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Freedom ....

4 posters

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1Freedom ....  Empty Freedom .... 1/31/2014, 10:17 am



Here's how I'd like everyone to feel ...

2Freedom ....  Empty Re: Freedom .... 1/31/2014, 10:20 am



Well if we can just get some more government regulations and TSA agents to protect us. Possibly more taxes so we can redistribute the wealth then all will be freedom and joy. Hell we just need more government and we can be FREE !

3Freedom ....  Empty Re: Freedom .... 1/31/2014, 11:23 am



Happy Unicorn Day..!!

4Freedom ....  Empty Re: Freedom .... 1/31/2014, 11:29 am



We don't need no stinking government . . . . .  Twisted Evil 

5Freedom ....  Empty Re: Freedom .... 1/31/2014, 11:39 am



Wordslinger wrote:Here's how I'd like everyone to feel ...

Off topic but just noticed your avatar, a favorite icon of mine, very nice...unfortunately. Long ago in a polly-sci class we studied the influences on government and it has always been those with money. Now of course it is outlandishly obvious that corporations are running the show, corporations and other interest groups like the NRA I should add. Nice avatar WS.

6Freedom ....  Empty Re: Freedom .... 1/31/2014, 12:51 pm



othershoe1030 wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Here's how I'd like everyone to feel ...

Off topic but just noticed your avatar, a favorite icon of mine, very nice...unfortunately. Long ago in a polly-sci class we studied the influences on government and it has always been those with money. Now of course it is outlandishly obvious that corporations are running the show, corporations and other interest groups like the NRA I should add. Nice avatar WS.

Thanks! It's reality!

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