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Petition: No war parade

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1Petition:  No war parade Empty Petition: No war parade 3/29/2018, 3:46 pm



Trump plans a massive demonstration of military power in Washington, D.C. A war parade would be a waste of our taxpayer dollars, would not do anything to keep our country safe, and would not honor the men and women in uniform. Its entire purpose is to let Trump play dictator for a day, further eroding democracy, and pushing our country even closer to authoritarianism.

Trump's war parade must not be treated as normal. Prevent Trump from holding a dangerous war parade in Washington, D.C.
There are currently 300,354 signatures. NEW goal - We need 325,000 signatures!

2Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/29/2018, 4:33 pm


The difference from Nikita and Donald is that Nikita actually fought in the battle of Stalingrad.......Donald fought to hold up a bowling trophy. How does an entire region of this nation find this NY hustler the answer to make America great again......of course.....dixiecrats all.

3Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/29/2018, 5:24 pm


Has there been some revival of this parade thing? I'd heard that the Donald had shelved it some time ago, what with all the pushback.

4Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/29/2018, 8:52 pm


If Stormy did not tell us about little Donald not attracting her, there is nothing like a bunch of phallic symbols on missile launchers to make him look even more insecure and pathetic. He has his share of women problems right now, and a parade will not save his sorry little butt.

5Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/29/2018, 10:52 pm



RealLindaL wrote:Has there been some revival of this parade thing?  I'd heard that the Donald had shelved it some time ago, what with all the pushback.

Last I heard, there would be no tanks, but the parade is still planned.

6Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/30/2018, 1:30 am


2seaoat wrote:If Stormy did not tell us about little Donald not attracting her, there is nothing like a bunch of phallic symbols on missile launchers to make him look even more insecure and pathetic.  He has his share of women problems right now, and a parade will not save his sorry little butt.

Right on the money here. And pathetic is the word, in spades.

7Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/30/2018, 1:31 am


Floridatexan wrote:
RealLindaL wrote:Has there been some revival of this parade thing?  I'd heard that the Donald had shelved it some time ago, what with all the pushback.

Last I heard, there would be no tanks, but the parade is still planned.

OK, will take a look at the petition.

8Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/30/2018, 1:39 am


RealLindaL wrote:OK, will take a look at the petition.

Did, and signed, complete with a comment utilizing Sea's "pathetic" word.

Prompted me to check and see how the Need to Impeach site's doing.  Wow - they have 5,124,509 signatures as of this moment.  Not that it will ever do any good, I don't suppose....

9Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/30/2018, 2:46 am

Deus X

Deus X

What a stupid waste of time. Washington D.C. is ultimately under the authority of Congress. If they approve a parade, there'll be a parade. The Mayor and the Council can go piss up a rope. And that's not to mention the fact that posting your name, email address and Zip code online is incredibly dumb. That information is going to be harvested and shopped all over. You'll need a backhoe to clean out your inbox.

I found one of the statements in that silly-ass petition to be particularly galling: that this parade is not "American". What horseshit! I grew up in D.C. When I was a kid, there were plenty of parades, especially on Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. They had marching troops and military vehicles--no tanks that I recall--along with the Shriners and bands from all over the country.They were great! No one ever said they were dictator-like.

What small-minded, ignorant nonsense.

10Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/30/2018, 5:32 am



Floridatexan wrote:

Trump plans a massive demonstration of military power in Washington, D.C. A war parade would be a waste of our taxpayer dollars, would not do anything to keep our country safe, and would not honor the men and women in uniform. Its entire purpose is to let Trump play dictator for a day, further eroding democracy, and pushing our country even closer to authoritarianism.

Trump's war parade must not be treated as normal. Prevent Trump from holding a dangerous war parade in Washington, D.C.
There are currently 300,354 signatures. NEW goal - We need 325,000 signatures!

"A war parade would be a waste of our taxpayer dollars, would not do anything to keep our country safe, and would not honor the men and women in uniform."   Hold on their my friend . . . why in hell are we supposed to "honor" the men or women in uniform?  None of them were drafted.  All volunteered to be bloody, murderous pawns exploited by crooked politicians bought and paid for by the MIC. Our military fights, kills and dies so the 1% of Americans who really count get to make ever bigger bucks.  Face it, people who volunteer to kill whoever they're ordered to kill, for money or other incentives, have no moral or honorable base. They're paid mercenaries.
You show me what's patriotic or honorable in any the unending wars we're now fighting in some 70 plus countries.

The sad reality is that our country used to have honorable intentions and went to war for honorable reasons.  No more.  We deserve the bastards we've elected to run our gang.  I have a suggestion; If you really want to honor our men and women in uniform, stop them from being exploited!  

11Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/30/2018, 11:39 am


I remember seeing huge military parades as a child down Michigan Ave. in Chicago. Veterans who had fought in a real war. Citizens who were not mercenaries who came to their country's aid in the time of need. Every war since that war has been MIC wars. Viet Nam was the last time we had citizen soldiers who were drafted. Now we have a mercenary army who when you peel all the nonsensical rhetoric about being heroes are looking at this as a vocation, and MIC wants America to normalize this sick perverted paradigm. Until every little Donald Trump with silver spoons is exposed to military duty by draft, we will have an inferior and sinister storm brewing where nobody in this world is safe from MIC. However, if the draft was reinstated where men and woman were drafted into service, we could cut our military budget by 30% and have much higher quality personnel serving this nation prepared for real threats, not invading panama, Iraq, Afghanastan, and of course Granada. Hell, Clint Eastwood starred in a movie where our soldiers were made heroic for the invasion of is the teat suckers and MIC against the American people right now, and Donald's Parade is giving MIC a wet dream.

12Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/30/2018, 11:57 am


Deus X wrote:What a stupid waste of time.

You do things your way and I'll make my own decisions as to what's a waste, or stupid, or whatever, thank you very much daddy dear.

13Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/30/2018, 12:11 pm

Deus X

Deus X

In "Afghanastan" we're fighting the Taliban, as evil an enemy as the world has seen since WWII.

Our soldiers are fighting and dying to protect OTHERS, a noble and honorable an enterprise. Isn't there something in the bible about laying down your life for your friends? John 15:13, I think.

Afghanistan: Harrowing accounts emerge of the Taliban’s reign of terror in Kunduz

Mass murder, gang rapes and house-to-house searches by Taliban death squads are just some of the harrowing civilian testimonies emerging from Kunduz as Afghan forces today claimed to have regained control of key areas of the northern city, Amnesty International said.

The organization has spoken to numerous people, the majority of them women, who have fled Kunduz since Monday, when the Taliban launched a sudden assault on the city. Women human rights defenders from Kunduz spoke of a “hit list” being used by the Taliban to track down activists and others, and described how fighters had raped and killed numerous civilians.

“The harrowing accounts we’ve received paint a picture of a reign of terror during the Taliban’s brutal capture of Kunduz this week. The multiple credible reports of killings, rapes and other horrors meted out against the city’s residents must prompt the Afghan authorities to do more now to protect civilians, in particular in areas where more fighting appears imminent,” said Horia Mosadiq, Afghanistan Researcher at Amnesty International.

Here's what the Taliban does to their enemies:
Petition:  No war parade IdiYrFk

Under the Taliban, women are:

Banned from going to school or studying

Banned from working

Banned from leaving the house without a male chaperone

Banned from showing their skin in public

Banned from accessing healthcare delivered by men (with women forbidden from working, healthcare was virtually inaccessible)

Banned from being involved in politics or speaking publicly.

Here's a picture of pre-Taliban life in Kabul:
Petition:  No war parade 135

Nice, huh? Anyone who thinks the richest, most powerful nation on earth should just ignore that needs to read a little more history.

14Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/30/2018, 1:52 pm

Deus X

Deus X

RealLindaL wrote:
You do things your way and I'll make my own decisions as to what's a waste, or stupid, or whatever, thank you very much daddy dear.

Ooooh! You so sassy! You make me hot when you talk that daddy stuff!

15Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/30/2018, 3:34 pm


Deus X wrote:
RealLindaL wrote:
You do things your way and I'll make my own decisions as to what's a waste, or stupid, or whatever, thank you very much daddy dear.

Ooooh! You so sassy! You make me hot when you talk that daddy stuff!

Whatever turns you on, big boy.

16Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/30/2018, 8:27 pm



Deus X wrote:In "Afghanastan" we're fighting the Taliban, as evil an enemy as the world has seen since WWII.

Our soldiers are fighting and dying to protect OTHERS, a noble and honorable an enterprise. Isn't there something in the bible about laying down your life for your friends? John 15:13, I think.

Afghanistan: Harrowing accounts emerge of the Taliban’s reign of terror in Kunduz

Mass murder, gang rapes and house-to-house searches by Taliban death squads are just some of the harrowing civilian testimonies emerging from Kunduz as Afghan forces today claimed to have regained control of key areas of the northern city, Amnesty International said.

The organization has spoken to numerous people, the majority of them women, who have fled Kunduz since Monday, when the Taliban launched a sudden assault on the city. Women human rights defenders from Kunduz spoke of a “hit list” being used by the Taliban to track down activists and others, and described how fighters had raped and killed numerous civilians.

“The harrowing accounts we’ve received paint a picture of a reign of terror during the Taliban’s brutal capture of Kunduz this week. The multiple credible reports of killings, rapes and other horrors meted out against the city’s residents must prompt the Afghan authorities to do more now to protect civilians, in particular in areas where more fighting appears imminent,” said Horia Mosadiq, Afghanistan Researcher at Amnesty International.

