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Can repeal of ACA be dead?

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26Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/8/2013, 10:57 pm



Opposition is stronger than ever

27Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/8/2013, 11:40 pm



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Opposition is stronger than ever

In fairness, it is too early to judge what will happen. It is highly unlikely that despite the best efforts of the GOP contingent the law will pass muster. Yes I acknowledge the pathetic roll out but it will garner support over time as these issues are mitigated . . . in the end it will be recognized as a milestone for citizens and, hopefully, we will recognize the wholesale benefits of advancing availability of healthcare for everyone . . . not just like citizens like us who have coverage but for the millions who have none and sit in our ER's with an infant with a 104 temperature and we are paying for that. It will take a couple years but people will gravitate towards having a plan to cover their needs . . . problematic? Of course, anything this complex most certainly wwas destined to have problems but it is my hope they are mitigated and the GOP will work with the POTUS in addressing these issues as they arise. We must call a truce and work together on behalf of those who have naught . . .

28Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/9/2013, 1:02 am



knothead wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:Opposition is stronger than ever
. . . problematic? Of course, anything this complex most certainly wwas destined to have problems but it is my hope they are mitigated and the GOP will work with the POTUS in addressing these issues as they arise.  We must call a truce and work together on behalf of those who have naught . . .    
Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQQCAx_9cvWerwtMSWtd3Kfn5_PE8ez1mMSON5pwmptKDdIghwcJQ

All this legislation does is play into the hands of the health care industry so the CEO's can make more of a bonus because 'Oh look at all the new customers they now have'. Therefore I have no reason to support your legislation.

All your hero and martyr has to do is nationalize the industry, put it's employees on the government (military) pay scale, and make the same amount of health care available to all. Otherwise you liberals could just start a non-profit charity to help all those people in need.

In short... I respectfully decline to support a law that forces people to purchase from a private corporation at the point of a sword just because they happen to be breathing.

Have a good day.



29Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/9/2013, 6:58 am


The Affordable care Act is working for people with preexisting conditions, folks who have kids who are 26 and under, and people who used to have lifetime limits on their policies.......these numbers are huge. In addition, in those states which have extended medicaid, millions more are getting covered......and the five million who could have been covered with medicaid.....who do you think they are going to vote......the folks who foresaked them or the folks who care about people......this is simple.....tick tock.....tick tock.....the die is cast.

30Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/9/2013, 8:10 am



judge what will happen. It is highly unlikely that despite the best efforts of the GOP contingent the law will pass muster. Yes I acknowledge the pathetic roll out but it will garner support over time as these issues are mitigated . . . in the end it will be recognized as a milestone for citizens and, hopefully, we will recognize the wholesale benefits of advancing availability of healthcare for everyone . . . not just like citizens like us who have coverage but for the millions who have none and sit in our ER's with an infant with a 104 temperature and we are paying for that. It will take a couple years but people will gravitate towards having a plan to cover their needs . . . problematic? Of course, anything this complex most certainly wwas destined to have problems but it is my hope they are mitigated and the GOP will work with the POTUS in addressing these issues as they arise. We must call a truce and work together on behalf of those who have naught . . .
GOP work with POTUS? I'm sure u mean him have his way And not hat should not happen.

31Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/9/2013, 8:14 am



Nobody wants this " now that we have read it and know what's in it". It's wealth redistribution at its finest. No thanks and the whole thing needs to get thrown in the toilet anyhow due the fact that it was back door shoved down out throats, he lied about people losing their insurance (which is fraud and a high crime), and he now wants to violate the Constitution to make changes to a standing law.

Your post is a desperate plea because you know like everyone else obamacare is crap.

Last edited by PACEDOG#1 on 12/9/2013, 10:10 am; edited 2 times in total

32Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/9/2013, 8:15 am




33Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/9/2013, 9:27 am



2seaoat wrote:The Affordable care Act is working for people with preexisting conditions, folks who have kids who are 26 and under, and people who used to have lifetime limits on their policies.......these numbers are huge.  In addition, in those states which have extended medicaid, millions more are getting covered......and the five million who could have been covered with medicaid.....who do you think they are going to vote......the folks who foresaked them or the folks who care about people......this is simple.....tick tock.....tick tock.....the die is cast.

