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Cheap, White and Empty

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51Cheap, White and Empty - Page 3 Empty Re: Cheap, White and Empty 1/13/2014, 8:43 am



52Cheap, White and Empty - Page 3 Empty Re: Cheap, White and Empty 1/13/2014, 9:39 am



53Cheap, White and Empty - Page 3 Empty Re: Cheap, White and Empty 1/13/2014, 10:28 am

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob


I didn't listen to the whole video but I presume the gist of it is the "globalists" have put estrogen into everything to turn us into queers.

Well even if that were to be true,  I have a question.
I was born in 1949.  I realized I was bisexual by the early sixties.
I can't imagine the "globalists" had the technology to put estrogen into me to make me a bisexual as early as the early 60's because I don't believe the technology existed then.
So the "globalists" didn't make me bisexual.

And according to the Bible,  God didn't make me bisexual.
And I sure as hell didn't CHOOSE to be bisexual.
So how did I get to be one?

54Cheap, White and Empty - Page 3 Empty Re: Cheap, White and Empty 1/13/2014, 10:35 am

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

By the way, just as an aside to this.

You might be interested to know, teo, that Rev Carl Gallups (who many refer to as "Brother Carl"), the Milton baptist pastor/radio talk show personality,
has been steadily evolving into a Jones'ian.
For the last couple of months, Brother Carl has been echoing the same stuff that comes from Alex Jones. He's referring to "globalists" and "The New World Order" and making the same claims about them as Jones does.
So you might want to start listening to his weekly two-hour radio program called "Freedom Friday" on WEBY.

55Cheap, White and Empty - Page 3 Empty Re: Cheap, White and Empty 1/13/2014, 12:26 pm



Good for Bro Carl..I have never listened to him.... ...Also they started experiments before you were born just after WW2 , why do you think we let those Kraut murderers into the country. Hitler used fluoride on his prisoners to keep them docile . I am sure them smartassed German doctor/monsters had a lot of other chemical tricks to share with our doctor/monsters..

56Cheap, White and Empty - Page 3 Empty Re: Cheap, White and Empty 1/13/2014, 12:28 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

TEOTWAWKI wrote:Good for Bro Carl..I have never listened to him.... ...Also they started experiments before you were born just after WW2 , why do you think we let those Kraut murderers into the country. Hitler used fluoride on his prisoners to keep them docile .  I am sure them smartassed German doctor/monsters had a lot of other chemical tricks to share with our doctor/monsters..

Well in that case I guess it's possible that the "globalists" and the nazi krauts made me bisexual. Whodathunkit.

57Cheap, White and Empty - Page 3 Empty Re: Cheap, White and Empty 1/13/2014, 12:32 pm



Bob wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:Good for Bro Carl..I have never listened to him.... ...Also they started experiments before you were born just after WW2 , why do you think we let those Kraut murderers into the country. Hitler used fluoride on his prisoners to keep them docile .  I am sure them smartassed German doctor/monsters had a lot of other chemical tricks to share with our doctor/monsters..

Well in that case I guess it's possible that the "globalists" and the nazi krauts made me bisexual.  Whodathunkit.

Hey Bob it might be a get outta hell free card. I wish I had one myself. The evil I do ain't chemical...I hope.

58Cheap, White and Empty - Page 3 Empty Re: Cheap, White and Empty 1/13/2014, 12:33 pm



59Cheap, White and Empty - Page 3 Empty Re: Cheap, White and Empty 1/13/2014, 12:33 pm



If it were hereditary... wouldn't it be declining at some rate?

60Cheap, White and Empty - Page 3 Empty Re: Cheap, White and Empty 1/13/2014, 12:37 pm



PkrBum wrote:If it were hereditary... wouldn't it be declining at some rate?

Excellent observation now be prepareth for the one that howls.. "IGNORANCE"

61Cheap, White and Empty - Page 3 Empty Re: Cheap, White and Empty 1/13/2014, 12:42 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

TEOTWAWKI wrote:Good for Bro Carl..I have never listened to him....

Well this is your lucky day because I'm going to afford you that opportunity.
And it totally substantiates what I stated in an earlier post.  That because he's a sincere Christian,  Brother Carl has to always put "the word of god" (as written in the Bible) above every other consideration.   And he always does just exactly that.

62Cheap, White and Empty - Page 3 Empty Re: Cheap, White and Empty 1/13/2014, 1:05 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Cheap, White and Empty - Page 3 Global10

63Cheap, White and Empty - Page 3 Empty Re: Cheap, White and Empty 1/13/2014, 1:24 pm



Oh and Bob our countries troubles go way back. The Illuminati been round LOOOONG TIME...

Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.
Theodore Roosevelt

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