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Obamacare Premiums for 2017 Jumped 25% on

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I don't understand why this isn't bigger news. The "Affordable Care Act" simply isn't. The only thing the government can do better than the free market is spend your money and limit your choices. And there is one candidate who wants more of the same. This isn't spin, it's cold hard facts.



It won't be perfect until all healthcare is run like the VA. So we've got that to look forward to.


While the average premiums on the benchmark health plans are increasing, the government says more than 70 percent of people buying insurance on the marketplaces created by the law could get a health plan for less than $75 a month for 2017. To get the best deal, people would have to pick a low-cost plan with limited benefits and take advantage of all the subsidies available.

So, are premiums “skyrocketing”? Overall, no. But some individuals who buy their own insurance could face significantly higher rates, depending on their health status, previous plan and other factors. Other individuals — particularly those with health conditions and those who qualify for subsidies — could pay less.



2seaoat wrote:

While the average premiums on the benchmark health plans are increasing, the government says more than 70 percent of people buying insurance on the marketplaces created by the law could get a health plan for less than $75 a month for 2017. To get the best deal, people would have to pick a low-cost plan with limited benefits and take advantage of all the subsidies available.

So, are premiums “skyrocketing”? Overall, no. But some individuals who buy their own insurance could face significantly higher rates, depending on their health status, previous plan and other factors. Other individuals — particularly those with health conditions and those who qualify for subsidies — could pay less.

Perhaps you should try something from 2016 instead of nearly three years ago when it was already in our (Conservatives) forecast the failure of this system.

Open Enrollment In Affordable Care Marketplace Will Bring Unpleasant Changes To Consumers
October 24, 2016 9:50 PM By Pat Loeb

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — When the Affordable Care Act open enrollment period begins next week customers will see some changes, including fewer choices and higher prices.

In Pennsylvania, the number of insurers in the marketplace has gone from 13 to eight. In Philadelphia, just two insurers are left and premiums are expected to rise 53 percent.

Aviva Aron-Dine of Health and Human Services says the size of the hike reflects artificially low rates early on. Pennsylvania had among the lowest rates in the nation.

"Artificially low rates early on", that means from the time you are shamelessly trying to pawn off on us.


Aetna CEO Says Young People Pick Weekend Beer Over Obamacare

Zachary Tracer
Katherine Doherty
October 25, 2016 — 2:53 PM EDT Updated on October 25, 2016 — 3:26 PM EDT



Lol... thick as a brick. Seagoat can even ignore direct quotes... so this should be easy for him... lol.

FactCheck 2014... hahaha.


Please note the first link date, and then explain to me why 70% of folks are doing just fine with the subsidy. By the way......what were the increases in individual plans during the early 2000s as folks had double the increases we are talking about today..........sorry 70% means by far you folks are squawking propaganda to convince America that there is no subsidy, and that the majority are facing these rate the first link. The second link was the same argument, just two years earlier.....propaganda which is stupid always has a way of trying to distort reality. I await your answer on pre ACA premium increases and policy cancellations when folks had prexisting conditions which could be excluded.......not even close.



It's a problem that Congress should address ....

.... but, it's not a widespread problem.

Obamacare Premiums for 2017 Jumped 25% on Captur37



It's such a human statement on those who find "joy" in believing that President's Obama's ACA is "failing."

Healthcare has needed and continues to require an overhaul. President Obama made a bold step with introducing the ACA. Was it the best? No, but was health insurance then or now at it's best? Just take a look at the runaround anyone with a long term or terminal illness endures.

Prior to ACA, insurance companies were doing the same thing they are doing now - raising premiums.

The issue has long been that health care needs not more management but needs streamlining of such and restructuring of profit into the patient treatment. Shareholder profits from human healthcare? That needs to be addressed.

So, small people who rejoice at a "failure" of President Obama - continue to cut off your nose to spite your face.

Rolling Eyes


So, small people who rejoice at a "failure" of President Obama - continue to cut off your nose to spite your face.

Agree. Very small people. "failure" is in the eye of the beholder, and with the folks I know who were able to separate their job from early retirement which has allowed them to travel and enjoy life independent of their fears of preexisting conditions which had anchored them, or their spouse to a job which did not bring much enjoyment. 70% are facing no real increases with subsidy, yet the "small" people celebrate the idea of people without insurance.



I'll fix it.

1) Increase penalties

2) Increase subsidies

Problem solved.

You're welcome.



Punish the young and middle class... great idea.



PkrBum wrote:Punish the young and middle class... great idea.

The young and middle class do get punished in the fact that CORPORATE AMERICA is looking for profit to the shareholders and could give jack crap about employees.  That's why their work is shipped overseas.  Who's punishing whom?

Sorry, PkrBum, there's more to the story than trying to pin one story on one President or administration and call it "failed."

