  Razz

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Harry Riley, the organizer of this protest is from Crestview which is the next town over from us here in the panhandle.

The owner of WEBY, the ultra right wing/evangelical radio station here is also one of the chief organizers. He just gave a live report from the protest on the radio. He estimates only about a thousand people showed up for it.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

By the way, the host of the radio program I'm listening to, Brother Carl, opened the show by saying "the Washington Monument was just reopened after Obama closed it with the sequester".

The Washington Monument was closed because it was badly damaged in the 2011 earthquake. It's taken three years to complete the repairs. Had nothing whatever to do with Obama or the sequester. Although I suppose it is possible that the Good Lord sent the earthquake to punish Washington for obama being the president so I guess you could then make a case that obama is responsible for closing the monument.



Most tea party people are working folks unlike welfare sucking million person march



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Most tea party people are working folks unlike welfare sucking million person march

Nah ....

.... most of 'em are retired Baby Boomers living off Social Security and Medicare or they're on disability due to obesity. 


Rush Limbaugh's numbers in major markets are dropping like a rock, this rally is a pathetic commentary on how fringe the tea party has become, and it is no surprise that the panhandle was a critical part of this planning......that map of America with the captions put on each geographic area confirms what America thinks of the same. The regional crazy influence on the Republican Party will sadly not fair well in 2016, but hopefully the party can subsequently be taken away from stupid.



 Embarassed  Embarassed  Embarassed  Embarassed  Embarassed 
2seaoat wrote:Rush Limbaugh's numbers in major markets are dropping like a rock, this rally is a pathetic commentary on how fringe the tea party has become, and it is no surprise that the panhandle was a critical part of this planning......that map of America with the captions put on each geographic area confirms what America thinks of the same.   The regional crazy influence on the Republican Party will sadly not fair well in 2016, but hopefully the party can subsequently be taken away from stupid.



Honestly, people that are patriots live in fear of this gov.

There is no way in hell we would take to the streets to voice our opinion under this totalitarian gov.

I think there might be a better more accurate way to deal with your type and we may have to result to that.



Chrissy wrote:Honestly, people that are patriots live in fear of this gov.

There is no way in hell we would take to the streets to voice our opinion under this totalitarian gov.

I think there might be a better more accurate way to deal with your type and we may have to result to that.

You confuse traitorous cowards for patriots. 

Fortunately, you are in the minority and your numbers are shrinking with each passing day. 

God bless America. 



Sal wrote:
Chrissy wrote:Honestly, people that are patriots live in fear of this gov.

There is no way in hell we would take to the streets to voice our opinion under this totalitarian gov.

I think there might be a better more accurate way to deal with your type and we may have to result to that.

You confuse traitorous cowards for patriots. 

Fortunately, you are in the minority and your numbers are shrinking with each passing day. 

God bless America. 

dream on spider pig. our numbers are growing and we are going to take your asses out without a shot fired.



30 Million Teatards Descend on DC - Shut Down Government Blog_pew_young_old_voting_gap



Who here likes the govt collecting our data? Patting our junk? Spying on the media? IRS targeting? Gunrunning? Prohibitions?

The size and scope of govt is growing... anyone who can't see that is not dealing in reality. Is there a red line?

Will we ever draw a line? I don't think so... we the people are an apathetic waste. Liberty has been educated out of us.


The government is not growing. Not on the local level. Not on the state level. Not on the Federal level. However, you made the statement. Please show me over the last decade how much larger these governmental entities have become.





by 2seaoat Today at 6:36 pm
The government is not growing. Not on the local level. Not on the state level. Not on the Federal level. However, you made the statement. Please show me over the last decade how much larger these governmental entities have become.
Snowden disagrees



PeeDawg = Snowden fanboy




I appreciate what he did... you do not? Clapper sat in front of congress and the american people and denied that the govt collected data on us... and that would've been the end of that. He hasn't even been punished btw. Cue seagoat to support the nsa.



30 Million Teatards Descend on DC - Shut Down Government Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQrdHlsxKrLRL1c9tHljPeMqySenhIoHzGA2WC7gVNnYkIcgEz-MA

It would be interesting to see what would happen if the Sons Of Martha decided to lay down their tools for a few months or more...

I wonder what the Sons Of Mary would do if those expected comforts suddenly vanished due to loss of revenues.





by Sal Yesterday at 7:49 pm
PeeDawg = Snowden fanboy


What's funnier is seabass lying off his ass here


What's funnier is seabass lying off his ass here

Show me the growth........or admit that you are clueless and your wrong......waiting.

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