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Is this a racist remark?

boards of FL
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1Is this a racist remark? Empty Is this a racist remark? 11/5/2014, 2:03 pm



"old white people"

How do they get away with this? Oh's MSNBC. And it's funny that no major news outlet has picked this up that I can find.

Rolling Eyes So tired of the double standard. Where's the outrage?

2Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/5/2014, 2:08 pm


Is "old black people" racist? How about old Chinese people? Using nouns to describe people is racist? Who'd a thunk?

3Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/5/2014, 2:11 pm



I share your despair at the plight of the melanin impoverished people of our nation.

Will whitey never get a fair shake??

4Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/5/2014, 2:27 pm


Old white people........that is descriptive and as one of that class, I find NOTHING racist about the same. Jim Crow and the attitudes toward others in this nation will largely be buried with those of us who lived Jim Crow. Young people have had a great role model in President Obama, much different than when I was a child where blacks were not in film or commercials. Racism will never be totally eliminated, but in the next 25 years, much of it will be buried.

5Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/6/2014, 9:44 am


2seaoat wrote:Old white people........that is descriptive and as one of that class, I find NOTHING racist about the same.   Jim Crow and the attitudes toward others in this nation will largely be buried with those of us who lived Jim Crow.  Young people have had a great role model in President Obama, much different than when I was a child where blacks were not in film or commercials.  Racism will never be totally eliminated, but in the next 25 years, much of it will be buried.

What a load of hooey. You think anyone who disagrees with an Obama policy is a racist. You require no other evidence.......the major reason folks think racism is a crisis in this country is because people like you keep it alive and well with your usually unfounded criticisms.

6Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/6/2014, 10:44 am


What a load of hooey. You think anyone who disagrees with an Obama policy is a racist. You require no other evidence.......the major reason folks think racism is a crisis in this country is because people like you keep it alive and well with your usually unfounded criticisms.

I disagree with most of his domestic policies, and I voted for his opponents in 2008 and 2012, but I sure as hell have extended my respect to the man who is my President. You ignore the Dixiecrats and the old confederacy still trying to take rights away from people of color. Racism is alive and well in America, and it is being utilized by the 1% to divide and conquer the American people as the once solid Democratic South has transitioned under the Southern strategy to the Republican Party. The hate and disrespect for the President originates from that base, and it allows the economic exploitation of all Americans. I may be dirt poor, have no skills or education, but at least I feel superior to black and brown people by the status of my race.......that ugly stain on America will be diminished as will the influence of those who sell that lie. The demographics will seal the deal.

7Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/6/2014, 10:52 am


2seaoat wrote:What a load of hooey. You think anyone who disagrees with an Obama policy is a racist. You require no other evidence.......the major reason folks think racism is a crisis in this country is because people like you keep it alive and well with your usually unfounded criticisms.

I disagree with most of his domestic policies, and I voted for his opponents in 2008 and 2012, but I sure as hell have extended my respect to the man who is my President.   You ignore the Dixiecrats and the old confederacy still trying to take rights away from people of color.   Racism is alive and well in America, and it is being utilized by the 1% to divide and conquer the American people as the once solid Democratic South has transitioned under the Southern strategy to the Republican Party.  The hate and disrespect for the President originates from that base, and it allows the economic exploitation of all Americans.   I may be dirt poor, have no skills or education, but at least I feel superior to black and brown people by the status of my race.......that ugly stain on America will be diminished as will the influence of those who sell that lie.   The demographics will seal the deal.

You would do well to leave the 50's - this is 2014.......but some people can't leave the past behind.

8Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/6/2014, 11:06 am



gatorfan wrote:
2seaoat wrote:What a load of hooey. You think anyone who disagrees with an Obama policy is a racist. You require no other evidence.......the major reason folks think racism is a crisis in this country is because people like you keep it alive and well with your usually unfounded criticisms.