Do you enjoy the unicorns in that parallel universe too?

34Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/9/2013, 3:14 pm


You keep whistling in the dark. I now know about five people with preexisting conditions which have secured insurance. Not all of these people were democrats. Some were hard working traditional Republicans who were locked to their employment and to their existing health plan who are now free. Do you think for a moment any person who has benefited is going to vote for going backwards? Now the critical question.....will that 1/2 percent who were negatively impacted be able to overcome the other 99 is not I who has a problem with unicorns. Just like your predictions in 2008......2012 you are in la la land, and when I tried to explain the same I got the same cut and paste denial of reality. You have lost the have lost the health care debate, and you will not see repeal.......but further expansion to medicare for all. cry a river.

35Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/9/2013, 5:50 pm



Who cares what they are, the country can't afford this boondoggle.

36Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/9/2013, 6:35 pm



Obama really has some nerve calling this fiasco the "Affordable Care Act". LOL It's not "affordable" to most people. Thus it will fail without ever having to be repealed. Just look at it, it gets worse by the day. Yep, Obama owns this as "ObamaCare". A terrible idea from a terrible man for his well deserved legacy. Moron!

37Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/9/2013, 8:35 pm



2seaoat wrote:You keep whistling in the dark.  I now know about five people with preexisting conditions which have secured insurance.   Not all of these people were democrats.   Some were hard working traditional Republicans who were locked to their employment and to their existing health plan who are now free.  Do you think for a moment any person who has benefited is going to vote for going backwards?   Now the critical question.....will that 1/2 percent who were negatively impacted be able to overcome the other 99 is not I who has a problem with unicorns.   Just like your predictions in 2008......2012 you are in la la land, and when I tried to explain the same I got the same cut and paste denial of reality.   You have lost the have lost the health care debate, and you will not see repeal.......but further expansion to medicare for all.   cry a river.

I couldn't make this up if I tried!

You have certainly demonstrated that you will swallow served up to you by this administration.  Fast and Furious, IRS, AP, NSA, Benghazi, ObamaCare....  Entertaining to say the least...if it was not so destructive and dangerous.

Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 LaughingDog

38Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/9/2013, 10:34 pm



2seaoat wrote:  Do you think for a moment any person who has benefited is going to vote for going backwards?   .

I think you just summed up your and the lefts intentions.

You have no idea what you are supporting, but as I see on the other thread, youre just starting to see it.

You know the new fee schedule came out over the holiday for 2014.

It isn't good. The new cuts, Oops I mean savings are going to hurt a already EXTREMLY damaged system.

This president and his patrons are TERRORIST!

I wonder how long before your shots are too costly for the insurance company?

because insurance companies are now starting to follow CMS guidelines, they can because they are owned by the GOV by PROXY.

39Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/9/2013, 10:53 pm


I was searching earlier for the new medicare fee schedule the page keeps saying it's unavailable. Where do you find it?

Also is that fee schedule insurance company's are starting to follow for all plans over and under 65?

40Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/9/2013, 11:02 pm



2seaoat wrote:The Affordable care Act is working for people with preexisting conditions, folks who have kids who are 26 and under, and people who used to have lifetime limits on their policies.......these numbers are huge.  In addition, in those states which have extended medicaid, millions more are getting covered......and the five million who could have been covered with medicaid.....who do you think they are going to vote......the folks who foresaked them or the folks who care about people......this is simple.....tick tock.....tick tock.....the die is cast.

Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 9k=

I don't know... Why don't you ask the millions who have lost or will lose their health insurance because it doesn't meet the requirements of your glorious health care mandate and how they feel about the liberal Democrats who've enacted it without reading it first?



Last edited by Damaged Eagle on 12/10/2013, 10:06 am; edited 2 times in total

41Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/10/2013, 7:54 am



It's becoming comical when seagoat thinks he feels the pulse of the nation... cue the obama pr machine.

SURVEY: Obama’s approval ratings among 18 to 29-year-olds tank, they reject Obamacare in droves, nearly half would support a recall.

More than half of Millennials – 54 percent – disapprove of President Barack Obama’s job performance, and his approval rating among 18- to 29-year-olds has reached its lowest point since the beginning of Obama’s presidency, according to a Harvard University Institute of Politics poll released Wednesday.

