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Seafood festival

2 posters

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1Seafood festival Empty Seafood festival 9/20/2019, 7:54 pm


WHY is the seafood festival scheduled for the weekend before military payday on the base and retirees that will be getting retirement checks a few days later? Are they trying to keep thousands of sailors, Marines, airmen, and retirees away from the festival? Very poor planning by the ones that scheduled it. The festival is losing thousands of dollars of sales for food and other things.

2Seafood festival Empty Re: Seafood festival 9/21/2019, 11:34 am



Always poor planning!

3Seafood festival Empty Re: Seafood festival 9/21/2019, 1:24 pm


I agree 100% Joanni. They schedule a LOT of things when the junior sailors and other military can't afford to go.

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