I disagree with most of his domestic policies, and I voted for his opponents in 2008 and 2012, but I sure as hell have extended my respect to the man who is my President.   You ignore the Dixiecrats and the old confederacy still trying to take rights away from people of color.   Racism is alive and well in America, and it is being utilized by the 1% to divide and conquer the American people as the once solid Democratic South has transitioned under the Southern strategy to the Republican Party.  The hate and disrespect for the President originates from that base, and it allows the economic exploitation of all Americans.   I may be dirt poor, have no skills or education, but at least I feel superior to black and brown people by the status of my race.......that ugly stain on America will be diminished as will the influence of those who sell that lie.   The demographics will seal the deal.

You would do well to leave the 50's - this is 2014.......but some people can't leave the past behind.


I think it is a clear case of you being in denial as Mr. Oats words ring true.

9Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/6/2014, 11:10 am



gatorfan wrote:

You would do well to leave the 50's - this is 2014.......but some people can't leave the past behind.

Is this a racist remark? RacistObamaPic14

Is this a racist remark? RacistObamaPic16

Is this a racist remark? Obamabucks3

Is this a racist remark? Obama_racist_image1

Is this a racist remark? Racist-Obama-email-

Is this a racist remark? Image_7048215

Is this a racist remark? African-lion

10Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/6/2014, 11:21 am


knothead wrote:
gatorfan wrote:
2seaoat wrote:What a load of hooey. You think anyone who disagrees with an Obama policy is a racist. You require no other evidence.......the major reason folks think racism is a crisis in this country is because people like you keep it alive and well with your usually unfounded criticisms.

I disagree with most of his domestic policies, and I voted for his opponents in 2008 and 2012, but I sure as hell have extended my respect to the man who is my President.   You ignore the Dixiecrats and the old confederacy still trying to take rights away from people of color.   Racism is alive and well in America, and it is being utilized by the 1% to divide and conquer the American people as the once solid Democratic South has transitioned under the Southern strategy to the Republican Party.  The hate and disrespect for the President originates from that base, and it allows the economic exploitation of all Americans.   I may be dirt poor, have no skills or education, but at least I feel superior to black and brown people by the status of my race.......that ugly stain on America will be diminished as will the influence of those who sell that lie.   The demographics will seal the deal.

You would do well to leave the 50's - this is 2014.......but some people can't leave the past behind.


I think it is a clear case of you being in denial as Mr. Oats words ring true.


11Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/6/2014, 11:24 am


Sal wrote:
gatorfan wrote:

You would do well to leave the 50's - this is 2014.......but some people can't leave the past behind.

You are getting as bad as Markle reposting stuff. Can't you come up with something new? Those little cartoons are not indicative of the true mindset of the vast majority in this country, as much as you and 2SO like to think. (and I use that word loosely)

12Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/6/2014, 11:29 am



gatorfan wrote:
Sal wrote:
gatorfan wrote:

You would do well to leave the 50's - this is 2014.......but some people can't leave the past behind.

You are getting as bad as Markle reposting stuff. Can't you come up with something new? Those little cartoons are not indicative of the true mindset of the vast majority in this country, as much as you and 2SO like to think. (and I use that word loosely)

You are certainly in complete and total denial . . . . the non stop demonizing, the racist emails over 6 years (yes you got them as we all did) . . . . .

13Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/6/2014, 11:42 am



gatorfan wrote:
You are getting as bad as Markle reposting stuff. Can't you come up with something new? Those little cartoons are not indicative of the true mindset of the vast majority in this country, as much as you and 2SO like to think. (and I use that word loosely)

Don't like having your nose shoved into your own bullshit by the truth, eh.

Too bad.

For decades a scab had formed over the festering and infected wound of racism on America's soul.

The election of a black man to the Presidency ripped that scab clean off, and the pus has been running freely ever since.

But, you prefer to ignore the wound.

That doesn't help to heal it.

14Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/6/2014, 11:52 am


You uninformed, narrow minded, bigoted liberals who feel the need to make excuses and point uneducated fingers at a large percentage of the U.S. population based on ill-considered acts of a few need to get over your faux indignation and face reality.

"Democrats' racial attacks 'appalling,' Rice says"

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Thursday slammed Democrats who sought to use race against Republicans in the midterm elections, saying they were offensive and out of touch.