In fact, nearly half of Millennial’s surveyed – 47 percent – said they would support a recall of the president.

Among today’s young voters – often labeled as the key demographic that surged Obama to re-election, now only 41 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds approve of his job performance, sinking his approval rating among that age group by 11 points since the institute’s last survey in April 2013.

The poll also found most Millennials reject the Affordable Care Act: Only 39 percent approve of the new federal mandate, while 56 percent disapprove, the survey found. The numbers were nearly identical when the law was referred to as “Obamacare,” where 38 percent approved and 57 percent disapproved.

The poll found by a margin of 5 to 1 that young Americans believe their costs will increase under the healthcare law, and a margin of 2 to 1 that the quality of their healthcare will decrease.

“You can see that there are very few aspects of the healthcare initiative that they approve of,” said John Della Volpe, the institute’s polling director, in a conference call Wednesday morning. “They believe that quality will decrease and prices will increase.”

Millennials are only slightly more likely to view the president favorably compared to the general population, with most national polls reporting his approval rating between 37 and 40 percent.

His numbers have also fallen among young voters of color. Approval among young white voters dropped 10 points to 28 percent, while Hispanics dropped 18 points to 53 percent. Young black voters remain strong in their support, dropping only nine points to a 75 percent approval, the poll found.

What’s more, Obama’s approval rating among college students is down: 11 points to 39 percent.

“(Millennials) are disappointed because they are passionate,” Della Volpe said. “They are passionate about government, they are passionate about America, and they want to go to work for their country.”

The poll also questioned participants in their beliefs about NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden’s legacy. More than half, 52 percent, were unsure whether to label Snowden a patriot or a traitor. Twenty-two percent believe he is a patriot, and twenty-two percent believe he is a traitor.

The survey was completed with 2,089 web-based interviews. Forty-nine percent were male and 51 percent were female. Fifty-nine percent were white, 20 percent were Hispanic, 13 percent were black and seven percent were of another race.

42Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/10/2013, 9:39 am



Another day and it is worse still. (As has been aptly predicted)

Damn, what the hell is the point of it, if it's all lies and BS?

How can anyone with a working brain support this?

This may very well be the sinking of the liberal/progressive/socialist ship/party.

Works for me. LOL

43Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/11/2013, 10:28 pm


Sure looks like the tea party is embracing obamacare and on top of it taking federal subsidy. Are lawmaker's required to purchase their own and not subject to the cushy federal employee benefits?

44Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/12/2013, 12:17 am

boards of FL

boards of FL

PACEDOG#1 wrote:It's wealth redistribution at its finest.

Honest question for you: Do you feel a current problem in our economy is that we have a system that redistributes wealth from the wealthy earners to poorer people?

45Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/12/2013, 1:19 am



boards of FL wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:It's wealth redistribution at its finest.

Honest question for you:  Do you feel a current problem in our economy is that we have a system that redistributes wealth from the wealthy earners to poorer people?  

That is, of course, the INTENT of President Barack Hussein Obama but, like every Progressive program, it isn't working.

In fact, President Obama's economic policies have made the top 1% richer with more people living in poverty and the mean income dropping each of the past three years.

Now throwing ObamaCare into the mix and we're just going downhill even faster.

46Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/12/2013, 4:16 am



Why are govts so bad at social engineering? Lack of control?

47Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/12/2013, 12:45 pm



The Obamacare law needs to die a fiery death.

48Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/12/2013, 1:21 pm



Did anyone see this article?

Floridians lead enrollment in federal marketplace

49Can repeal of ACA be dead? - Page 2 Empty Re: Can repeal of ACA be dead? 12/12/2013, 1:36 pm



ZVUGKTUBM wrote:Did anyone see this article?

Floridians lead enrollment in federal marketplace

How many have paid?

According to your source...

Since the site launched at the beginning of October, 281,517 Floridians have taken the first step in applying for coverage and 75,480 are eligible for a subsidy to help pay for it,

So 281,517 have a username and password have looked over the plans and bought NOTHING.  Over a period of 2 1/2 months and we don't know how many of those qualified for Medicaid.

What a plan!

Read more here:

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