Corporate America gave the world to the workers of the 1950s through retirement and benefits they KNEW could not be sustained.  Then when the rubber meets the road for them what did they do?  THEY PUNISHED THE YOUNG AND MIDDLE CLASS by staking away benefits, cutting back hours, laying off men/women who were close to receiving a company retirement.  I could go on and on but basically you need to broaden your view of reading and find that the issues are based on the PRODUCERS who are basically out to profit and there IS NO TRICKLE down.

Oh, and start with insurance and pharmaceuticals.  

So celebrate if you will the "failure" of "Obamacare."  Sad to see someone celebrate the loss of healthcare to the middle class and young...wouldn't you say?



I'm not celebrating anything... please don't turn into seagoat. At the base obamacaid is govt redistribution and social engineering. I do lament that this program was shoved down our throats. Most didn't want it... but our dear leaders felt it best. Nothing has happened that wasn't warned of. It sucks.


Punish the young and middle class... great idea.

No, it is not some grand conspiracy to apply realistic actuarial tables to an insurance pool. First, pay attention to what Hillary has proposed in Medicare. She wants to drop the age of eligibility gradually down to 55 or even 50 depending on the actuarial tables. As this happens the Affordable Care Act which had been covering those old people who were sick will see their premiums drop for younger people. This will be paid by budget priorities which you may not agree like increasing the tax rate on top incomes, increasing the estate tax, cutting loopholes, raising the ceiling on SS and medicare contributions, and increasing revenues by investment in private sector infrastructure investments. This is not complicated, and it is not social engineering. It is simple insurance which requires a sound actuarial table.

I just got my medicare card as I become eligible on December 1st. I will be purchasing my advantage supplemental policy through Cigna, as my current monthly PPO with Cigna has been almost $1,200 which with the supplemental which will be the same PPO coverage we will only know pay about $500. Sadly, my second shot will not be paid, but the system works. If social security and Medicare need more revenue.....we did it in Tip and Reagan's time and we will have to do it now.

boards of FL

boards of FL

Dcat wrote:I don't understand why this isn't bigger news.

Because the 25% increase only pertains to plans sold on the federal healthcare exchange, and 75% of those plans are subsidized and thus subscribers to those plans will not experience a 25% increase in what they are expected to pay.  That's why.

And to the rest of our republican forum members, anytime you find yourself reading something and saying "I don't know why this isn't bigger news", first consider the possibility that you don't understand what you're reading.

I approve this message.


quote="boards of FL"]And to the rest of our republican forum members, anytime you find yourself reading something and saying "I don't know why this isn't bigger news", first consider the possibility that you don't understand what you're reading.[/quote]

And/or, consider the possibility that what you're reading -- most especially if from a right wing source, is not giving you anywhere near the complete and accurate story in the first place.

And whatever you do, don't believe a word Trump says on this issue.  He lamented that many, many of his hotel employees were going to be hurt by this increase, but one of his own hotel managers had to step in and correct him, stating that the vast majority of those employees obtain their insurance through the hotel and were not on the Obamacare exchanges at all.  

Bottom line:  BOF's correct; it's much ado about virtually nothing.



PkrBum wrote:I'm not celebrating anything... please don't turn into seagoat. At the base obamacaid is govt redistribution and social engineering. I do lament that this program was shoved down our throats. Most didn't want it... but our dear leaders felt it best. Nothing has happened that wasn't warned of. It sucks.

Oh no, not turning into Seaoat, just stating my own opinions and conclusions. Which always seems to be in direct conflict with the talking heads of whom most "conservatives" on this forum seem to quote...verbatim. Would love to hear some new words/phrases. Its so easy to predict what is going to be said.


When we get business out of medicine, we might see a lowering of rates and manageable health care prices.



SheWrites wrote:
PkrBum wrote:I'm not celebrating anything... please don't turn into seagoat. At the base obamacaid is govt redistribution and social engineering. I do lament that this program was shoved down our throats. Most didn't want it... but our dear leaders felt it best. Nothing has happened that wasn't warned of. It sucks.

Oh no, not turning into Seaoat, just stating my own opinions and conclusions.  Which always seems to be in direct conflict with the talking heads of whom most "conservatives" on this forum seem to quote...verbatim.  Would love to hear some new words/phrases.  Its so easy to predict what is going to be said.


When we get business out of medicine, we might see a lowering of rates and manageable health care prices.

Like the VA?



PkrBum wrote:
SheWrites wrote:
PkrBum wrote:I'm not celebrating anything... please don't turn into seagoat. At the base obamacaid is govt redistribution and social engineering. I do lament that this program was shoved down our throats. Most didn't want it... but our dear leaders felt it best. Nothing has happened that wasn't warned of. It sucks.

Oh no, not turning into Seaoat, just stating my own opinions and conclusions.  Which always seems to be in direct conflict with the talking heads of whom most "conservatives" on this forum seem to quote...verbatim.  Would love to hear some new words/phrases.  Its so easy to predict what is going to be said.