“The idea that you would play such a card and try fearmongering among minorities just because you disagree with Republicans, that they are somehow all racists, I find it appalling, I find it insulting,” she said on Fox News.

Rice and the show’s co-host, Brian Kilmeade, specifically mentioned the Georgia Democratic Party’s flyers that asked voters to prevent another shooting similar to that in Ferguson, Mo.

“We are not race blind, of course we still have racial tensions in this country. But the United States of America has made enormous progress in race relations and it is still the best place on Earth to be a minority,” Rice said.

She also warned President Obama against issuing an executive order on that would effectively make changes to the country’s immigration policies.

“We can’t have a circumstance in which we are going after a problem as meddlesome and potential divisive as immigration by executive action only,” Rice said. “This has to go through the people’s representatives.”

When asked about the potentially historic candidacy of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016, Rice said that she hopes voters will choose based solely on candidates’ policies. And while Rice said that she was very fond of former Gov. Jeb Bush (R-Fla.), a potential Republican candidate for president, she dismissed any speculation that she might run.

“I am a professor at Stanford, I am a happy professor at Stanford, that’s where I am staying,” she said. “I had a chance to be secretary of State. I’m an international relations specialist; it doesn’t get better than that.”

15Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/6/2014, 11:53 am



knothead wrote:
gatorfan wrote:
2seaoat wrote:What a load of hooey. You think anyone who disagrees with an Obama policy is a racist. You require no other evidence.......the major reason folks think racism is a crisis in this country is because people like you keep it alive and well with your usually unfounded criticisms.

I disagree with most of his domestic policies, and I voted for his opponents in 2008 and 2012, but I sure as hell have extended my respect to the man who is my President.   You ignore the Dixiecrats and the old confederacy still trying to take rights away from people of color.   Racism is alive and well in America, and it is being utilized by the 1% to divide and conquer the American people as the once solid Democratic South has transitioned under the Southern strategy to the Republican Party.  The hate and disrespect for the President originates from that base, and it allows the economic exploitation of all Americans.   I may be dirt poor, have no skills or education, but at least I feel superior to black and brown people by the status of my race.......that ugly stain on America will be diminished as will the influence of those who sell that lie.   The demographics will seal the deal.

You would do well to leave the 50's - this is 2014.......but some people can't leave the past behind.


I think it is a clear case of you being in denial as Mr. Oats words ring true.

They might ring true... but they are patently false at best. They are likely decisive racist propaganda. The dixiecrats he keeps using were in fact democrats... and those democrats continued to be reelected as democrats by democrats for decades.

Last edited by PkrBum on 11/6/2014, 12:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

16Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/6/2014, 11:55 am

boards of FL

boards of FL

gatorfan wrote:
2seaoat wrote:Old white people........that is descriptive and as one of that class, I find NOTHING racist about the same.   Jim Crow and the attitudes toward others in this nation will largely be buried with those of us who lived Jim Crow.  Young people have had a great role model in President Obama, much different than when I was a child where blacks were not in film or commercials.  Racism will never be totally eliminated, but in the next 25 years, much of it will be buried.

What a load of hooey. You think anyone who disagrees with an Obama policy is a racist. You require no other evidence.......the major reason folks think racism is a crisis in this country is because people like you keep it alive and well with your usually unfounded criticisms.

There are well documented racial gaps that exist in America.  Incarceration rates, income, unemployment, degree of educational attainment, justice, etc...  I would argue that these gaps all exist as remnants of our racist past.  The space between today and segregation is only a few generations.  I think this theory explains these gaps quite well.

Clearly, you throw that logic out of the window and claim that racism is dead and is merely a talking point for liberals. OK. Fair enough. To what do you attribute these gaps then?

I approve this message.

17Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/6/2014, 11:58 am



cultural values

18Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/6/2014, 12:01 pm


boards of FL wrote:
gatorfan wrote:
2seaoat wrote:.

