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It's time.

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1It's time. Empty It's time. 10/13/2013, 5:39 pm



It's time for carl sagan to be outed as wtm/threadbear......and return to being banned.
Everyone here knows that carl sagan is bill.

2It's time. Empty nothing new 10/26/2013, 11:45 am



gulfbeachbandit wrote:It's time for carl sagan to be outed as wtm/threadbear......and return to being banned.
Everyone here knows that carl sagan is bill.
No, you and your far-far right comrades are the only ones who are convinced that one, and only one person can think and type like TB. There are over 400,000 people in the Greater Pensacola Metropolitan Area which includes Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties in Florida. But in your ultra-conservative bubble, only one person can think and type like this person. What a joke. There can be thousands of racist bigots around here like GBB, but there can be only one TB.
Too funny.
Thanks for the laugh. You are the gift that keeps giving.

3It's time. Empty Re: It's time. 10/26/2013, 3:11 pm



CarlSagan wrote:
gulfbeachbandit wrote:It's time for carl sagan to be outed as wtm/threadbear......and return to being banned.
Everyone here knows that carl sagan is bill.
No, you and your far-far right comrades are the only ones who are convinced that one, and only one person can think and type like TB. There are over 400,000 people in the Greater Pensacola Metropolitan Area which includes Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties in Florida. But in your ultra-conservative bubble, only one person can think and type like this person. What a joke. There can be thousands of racist bigots around here like GBB, but there can be only one TB.
Too funny.
Thanks for the laugh. You are the gift that keeps giving.
Did you know that retired Navy chiefs are so loathed in Pensacola that somebody on another forum started a thread about it? Check this out:

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