When we get business out of medicine, we might see a lowering of rates and manageable health care prices.

Like the VA?

What would you prefer then? Free healthcare or premiums? Can't have it both ways. And when people continue to make unhealthy lifestyle choices we all pay for it.

As for the VA, that's mismanagement. It has nothing to do with who's footing the bill. If I see a doctor on Eglin AFB and I'm paying a Tricare premium, I'm getting the same health care system/procedures as the military who go there for "free" and I've not had any complaints. The VA could be managed as well as the MTF on any base or post. The VA clinic sits less than a 1/4 mile from Eglin AFB Hospital. How can so much difference in care be offered? Mismanagment...

So to hold up the VA and use that as your argument is, at best, weak.



SheWrites wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
SheWrites wrote:
PkrBum wrote:I'm not celebrating anything... please don't turn into seagoat. At the base obamacaid is govt redistribution and social engineering. I do lament that this program was shoved down our throats. Most didn't want it... but our dear leaders felt it best. Nothing has happened that wasn't warned of. It sucks.

Oh no, not turning into Seaoat, just stating my own opinions and conclusions.  Which always seems to be in direct conflict with the talking heads of whom most "conservatives" on this forum seem to quote...verbatim.  Would love to hear some new words/phrases.  Its so easy to predict what is going to be said.


When we get business out of medicine, we might see a lowering of rates and manageable health care prices.

Like the VA?

What would you prefer then?  Free healthcare or premiums?  Can't have it both ways.  And when people continue to make unhealthy lifestyle choices we all pay for it.  

As for the VA, that's mismanagement.  It has nothing to do with who's footing the bill.  If I see a doctor on Eglin AFB and I'm paying a Tricare premium, I'm getting the same health care system/procedures as the military who go there for "free" and I've not had any complaints.  The VA could be managed as well as the MTF on any base or post.  The VA clinic sits less than a 1/4 mile from Eglin AFB Hospital.  How can so much difference in care be offered?  Mismanagment...

So to hold up the VA and use that as your argument is, at best, weak.

Govt is mismanagement... look at anything it controls fully. I still say join all the govt programs into one complete system... allow a cheap buy in for the working poor. Then allow a private free market system that doesn't prop up the govt programs. Why must the govt solution mandate and penalize and force?


Govt is mismanagement.

Stupid may be simple, but it is seldom right.

boards of FL

boards of FL

If the government would just, like, get out of the way, or something, stuff just, like, works itself out!  It just does!

Every comment ever made by PkrBum on this forum is essentially a rewording of the above statement.

I approve this message.



boards of FL wrote:If the government would just, like, get out of the way, or something, stuff just, like, works itself out!  It just does!

Every comment ever made by PkrBum on this forum is essentially a rewording of the above statement.  

That is unless captain spam bitches and moans that my comments make it harder for him to follow the conversations. Rolling Eyes


I get working for efficiency in government. I have done the same my whole life, but PK is that guy that shows up at a meeting and knows nothing about how government works and starts criticizing without having a clue how budgets work, the scope of that governmental unit, the subtle overlays of policy and programs, but still spouts folks are all stupid and cannot run government efficiently......I do not have alternatives, I just want to tear down and can offer no alternative policies or actual improved person it takes about five questions and they scamper out of a meeting utterly embarrassing themselves. However, there are brave citizens who gut it out with ideas and improvements. They are not cowards......they grind.....they take criticism......they work tirelessly for improvements......and suddenly one problem at local government is solved. Government in America works.



2seaoat wrote:Please note the first link date, and then explain to me why 70% of folks are doing just fine with the subsidy.   By the way......what were the increases in individual plans during the early 2000s as folks had double the increases we are talking about today..........sorry 70% means by far you folks are squawking propaganda to convince America that there is no subsidy, and that the majority are facing these rate the first link.    The second link was the same argument, just two years earlier.....propaganda which is stupid always has a way of trying to distort reality.   I await your answer on pre ACA premium increases and policy cancellations when folks had prexisting conditions which could be excluded.......not even close.

MOST amusing, to 2seaoat/BoardsofFl just so long as someone ELSE is paying, that makes the plan affordable.

According to 2seaoat/BoardsofFl, if the cost of my insurance goes from $1,000 per month and my neighbor is forced to pay for theirs PLUS $500.00 of mine, that makes it affordable. Then, if mine increases from $1,000. per month to $1,500 per month and my payment goes to $550.00 it is still affordable...for me. Now for my neighbor, he still pays all for his, PLUS another $450.00 of mine so he's now paying his own for $1,500 per month PLUS $950.00 of MINE. How kind of him!

Subsidies DO NOT MEAN that my insurance has only gone up a small amount. It means that tax PAYERS are going to be paying EVEN MORE! What a plan!

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