There are well documented racial gaps that exist in America.  Incarceration rates, income, unemployment, degree of educational attainment, justice, etc...  I would argue that these gaps all exist as remnants of our racist past.  The space between today and segregation is only a few generations.  I think this theory explains these gaps quite well.

Clearly, you throw that logic out of the window and claim that racism is dead and is merely a talking point for liberals.  OK.  Fair enough.  To what do you attribute these gaps then?

Oh I never said racism is dead - just that's it's not as wide spread as some on here believe. Did you read my post quoting Condaleeza Rice?

I can agree with some of what you wrote - I wrote a paper MANY years ago in college addressing poverty and crime in large cities and why it's so difficult to break that cycle. Warehousing poor people in "projects" where there is no transportation to good paying jobs all the way down to no large grocery stores forcing them to spend even more money on basic needs. It's a complex problem - some of the issues can be traced to entitlement programs but not all of them.

19Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/6/2014, 12:31 pm


gatorfan wrote:You uninformed, narrow minded, bigoted liberals who feel the need to make excuses and point uneducated fingers at a large percentage of the U.S. population based on ill-considered acts of a few need to get over your faux indignation and face reality.

"Democrats' racial attacks 'appalling,' Rice says"

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Thursday slammed Democrats who sought to use race against Republicans in the midterm elections, saying they were offensive and out of touch.

“The idea that you would play such a card and try fearmongering among minorities just because you disagree with Republicans, that they are somehow all racists, I find it appalling, I find it insulting,” she said on Fox News.

Rice and the show’s co-host, Brian Kilmeade, specifically mentioned the Georgia Democratic Party’s flyers that asked voters to prevent another shooting similar to that in Ferguson, Mo.

“We are not race blind, of course we still have racial tensions in this country. But the United States of America has made enormous progress in race relations and it is still the best place on Earth to be a minority,” Rice said.

She also warned President Obama against issuing an executive order on that would effectively make changes to the country’s immigration policies.

“We can’t have a circumstance in which we are going after a problem as meddlesome and potential divisive as immigration by executive action only,” Rice said. “This has to go through the people’s representatives.”

When asked about the potentially historic candidacy of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016, Rice said that she hopes voters will choose based solely on candidates’ policies. And while Rice said that she was very fond of former Gov. Jeb Bush (R-Fla.), a potential Republican candidate for president, she dismissed any speculation that she might run.

“I am a professor at Stanford, I am a happy professor at Stanford, that’s where I am staying,” she said. “I had a chance to be secretary of State. I’m an international relations specialist; it doesn’t get better than that.”

People like Condoleeza Rice live in a different world than regular black people. For her to say such tripe when the President of the United States is attacked for his color is just down right ridiculous and deceitful.Deep down in their racist souls they really feel Obama has a nerve as a black man telling them what to do but now it is socially unacceptable to say so. But it's there and they know it.

20Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/6/2014, 12:36 pm



gatorfan wrote:
boards of FL wrote:<span id="sceditor-end-marker" class="sceditor-selection sceditor-ignore" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span><span id="sceditor-start-marker" class="sceditor-selection sceditor-ignore" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>
gatorfan wrote:
2seaoat wrote:.

There are well documented racial gaps that exist in America.  Incarceration rates, income, unemployment, degree of educational attainment, justice, etc...  I would argue that these gaps all exist as remnants of our racist past.  The space between today and segregation is only a few generations.  I think this theory explains these gaps quite well.

Clearly, you throw that logic out of the window and claim that racism is dead and is merely a talking point for liberals.  OK.  Fair enough.  To what do you attribute these gaps then?

Oh I never said racism is dead - just that's it's not as wide spread as some on here believe. Did you read my post quoting Condaleeza Rice?

I can agree with some of what you wrote - I wrote a paper MANY years ago in college addressing poverty and crime in large cities and why it's so difficult to break that cycle. Warehousing poor people in "projects" where there is no transportation to good paying jobs all the way down to no large grocery stores forcing them to spend even more money on basic needs. It's a complex problem - some of the issues can be traced to entitlement programs but not all of them.

