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The make up thread

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1The make up thread Empty The make up thread 8/14/2012, 9:23 pm



OK, All

we have a diverse group of people in here with a wide variety of strong personalities and weve bumped heads a lot.

Its time to make a effort to start over so this forum can be more enjoyable.

this is the make up thread, so we can hash out and get over or simply just appologize and then move on.

I hope everyone participates.

Ill start first.

Dreams. I dont want to fight with you any more. Latly you havent been too bad with your ridicule. Can we try to get along please?

Joani and neko, I miss yall.

FT, I like talking to ya, we have some things in common we could conversate over.

PB, I love ya and not just because you might let me live in a hut behind your mountain house Razz Ya gotta love a girl who digs in dumps Wink poke poke tickle

ok, so lets do will make us ALL happier

Love you guys, im off to bed I love you

2The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/14/2012, 9:30 pm



oh and im sorry for ever hurting any ofr your feelings and I will do my very best to not do that. and no more hissy fits, unless yall take a vote and want one lol

3The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/14/2012, 9:47 pm



To dream the impossible dream to fight the unbeatable foe.....etc...this is my quest !

4The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/14/2012, 9:55 pm



This is a great idea. I only have one thing that I regret. To my first wife: I'm sorry that I ever met you. I wish that you were smarter and prettier, then we might still be together. (side note: tequila should be outlawed) And I'm glad that your sister was so comforting.

I feel better now.

5The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/14/2012, 10:18 pm



I hear ya, Secret Angel. Heck, I've never been one to hold a grudge, anyway. I've been enjoying our back-and-forth, and I'm really enjoying the posts some others are making to one another! Very Happy

6The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/14/2012, 10:32 pm



*Secret_Angel* wrote:OK, All

we have a diverse group of people in here with a wide variety of strong personalities and weve bumped heads a lot.

Its time to make a effort to start over so this forum can be more enjoyable.

this is the make up thread, so we can hash out and get over or simply just appologize and then move on.

I hope everyone participates.

Ill start first.

Dreams. I dont want to fight with you any more. Latly you havent been too bad with your ridicule. Can we try to get along please?

Joani and neko, I miss yall.

FT, I like talking to ya, we have some things in common we could conversate over.

PB, I love ya and not just because you might let me live in a hut behind your mountain house Razz Ya gotta love a girl who digs in dumps Wink poke poke tickle

ok, so lets do will make us ALL happier

Love you guys, im off to bed I love you

OK-I'll agree if you stop posting about butt screwing and gross stuff like that.It makes me nauseous.

7The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/14/2012, 10:34 pm



ghandi wrote:This is a great idea. I only have one thing that I regret. To my first wife: I'm sorry that I ever met you. I wish that you were smarter and prettier, then we might still be together. (side note: tequila should be outlawed) And I'm glad that your sister was so comforting.

I feel better now.

Oy vey! I wonder what she wishes?

8The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/14/2012, 10:39 pm



Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:This is a great idea. I only have one thing that I regret. To my first wife: I'm sorry that I ever met you. I wish that you were smarter and prettier, then we might still be together. (side note: tequila should be outlawed) And I'm glad that your sister was so comforting.

I feel better now.

Oy vey! I wonder what she wishes?

She wishes that she was smarter and prettier so we were still together.

At least I didn't kill her and I only filed for divorce. See how nice I am?

9The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/14/2012, 10:40 pm



Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:This is a great idea. I only have one thing that I regret. To my first wife: I'm sorry that I ever met you. I wish that you were smarter and prettier, then we might still be together. (side note: tequila should be outlawed) And I'm glad that your sister was so comforting.

I feel better now.

Oy vey! I wonder what she wishes?


10The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/14/2012, 10:41 pm



ghandi wrote: (side note: tequila should be outlawed)

Let me modify that, Ghandi. I believe that cheap tequila should be outlawed.

That cheap shit has alcohol derived from 51% blue agave and 49% from sugar (rum). Legally, they can call it tequila, but I call it crap. Only 100% blue agave tequila for me.

11The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/14/2012, 10:42 pm



No wonder you all are so hung up on healthcare drinking that stuff...

12The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/14/2012, 10:44 pm



TEOTWAWKI wrote:No wonder you all are so hung up on healthcare drinking that stuff...

I'm not hung up on healthcare... And it is GOOD stuff... In moderation, of course.

13The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/14/2012, 10:55 pm



Chrissy, I just can't stay mad at you when you're sweet. GROUP HUG!!!!!!!

14The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/14/2012, 11:22 pm



Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:This is a great idea. I only have one thing that I regret. To my first wife: I'm sorry that I ever met you. I wish that you were smarter and prettier, then we might still be together. (side note: tequila should be outlawed) And I'm glad that your sister was so comforting.

