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The two suspects

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1The two suspects Empty The two suspects 4/18/2013, 5:45 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

One is in the black baseball cap and the other is following him in the white cap turned backwards. Both carrying backpacks.
The FBI showed a better still photo showing the face of the one in the white cap but so far I haven't been able to get it off the web.


2The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 5:51 pm



Sounds like the ones Alex called navy Seals last night...or possibly Private security or Mossad agents....who knows? tryem ....hang em

3The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 5:57 pm

Margin Call

Margin Call

The guy in the black hat looks Asian.

The two suspects Suspect-1-semi-profile-view

4The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 5:59 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

TEOTWAWKI wrote:Sounds like the ones Alex called navy Seals last night...or possibly Private security or Mossad agents....who knows? tryem ....hang em

How would it benefit the Mossad to bomb the Boston Marathon? And why would Navy Seals do it? I'm going to need more evidence than a t-shirt peddling disk jockey saying it.

5The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 6:03 pm


I'm going to need more evidence than a t-shirt peddling disk jockey saying it.

Why......everybody is doing it.....he just makes money saying outrageous stuff.

6The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 6:03 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I dunno. Those punks don't look like any Navy Seals I've ever seen. If Alex is still saying that tonight after seeing these photos then Alex needs an optometrist as well as a psychiatrist.

7The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 6:05 pm



Bob wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:Sounds like the ones Alex called navy Seals last night...or possibly Private security or Mossad agents....who knows? tryem ....hang em

How would it benefit the Mossad to bomb the Boston Marathon? And why would Navy Seals do it? I'm going to need more evidence than a t-shirt peddling disk jockey saying it.

Hey 911 got Iraq wiped out and most of Israels other enemies hammered. perhaps this was going to be an Iranian but whoops too many cameras....

8The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 6:06 pm


my question is do you turn the GPS function off on your phone....I do not, but would not a sophisticated terrorist turn their GPS function guess is that if it was on.......they have time and place......they should be able to locate the cell phone, and review store videos when it was bought.....I cannot imagine a terrorist making that kind of mistake.

9The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 6:08 pm



Bob wrote:I dunno. Those punks don't look like any Navy Seals I've ever seen. If Alex is still saying that tonight after seeing these photos then Alex needs an optometrist as well as a psychiatrist.

hey i was listening to Huckabee today while driving and he sells the same type of crap Alex sells so get off bullhorns back Bob.

10The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 6:11 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

2seaoat wrote:my question is do you turn the GPS function off on your phone....I do not, but would not a sophisticated terrorist turn their GPS function guess is that if it was on.......they have time and place......they should be able to locate the cell phone, and review store videos when it was bought.....I cannot imagine a terrorist making that kind of mistake.

Are you talking about after their identities and their cellphone numbers become known? I suppose they might be able to do that then to help substantiate a case against them (dunno).
But before they know the cellphone number how would they know which phones?

11The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 6:14 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Just speculation, but if they weren't smart enough to realize they could be caught on surveilance video, they probably aren't smart enough to turn the GPS off either.

12The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 6:16 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob


hey i was listening to Huckabee today while driving and he sells the same type of crap Alex sells so get off bullhorns back Bob.

That's like telling me Carl Gallups is a dipshit too so that makes Alex Jones not be one.

Not buyin (either your logic or the t-shirts either one).

Last edited by Bob on 4/18/2013, 6:20 pm; edited 2 times in total

13The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 6:18 pm


But before they know the cellphone number how would they know which phones?

GPS should get you within 6 feet. A time stamp when lined up with phone records will have certain phone numbers isolated. Those phone numbers are usually purchased at a retail store. Some stores keep 90 days of security tapes. You review the phone store videos, and connect the purchaser. However, if this is a sophisticated attack.....the person purchasing the phone will be different than the person who actually had the phone. My guess is that the FBI followed pretty sophisticated techniques which dead ended, so they had to go with the traditional public release to locate the suspects..........One video I saw had white cap on the phone.......the new windows eight located me within my office building, and I had never seen that specificity when using gps........My fear is they have already hit dead ends on the phones.

14The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 6:20 pm



Bob wrote:

hey i was listening to Huckabee today while driving and he sells the same type of crap Alex sells so get off bullhorns back Bob.

That's like telling me Carl Gallups is a dipshit too so that makes Alex Jones not be one.

Not buyin.