Here's what the Taliban does to their enemies:
Petition:  No war parade IdiYrFk

Under the Taliban, women are:

Banned from going to school or studying

Banned from working

Banned from leaving the house without a male chaperone

Banned from showing their skin in public

Banned from accessing healthcare delivered by men (with women forbidden from working, healthcare was virtually inaccessible)

Banned from being involved in politics or speaking publicly.

Here's a picture of pre-Taliban life in Kabul:
Petition:  No war parade 135

Nice, huh? Anyone who thinks the richest, most powerful nation on earth should just ignore that needs to read a little more history.

Since when is it noble and honorable for the U.S.A. to serve as a sort of global police force? Please show me where today's Afghan Taliban has attacked any American on our own soil. The true facts are, there are ten times as many Afghans who are not Taliban. Why can't we step back and let them protect themselves?

17Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/30/2018, 8:27 pm


So we are the Russians now. Invade a country without a care about international law and the sovereignty of the citizens of that nation. We are now a colonial power where our form of government and our Christian ideals must be followed by every citizen in the world. The battle in Afghanastan is the battle between modernity and archaic tribal religious structure. The British failed, the Russians failed, and we have failed. Is the standard now that America has become the world policeman in America's viewpoint, or a tyranny of wealth and military power which imposes our will on people around the globe.

Are we going to spend 70 years in the country like we did in Korea? All the things which have been said about North Korea fail to recognize that we have an invading force of close to 40k on the Korean soil. We have become monsters, and it was not until Donald Trump can rational people begin to question whether this nation is even a good nation any more, or have we become the very evil which we pledged to fight. We are a paper tiger which is entirely vulnerable actually fighting nation states in real war and combat......not an eight to one advantage, but possibly only a two to one or three to one advantage which has been entirely different from any conflict we have put our armed forces into since wwII. It is time to change the paradigm. Hopefully, young people will finish what the babyboomers FU.

18Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/30/2018, 9:11 pm

Deus X

Deus X

2seaoat wrote:So we are the Russians now.  Invade a country without a care about international law and the sovereignty of the citizens of that nation.  We are now a colonial power where our form of government and our Christian ideals must be followed by every citizen in the world.  The battle in Afghanastan is the battle between modernity and archaic tribal religious structure.   The British failed, the Russians failed, and we have failed.  Is the standard now that America has become the world policeman in America's viewpoint, or a tyranny of wealth and military power which imposes our will on people around the globe.

Are we going to spend 70 years in the country like we did in Korea?  All the things which have been said about North Korea fail to recognize that we have an invading force of close to 40k on the Korean soil.  We have become monsters, and it was not until Donald Trump can rational people begin to question whether this nation is even a good nation any more, or have we become the very evil which we pledged to fight.  We are a paper tiger which is entirely vulnerable actually fighting nation states in real war and combat......not an eight to one advantage, but possibly only a two to one or three to one advantage which has been entirely different from any conflict we have put our armed forces into since wwII.   It is time to change the paradigm.  Hopefully, young people will finish what the babyboomers FU.

You arrogant, ignorant fucker! You should spend a little more time reading history and less time shooting off your mouth.

Until the conflict of the 1970s, the 20th Century had seen relatively steady progression for women's rights in the country. Afghan women were first eligible to vote in 1919 - only a year after women in the UK were given voting rights, and a year before the women in the United States were allowed to vote. In the 1950s purdah (gendered separation) was abolished; in the 1960s a new constitution brought equality to many areas of life, including political participation.

And that's from Amnesty International! Modernity got rolled back by the civil war in the '70s then the Soviet occupation. You have very strong opinions but an unconscionably weak grasp of history.

South Korea is a prosperous modern country now and that's because we've been there protecting it from North Korea. I guess you would prefer that the whole country looked like North Korea. That's fucking cowardly, to not protect and defend the powerless.

It's ALWAYS the duty of the powerful to protect and help the weak and oppressed.

19Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/30/2018, 9:22 pm



Deus X wrote:
2seaoat wrote:So we are the Russians now.  Invade a country without a care about international law and the sovereignty of the citizens of that nation.  We are now a colonial power where our form of government and our Christian ideals must be followed by every citizen in the world.  The battle in Afghanastan is the battle between modernity and archaic tribal religious structure.   The British failed, the Russians failed, and we have failed.  Is the standard now that America has become the world policeman in America's viewpoint, or a tyranny of wealth and military power which imposes our will on people around the globe.

