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What's so odd about Las Vegas Casino fat cat Sheldon Adelson giving $2.5 million to Florida's campaign to fight medical marijuana?

Hospital Bob
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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Well what's so odd about it is,  Adelson is also a major donor to a medical research facility in Tel Aviv that supports the use of marijuana to treat a number of diseases, so it’s a tad strange for Adelson to seek a ban on medical pot in Florida while financing it in Israel.

Moreover, since marijuana-related initiatives are on the ballot in Oregon, Alaska, and now Washington, DC, why is Adelson only donating to defeat pot in Florida, which is 2000 miles away from his home in Las Vegas?

The medical marijuana campaign in Florida has become one of the top issues in the heated gubernatorial race between Republican incumbent Rick Scott and Democrat Charlie Crist, who has pegged his campaign on support for the initiative. So Republicans are now trashing the medical marijuana initiative to boost Scott—or in Adelson's case, perhaps to build a casino.

Consider the fact that Adelson's casino company, the Las Vegas Sands Corporation, has desperately sought entry into Florida's lucrative table games market, which is currently controlled only by the Seminole Tribe of Florida. Adelson's Sands Corp has lobbied furiously to build its own Vegas-style casino in Florida, but has so far come up short. The deal with the Seminoles expires next year, meaning whoever controls the governor's office has a great deal of sway over the decision.


Casinos and legal pot are coming to Florida. It is a done deal.


Adelson is also the main force behind not legalizing online gambling, he has contributed million's to Republican's in D.C. to reverse the wire act to include online gambling mainly poker.

He is probably making a lot of money by donating to Israel and their medicinal research and in the state's probably cannot.

I received an email two weeks ago from united we care saying he was going to donate just before the election.

Seaoat I agree with you it's only a matter of legalization of both.


No on 2's chief funder, billionaire casino-magnate and mega-donor, Sheldon Adelson, just dropped another $1.5 million to help spread lies about Amendment 2.

This comes on the heels of the No on 2 campaign releasing a new ad, in which they found a doctor to say, "there's nothing medical about this marijuana."

Let me be clear:

Voters are smarter than this. They will see through to the shady motivations of the No on 2 funders.

But we have to fight back and we have to fight back now.

**We need you to contribute (or contribute again) right now so we can get on TV earlier. Click here to donate.**

The sooner we can raise what we need, the sooner we can get on TV ourselves. A strong TV buy costs millions of dollars per week in Florida. It cost millions to get on the ballot, and we are playing catch up.

Clearly Adelson doesn't care about the patients who need this Amendment. Whatever his reasons, we are up against the 8th richest person in the world.

They have a few dozen donors. We have thousands... If you've donated before, we need you again, now more than ever.
We may be outspent, but we will not be outworked. Help us get to victory with a contribution today, here.

- Ben
Paid for by People United for Medical Marijuana, 20 North Orange Avenue, Suite 1600, Orlando, FL 32801

United for Care · Coral Gables, FL, United States
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You can also follow United for Care on Twitter or Facebook.

Why the hell is this guy butting into Florida's business?



ppaca wrote:

Why the hell is this guy butting into Florida's business?

I dunno, but have you heard the radio ads he's funding?

The dude's voice that narrates those ads is friggin' awesome.

He should be doing voice overs for horror movie flicks.

I literally laughed out loud the first time I heard one.


I saw an ad on tv a while ago that I believe was funded by him. Yes kind of bland.



2seaoat wrote:Casinos and legal pot are coming to Florida.   It is a done deal.

Yes, Casinos have done so much for Atlantic City and is thriving in Colorado.

Have you read the Florida Amendment? If you have, share with us the restrictions on care givers to assure they are used safely.


Yes, I have and already voted, mail in's are so nice. If you have a prescription from a licensed physician what is the big deal about the caregiver? Most not all have to have background checks, my wife works in a facility that she is not a caregiver and had to have a background check. A home caregiver that are for hire normally has to have a check. If it some friend or family member, it is the same as if they had to administer hard addicting drugs now except marijuana is not a hard addicting drug.

Besides this point Markle, I take it you're an old time Floridian? Do you feel someone who lives in Nevada, is filthy rich rolling in casino money that he should be sticking his business in Florida's business?



I bet Amendment 2 passes with a 70% "Yes" vote.



ppaca wrote:Yes, I have and already voted, mail in's are so nice. If you have a prescription from a licensed physician what is the big deal about the caregiver? Most not all have to have background checks, my wife works in a facility that she is not a caregiver and had to have a background check. A home caregiver that are for hire normally has to have a check. If it some friend or family member, it is the same as if they had to administer hard addicting drugs now except marijuana is not a hard addicting drug.

Besides this point Markle, I take it you're an old time Floridian? Do you feel someone who lives in Nevada, is filthy rich rolling in casino money that he should be sticking his business in Florida's business?

Why should I mind?

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Markle wrote:

Why should I mind?

For the same reason you should mind when George Soros spends obscene amounts of money pushing democrat and liberal politicians and policies for Florida.
Is it legal? Unfortunately yes it is. But it's also legal for me to not like it and speak out against it.


Markle wrote:
ppaca wrote:Yes, I have and already voted, mail in's are so nice. If you have a prescription from a licensed physician what is the big deal about the caregiver? Most not all have to have background checks, my wife works in a facility that she is not a caregiver and had to have a background check. A home caregiver that are for hire normally has to have a check. If it some friend or family member, it is the same as if they had to administer hard addicting drugs now except marijuana is not a hard addicting drug.

Besides this point Markle, I take it you're an old time Floridian? Do you feel someone who lives in Nevada, is filthy rich rolling in casino money that he should be sticking his business in Florida's business?

Why should I mind?

Yes, you should mind for the reason's Bob posted, regardless of which party, let Floridian's handle their own business. Isn't that what you pubs wanted under obabacare, that Florida handle their own?



ppaca wrote:
Markle wrote:
ppaca wrote:Yes, I have and already voted, mail in's are so nice. If you have a prescription from a licensed physician what is the big deal about the caregiver? Most not all have to have background checks, my wife works in a facility that she is not a caregiver and had to have a background check. A home caregiver that are for hire normally has to have a check. If it some friend or family member, it is the same as if they had to administer hard addicting drugs now except marijuana is not a hard addicting drug.

Besides this point Markle, I take it you're an old time Floridian? Do you feel someone who lives in Nevada, is filthy rich rolling in casino money that he should be sticking his business in Florida's business?

Why should I mind?

Yes, you should mind for the reason's Bob posted, regardless of which party, let Floridian's handle their own business. Isn't that what you pubs wanted under obabacare, that Florida handle their own?
They only want what fits their narrow political agenda. The means justify the end.


I think it's about time at age 70 that you should smoke just a little of that wacky weed Markle and lighten up about life.



GOOD NEWS! Republicon shitbag Sheldon Adelson dropped dead, 87. Here's hoping that fellow con Rush Limbaugh will soon join him in hell where they can entertain each other with high pitched screams of mercy throughout eternity while the fire ants of hell gnaw on their intestines throughout eternity. Twisted Evil



What's so odd about Las Vegas Casino fat cat Sheldon Adelson giving $2.5 million to Florida's campaign to fight medical marijuana? Adelso11

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