LOL....The two suspects Images10

15The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 7:28 pm



2seaoat wrote:my question is do you turn the GPS function off on your phone....I do not, but would not a sophisticated terrorist turn their GPS function guess is that if it was on.......they have time and place......they should be able to locate the cell phone, and review store videos when it was bought.....I cannot imagine a terrorist making that kind of mistake.

GPS or not, your conversations can be listened to with advanced SIGINT tools. If it is electronic it can be intercepted and listened to.

16The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 7:33 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I'm trying to grasp this, seaoat.
Are you saying that if I obtain a cellphone and a cellphone number, that for the next 90 days after I purchase that phone, the provider can construct a map of where that cellphone is at any given time (within 6 feet)?

17The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 7:36 pm



Yep, as a matter of fact there are pictures of you,your trip and what you did in SF all over the internet.

18The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 8:10 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

doubtingthomas wrote:Yep, as a matter of fact there are pictures of you,your trip and what you did in SF all over the internet.

Oh shit. I'm screwed. I hope I had the phone turned off when i was having sex with that chicken. I'm not sure that's legal even in San Francisco.

19The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 8:11 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

A CNN reporter just reported that the authorities are investigating the cell phone angle, seaoat.

20The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 8:25 pm


With gps they can locate you much more precisely than some of your application will indicate. Once they have the time, they are going to be able to capture every cell phone number within the tolerances of the the signal. So argument sake, at that time within a half block 13 phones were being used. They will take those phone numbers, and the carriers and begin connecting dots. First, they are going to find the date the phone was purchased, where it was purchased, and if it is a retail outlet, they are going to look at the video images, and most cellphone companies when they activate your phone have a time entered into their database.

They are going to seek a clear picture of the person purchasing the phone. I personally think they ran these checks yesterday, and came up against a dead end. A phone purchased online, another person buying the phone, or a transferred card to a similar phone which may be stolen from an innocent third party. Sophisticated folks are not going to get caught by the FBI because of phone records.....not going to happen.......less sophisticated folks are going to make mistakes.....using their own phones would have to be incredibly stupid. You steal a phone......the day before your operation, or better yet....just lift it.....take the card....put it back where you got it.....and give the phone to your operative who is going to set the bomb....the customer whose phone is not working is probably going to take a day to get to a store and get it corrected. My point is ......I think the FBI hit a roadblock, and the delay was going after those phone records.

Also, this kid who was on the front page of the NY Post could have been a planted photo to give them another day to trace the phones......they simply ran out of time and had to release their best evidence and get help from the public.

21The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 9:32 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Some talking head on Piers Morgan just said this. That they can "run an algorithm" on all the cellphones in use in that area at the time which would "look for anomalies". And as example he suggested look for one prepaid phone to be calling another prepaid phone.
But whatever they perceive to be anomalies could tie that phone to the suspect and hopefully identify who he is.

Oh and by the way, if you haven't already heard it they are now saying that one of the images shows one of the suspects using his phone.

EDIT: just for reference, this is the talking head mentioned in my first paragraph...

Last edited by Bob on 4/18/2013, 9:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

22The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 9:38 pm



Yall might be interested in this video

from this link, with pics.

Last edited by Chrissy on 4/18/2013, 9:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

23The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 9:38 pm


suspects using his phone.

Holding the phone to his ear as if he was talking on the phone........he may have been simply holding the phone as one expert has suggested. If these folks are pros....who knows......if they are not.....he was probably calling his mom to see when dinner was being served.

24The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 9:44 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

2seaoat wrote:suspects using his phone.

Holding the phone to his ear as if he was talking on the phone........he may have been simply holding the phone as one expert has suggested. If these folks are pros....who knows......if they are not.....he was probably calling his mom to see when dinner was being served.

He could also have been using the phone to be in contact with accomplices.
It's not known how they entered or how they exited the area. Could have needed an accomplice in a car to help facilitate that entrance and exit.
Especially since where they're located on the surveillance video compared to the time of the blasts reveals they didn't have much time to spare in making a clean exit from the area.

25The two suspects Empty Re: The two suspects 4/18/2013, 9:50 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

They're also saying they have another video showing one of the suspects reacting to the explosion. But that it's not very conclusive as to how to interpret his reaction.
And even an additional video which shows one of the suspects putting his backpack down. But they're not showing us that because doing so might interfere with interrogation if they apprehend him.

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