Are we going to spend 70 years in the country like we did in Korea?  All the things which have been said about North Korea fail to recognize that we have an invading force of close to 40k on the Korean soil.  We have become monsters, and it was not until Donald Trump can rational people begin to question whether this nation is even a good nation any more, or have we become the very evil which we pledged to fight.  We are a paper tiger which is entirely vulnerable actually fighting nation states in real war and combat......not an eight to one advantage, but possibly only a two to one or three to one advantage which has been entirely different from any conflict we have put our armed forces into since wwII.   It is time to change the paradigm.  Hopefully, young people will finish what the babyboomers FU.

You arrogant, ignorant fucker! You should spend a little more time reading history and less time shooting off your mouth.

Until the conflict of the 1970s, the 20th Century had seen relatively steady progression for women's rights in the country. Afghan women were first eligible to vote in 1919 - only a year after women in the UK were given voting rights, and a year before the women in the United States were allowed to vote. In the 1950s purdah (gendered separation) was abolished; in the 1960s a new constitution brought equality to many areas of life, including political participation.

And that's from Amnesty International! Modernity got rolled back by the civil war in the '70s then the Soviet occupation. You have very strong opinions but an unconscionably weak grasp of history.

South Korea is a prosperous modern country now and that's because we've been there protecting it from North Korea. I guess you would prefer that the whole country looked like North Korea. That's fucking cowardly, to not protect and defend the powerless.

It's ALWAYS the duty of the powerful to protect and help the weak and oppressed.

Like we're doing in Yemen?

20Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/30/2018, 10:09 pm

Deus X

Deus X

Wordslinger wrote:
Like we're doing in Yemen?

Yeah, helping Saudis kill the Iran-backed Houthi rebels. Good! They're just another medieval, fundamentalist, Islamist sect. Fuck 'em, kill 'em all. More people live better lives under our system than under their barbaric theocracy.

21Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/31/2018, 3:03 pm


Some people on this forum have the audacity to worry about citizens in other countries to justify the five trillion thrown down the rabbit hole, but do not lose a minute of sleep as America has the most incarcerated people in the world who are mostly in poverty and are people of color. People get dragged behind pick up trucks because of their sexual preference, and you think telling us the horrors of the fight for modernity across the globe somehow justifies our being a colonial power which starts with your very premise.....we will civilize and exploit your resources. Please try to put a concept together which actually makes sense.

22Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/31/2018, 3:05 pm



Deus X wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
Like we're doing in Yemen?

Yeah, helping Saudis kill the Iran-backed Houthi rebels. Good! They're just another medieval, fundamentalist, Islamist sect. Fuck 'em, kill 'em all. More people live better lives under our system than under their barbaric theocracy.

I have several old steel files, let me know if you need one to sharpen your teeth.

23Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/31/2018, 4:42 pm



I recommend this book. Although it's fiction, it details the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and our subsequent alliance with the Taliban against the Russians.

Petition:  No war parade Bdb983d5e95aa271bf387a0df0ac933d-w204@1x

Lie Down with Lions
Ken Follett, Author William Morrow & Company $18.95 (0p) ISBN 978-0-688-05891-3

Follett's new thriller (after Eye of the Needle, The Key to Rebecca) involves cut-throat treachery and mixed-up romances. Jane and Ellis, Americans in Paris, are lovers, but she breaks with him when she learns he's a CIA agent, informing on terrorists. Ellis goes back to the U.S.; Jane marries Jean-Pierre Debout, a French physician, and goes with him to Afghanistan to care for rebel families holding out against the Russian army. Here is where the novel's real action, and its knife-edge tension, begin. After the birth of her baby, Jane discovers that Jean-Pierre is himself spying for the Russians and has caused a massacre of guerrilla fighters who were trapped at the foot of the mountains. Then Ellis reappears, bearing offers of American aid for Afghan leader Masud if the latter can unite his country's quarreling tribes. While Jean-Pierre is conspiring with the Soviet intruders to kill Masud, Ellis, Jane and even the infant girl, the story races to an explosive climax. 200,000 first printing; $200,000 ad/promo; BOMC main selection; author tour. Foreign rights: Writers House. January 31

24Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/31/2018, 4:48 pm



And of course, there's JOE WILSON'S WAR. A coke snorting, womanizing politician, who pushes to ally US forces with the mujhadeen against the invading Soviets.

25Petition:  No war parade Empty Re: Petition: No war parade 3/31/2018, 5:18 pm

Deus X

Deus X

Floridatexan wrote:
And of course, there's JOE WILSON'S WAR.  A coke snorting, womanizing politician, who pushes to ally US forces with the mujhadeen against the invading Soviets.  

Uh...   I think you mean Charlie Wilson's War. That was a Mike Nichols movie.

This may come as a rude shock to your world-view but, more often than not, any similarity between movies and reality is usually coincidence.

Thanks for playing.

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