I feel better now.

Oy vey! I wonder what she wishes?


Don't worry-I won't let you get too old.

15The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/14/2012, 11:25 pm



ghandi wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:This is a great idea. I only have one thing that I regret. To my first wife: I'm sorry that I ever met you. I wish that you were smarter and prettier, then we might still be together. (side note: tequila should be outlawed) And I'm glad that your sister was so comforting.

I feel better now.

Oy vey! I wonder what she wishes?

She wishes that she was smarter and prettier so we were still together.

At least I didn't kill her and I only filed for divorce. See how nice I

Smarter and prettier than who? I'll bet you did her a big favor.

16The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/14/2012, 11:37 pm



Dreamsglore wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:This is a great idea. I only have one thing that I regret. To my first wife: I'm sorry that I ever met you. I wish that you were smarter and prettier, then we might still be together. (side note: tequila should be outlawed) And I'm glad that your sister was so comforting.

I feel better now.

Oy vey! I wonder what she wishes?


Don't worry-I won't let you get too old.

Beautiful song...just sad so many will grow old alone. Wish my second wife wasn't insane because I sure loved her. Loved the first one also but she got married after the divorce.....The second one is engaged..saw it on facebook....guess I will grow old alone....


Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rage at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

17The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/14/2012, 11:42 pm



This was my grandfathers obituary poem someone picked out...still love it....

Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
When I put out to sea,
But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
Turns again home.

Twilight and evening bell,
And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
When I embark;
For tho' from out our bourne of Time and Place
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crost the bar.

18The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/14/2012, 11:46 pm



Dreamsglore wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:This is a great idea. I only have one thing that I regret. To my first wife: I'm sorry that I ever met you. I wish that you were smarter and prettier, then we might still be together. (side note: tequila should be outlawed) And I'm glad that your sister was so comforting.

I feel better now.

Oy vey! I wonder what she wishes?


Don't worry-I won't let you get too old.

Beautiful song...just sad so many will grow old alone. Wish my second wife wasn't insane because I sure loved her. Loved the first one also but she got married after the divorce.....The second one is engaged..saw it on facebook....guess I will grow old alone....


Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rage at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

None of my ex's will grow old alone. I made sure of that.They should be grateful.

19The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/14/2012, 11:55 pm



Well sweet dreams....

Why did you bump them off and how did you get away with it ?

20The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/15/2012, 12:13 am



TEOTWAWKI wrote:Well sweet dreams....

Why did you bump them off and how did you get away with it ?

They just couldn't conform to the rules.They were all illegal aliens and nobody missed them.

21The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/15/2012, 12:33 am



Humm..think I will sleep on my response....I better set the alarm....Night Dreams.

22The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/15/2012, 7:15 am



Dreamsglore wrote:
*Secret_Angel* wrote:OK, All

we have a diverse group of people in here with a wide variety of strong personalities and weve bumped heads a lot.

Its time to make a effort to start over so this forum can be more enjoyable.

this is the make up thread, so we can hash out and get over or simply just appologize and then move on.

I hope everyone participates.

Ill start first.

Dreams. I dont want to fight with you any more. Latly you havent been too bad with your ridicule. Can we try to get along please?

Joani and neko, I miss yall.

FT, I like talking to ya, we have some things in common we could conversate over.

PB, I love ya and not just because you might let me live in a hut behind your mountain house Razz Ya gotta love a girl who digs in dumps Wink poke poke tickle

ok, so lets do will make us ALL happier

Love you guys, im off to bed I love you

OK-I'll agree if you stop posting about butt screwing and gross stuff like that.It makes me nauseous.

I only use the butt screwing stuff when im mad. I use the tactic of digusting mostly instead of degrading ridicule. Butt since youre gonna stop youre belittling I will agree to no butt screwing Suspect

and I agree PB Smile

23The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/15/2012, 7:21 am



Granny4Peace wrote:Chrissy, I just can't stay mad at you when you're sweet. GROUP HUG!!!!!!!

Thank you granny.

Ive never really disliked you. Youve only been mean to me a couple of times. but no big deal. Thats why I gave you that cool granny swingin gif. I know you may think that I was being mean, but it was a funny gif and i thought youd get a laugh out of it. so hope you didnt take it the wrong way. flower

24The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/15/2012, 2:13 pm



I loved the .gif Chrissy. I just can't seem to post very much from my iPad. I only get mad at you when you get all potty-mouthed. Otherwise you have some interesting and intelligent things to say. That foul language might be allowed here, but I just think you're better than that. flower

25The make up thread Empty Re: The make up thread 8/15/2012, 3:25 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

*Secret_Angel* wrote: I will agree to no butt screwing
You just made me very proud of you, sweetie. Butts are for smoking, not for screwing.

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