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BOARDS, Can We Change the Name of the Hall of Shame thread to the Under the Bridge thread?

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Because that's where all of the trolls congregate.


2BOARDS, Can We Change the Name of the Hall of Shame thread to the Under the Bridge thread?   Empty Another one 2/13/2013, 4:59 pm



May i suggest "the sandbox" Very Happy



Not bad Sal. LOL.

So, why are you in this bad part of town...?



Might as well just call it w.t.m's room.

He's the one that causes most threads to end up here.



filthy sock...

And this is the Ask The Mod thread.



W_T_M wrote:filthy sock...

And this is the Ask The Mod thread.

Which sock are you talking to? You think everyone is a sock or a troll so you should say which one your demented mind is thinking of this time.

Everyone is out to get poor old wtm.

I would have guessed that you are a piece of shit, but a forclosure?
Lowlife scum. Eviction has to be embarassing to explain to your family.

Maybe some day you can be a man and provide a home for your family.
Stopping your alcohol abuse may be a start. Anger issues are obviously a problem for you though. Seek more help . Need to borrow some money for food? Just ask. Just don't spend it on beer or drugs. I'm still praying for you and your family.



Sal wrote:Because that's where all of the trolls congregate.


No. Only good feral cats live under the bridge!



Ghandi wrote:
W_T_M wrote:filthy sock...

And this is the Ask The Mod thread.

Which sock are you talking to? You think everyone is a sock or a troll so you should say which one your demented mind is thinking of this time.

Everyone is out to get poor old wtm.

I would have guessed that you are a piece of shit, but a forclosure?
Lowlife scum. Eviction has to be embarassing to explain to your family.

Maybe some day you can be a man and provide a home for your family.
Stopping your alcohol abuse may be a start. Anger issues are obviously a problem for you though. Seek more help . Need to borrow some money for food? Just ask. Just don't spend it on beer or drugs. I'm still praying for you and your family.


Think what you wish. Or go read the story. Or maybe you'd like to contact the lawyer that represented us in our lawsuit against the folk who scammed us. There was no eviction. Just a fraudulent sale of a tainted property. My family was as outraged as the State of Florida's entomologist. There was no shame involved, as much as you'd like it.

There was a lot of angst but we moved on and bought another house. That's tough to do if your finances are for shit, huh troll...?

Never let a chance go by, right asshole...?



W_T_M wrote:
Ghandi wrote:
W_T_M wrote:filthy sock...

And this is the Ask The Mod thread.

Which sock are you talking to? You think everyone is a sock or a troll so you should say which one your demented mind is thinking of this time.

Everyone is out to get poor old wtm.

I would have guessed that you are a piece of shit, but a forclosure?
Lowlife scum. Eviction has to be embarassing to explain to your family.

Maybe some day you can be a man and provide a home for your family.
Stopping your alcohol abuse may be a start. Anger issues are obviously a problem for you though. Seek more help . Need to borrow some money for food? Just ask. Just don't spend it on beer or drugs. I'm still praying for you and your family.


Think what you wish. Or go read the story. Or maybe you'd like to contact the lawyer that represented us in our lawsuit against the folk who scammed us. There was no eviction. Just a fraudulent sale of a tainted property. My family was as outraged as the State of Florida's entomologist. There was no shame involved, as much as you'd like it.

There was a lot of angst but we moved on and bought another house. That's tough to do if your finances are for shit, huh troll...?

Never let a chance go by, right asshole...?

Poor thing



I know.

It sucks being a crime victim when you can't even shoot someone. Maybe next time.



W_T_M wrote:I know.

It sucks being a crime victim when you can't even shoot someone. Maybe next time.

You assume that I never shot someone.
Poor fool.











Clever. No wonder you're so popular. The things you do with words.




You should read my Haiku written in Sanskrit.



W_T_M wrote:filthy sock...

And this is the Ask The Mod thread.
Pot meet kettle



PACEDOG#1 wrote:
W_T_M wrote:filthy sock...

And this is the Ask The Mod thread.
Pot meet kettle


Idiot. Who wears this sock...?

It doesn't even make sense, when my name has been passed around like candy, I post with my pic, several people know me, and you say I'm a sock.

Can't fix stupid.

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