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Teen Flies From CA to HI in the Wheel Well of a 767

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He ran away from Home Sunday and decided to hitch a ride to Hawaii.

Most people who try this die. He survived a 5 hour flight in an unpressurized environment at 38,000 feet, in subzero temperatures.

Surveillance videos captured him hopping a fence and accessing the jet. What if he had been a terrorist?



What if he had been a terrorist?

Not allowed. All Terrorist must go through TSA and be groped, fondled, and nail clippers removed. Obviously he did not know the rules of Homeland Security.



Mr Ichi wrote: What if he had been a terrorist?

Not allowed.  All Terrorist must go through TSA and be groped, fondled, and nail clippers removed.  Obviously he did not know the rules of Homeland Security.

My thoughts exactly....



Mr Ichi wrote: What if he had been a terrorist?

Not allowed.  All Terrorist must go through TSA and be groped, fondled, and nail clippers removed.  Obviously he did not know the rules of Homeland Security.

That's right....all terrorist know that.



That child is lucky to be alive.



Mr Ichi wrote: What if he had been a terrorist?

Not allowed.  All Terrorist must go through TSA and be groped, fondled, and nail clippers removed.  Obviously he did not know the rules of Homeland Security.





He ran away from Home Sunday and decided to hitch a ride to Hawaii.

Most people who try this die. He survived a 5 hour flight in an unpressurized environment at 38,000 feet, in subzero temperatures.

Surveillance videos captured him hopping a fence and accessing the jet. What if he had been a terrorist?
Shocking! I attended the altitude chamber training at Tyndall a few years ago and am amazed this kid isn't dead.


It is common, Malaysian pilots and crew have their jump seats in the in the wheel wells with heaters, O2, and a flight simulator so they can practice losing jets, and fit an extra passenger in the cockpit for easy access for a hijacking.

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