Condi Rice should be in a jail...not spouting right-wing talking points trying to exonerate herself and her partners in international war crimes.

21Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/6/2014, 12:39 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

TEOTWAWKI wrote:cultural values

That is a circular argument.  

Why are there racial gaps in things like incarceration, income, unemployment, education, etc?   Cultural values.

Why are there racial gaps in cultural values?  Gaps in incarceration, income, unemployment, education, etc.

Why are there racial gaps in things like incarceration, income, unemployment, education, etc?  Cultural values.




I approve this message.

22Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/6/2014, 12:40 pm


gatorfan wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
gatorfan wrote:
2seaoat wrote:.

There are well documented racial gaps that exist in America.  Incarceration rates, income, unemployment, degree of educational attainment, justice, etc...  I would argue that these gaps all exist as remnants of our racist past.  The space between today and segregation is only a few generations.  I think this theory explains these gaps quite well.

Clearly, you throw that logic out of the window and claim that racism is dead and is merely a talking point for liberals.  OK.  Fair enough.  To what do you attribute these gaps then?

Oh I never said racism is dead - just that's it's not as wide spread as some on here believe. Did you read my post quoting Condaleeza Rice?

I can agree with some of what you wrote - I wrote a paper MANY years ago in college addressing poverty and crime in large cities and why it's so difficult to break that cycle. Warehousing poor people in "projects" where there is no transportation to good paying jobs all the way down to no large grocery stores forcing them to spend even more money on basic needs. It's a complex problem - some of the issues can be traced to entitlement programs but not all of them.

Just because people don't openly denigrate minorities anymore doesn't mean it isn't widespread. That's just pure ignorance and magical thinking. Yes, we have made strides but compared to where we were it's not even close to being race blind.

23Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/6/2014, 1:43 pm



boards of FL wrote:<span id="sceditor-end-marker" class="sceditor-selection sceditor-ignore" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span><span id="sceditor-start-marker" class="sceditor-selection sceditor-ignore" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>
gatorfan wrote:
2seaoat wrote:Old white people........that is descriptive and as one of that class, I find NOTHING racist about the same. &nbsp; Jim Crow and the attitudes toward others in this nation will largely be buried with those of us who lived Jim Crow. &nbsp;Young people have had a great role model in President Obama, much different than when I was a child where blacks were not in film or commercials. &nbsp;Racism will never be totally eliminated, but in the next 25 years, much of it will be buried.

What a load of hooey. You think anyone who disagrees with an Obama policy is a racist. You require no other evidence.......the major reason folks think racism is a crisis in this country is because people like you keep it alive and well with your usually unfounded criticisms.

There are well documented racial gaps that exist in America.  Incarceration rates, income, unemployment, degree of educational attainment, justice, etc...  I would argue that these gaps all exist as remnants of our racist past.  The space between today and segregation is only a few generations.  I think this theory explains these gaps quite well.

Clearly, you throw that logic out of the window and claim that racism is dead and is merely a talking point for liberals.  OK.  Fair enough.  To what do you attribute these gaps then?

Income and unemployment has a direct correlation to education. Education is free. College education for minorities is very obtainable through grants and scholarships. Technical training is available. The desire has to be there.

Arrests....should we not prosecute violent crimes?

Interesting article....

From 1976 to 2005, blacks committed more than 52% of all murders in America. In 2006, the black arrest rate for most crimes was two to nearly three times blacks’ representation in the population. Blacks constituted 39.3% of all violent-crime arrests, including 56.3% of all robbery and 34.5% of all aggravated-assault arrests, and 29.4% of all property-crime arrests.

24Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/6/2014, 2:20 pm


I find it interesting in a discussion about race you bring up black crime? Are you trying to say that justifies racism?

25Is this a racist remark? Empty Re: Is this a racist remark? 11/6/2014, 2:59 pm



Vikingwoman wrote:I find it interesting in a discussion about race you bring up black crime? Are you trying to say that justifies racism?

I find it even more interesting that you failed to read the post I was referencing. Try again, read the post.

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