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This only for those who watched or will watch (on the internet) the second segment of tonight's 60 Minutes program.

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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

After seeing this, I will never in a million years understand why our worthless government needs to have this stupid Executive Order which prohibits it from killing Kim Jung Un and his generals.
I cannot imagine worse monsters than those being allowed to continue to be the monsters they are.



I believe it was Gerald Ford who prohibited heads of state's from being taken out.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Here it is. One of the damndest things I have ever learned about. And it just makes me see red that that bunch of little tin hitlers is allowed to get away with it.



I thought I posted about "Escape from Camp 14" when we had the Korean thread going. Glad the news is getting out. People don't really give a shit about what happens in other counties. Just a filler between Sports and Music. Play Ball....

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

hallmarkgrad2 wrote:[b]I thought I posted about "Escape from Camp 14" when we had the Korean thread going. Glad the news is getting out.
Sorry I missed seeing that, CB. It's a really moving story to learn about.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

The more I think about this the more I loathe, hate and despise the last two excuses we've had for commanders-in-chief. Both that hayseed and that community organizer have to be two of the most cowardly yello-bellied chicken shits I've ever known about. Because any real man would rescind that bullshit executive order and not be afraid to kill those sons of bitches.
This is no different than if you had a chief of police who was so chicken shit and so afraid that he makes an order that his cops are not allowed to kill gang leaders because he's shaking in his boots that if he targets the gang leader he'll be made a target too.
I always knew that bush asshole looked like a coward. And now I realize that other one is a coward too. I hope they both have to live an eternity in hell for the stinking rotten yellow-bellied cowards they are.

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