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boards, was someone othr than you complaining about teos threads for you to have banned him

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or are you just a little whiney baby bitch boy?



boards, was someone othr than you complaining about teos threads for you to have banned him Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSBPa9GOlY4aBavBIn88-DFNJ-3GWMcJXSfCqS9rSbJc0NYly7FdA

Why was Teo banned?





I would also like to know. He has been a long time member of this group, going back to the old PNJ forum. He's a good guy, in my opinion.

boards of FL

boards of FL

No one else needed to complain.  TEO was creating a chore for me: moving his BS to the politics forum.  I had two options:  1) continue this chore for the sake of TEO's ability to be a troll or 2) start issuing a 1 day ban in the hopes that he will stop being a douchebag.  

Since I have already been doing 1 for the last several weeks, I decided to give 2 a try.  Seems fairly reasonable to me.

Ideally, everyone would act like an adult and no moderation would be required. Ideally...


He has been acting like a child, without the thread issues. I have had my threads moved, and I honestly have never given it a second thought. Most of the time when they are moved, I have been honestly absent minded as to where I was posting, and made a mistake. Why would I get angry or throw a hissy fit if my thread was moved, unless I was an unstable petlulant child hiding in an adult, pretending that I was not frightened of almost everything, and looking to blame others for my condition. I have a five year old granddaughter who behaves at times like T, but her behavior is rare.



2seaoat wrote:He has been acting like a child, without the thread issues.  I have had my threads moved, and I honestly have never given it a second thought.  Most of the time when they are moved, I have been honestly absent minded as to where I was posting, and made a mistake.  Why would I get angry or throw a hissy fit if my thread was moved, unless I was an unstable petlulant child hiding in an adult, pretending that I was not frightened of almost everything, and looking to blame others for my condition.  I have a five year old granddaughter who behaves at times like T, but her behavior is rare.

Maybe it's because of the constant belittling, or maybe not.


Maybe it's because of the constant belittling, or maybe not.

Certainly he does have a weakness in that regard. Post a nazi thread and get belittled. I am certain he has none of that at seig heil central. I think he was the only one who tried to tell us what Mr. Bundy really meant and that what he was saying was true.......which came first the chicken or the egg.....did belittlement precede stupid and offensive nazi posts, or did belittlement come after the same........I have that answer. Slaves were not better off.

no stress

no stress

And yet sports threads started in the general section are left alone. Too bad teo doesn't post much about sports.

boards of FL

boards of FL

(face palm)



Hall monitor is a solemn duty.

In-bounds and out-of-bounds can only be recognized by those bound by the oath of officiousness.

Unless of course it was just an asshole that got drunk and decided to fuck with people... which is my theory.



boards, was someone othr than you complaining about teos threads for you to have banned him Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR-z0qV690771Li9GGOpflHqajEy0lRmf30TPrAQSzmseFWwcdl

There's no gall darn smoking room around here either damn it! And I can't find the boys room either...


 Very Happy

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