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Six dams break in colorado floods

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Record-shattering rainstorms across Colorado's Front Range led to flooding that blew out at least six dams Thursday, stranding a Larimer County family on the second floor of their home and breaching a federal stormwater holding pond northeast of Denver.

The floods also overflowed a dozen dams in Boulder County, but no structural failures had been reported Thursday evening, according to Boulder city spokeswoman Sarah Huntley.

Water flows in Boulder Creek reached 4,500 cubic feet per second, more than twice the previous peak flow in 26 years of measurement, according to the U.S. Geological Survey Colorado Water Science Center. Normal flow is 100 to 300 cfs.

been watching some of this. This is a mess.



Boulder, That's where my second ex-wife lives. I hope she's okay. She wasn't too bad a gal.



Colorado floods: "Unaccounted for" fluid, now totals 584



maybe the left got mad about the recall and opened the flood gates.



Chrissy wrote:maybe the left got mad about the recall and opened the flood gates.
Do you think the left controls HAARP and chemtrails ? Boy are we in trouble.


I bet FEMA isn't tripping over themselves trying to get debit cards to the homeless people.. I bet the borders aren't closed to the military and others trying to help.. I bet ice isn't melting in the back of the trucks trying to get it to the people who need it...



Shut up. I have family stranded at their home outside Boulder with no way to get out. All the roads are washed away. If they're going to get out, it will have to be by air.


I hope they all get out safely.. There is NO need to say "shut up".. There was nothing negative said about the people living there....



Jake92 wrote:I bet FEMA isn't tripping over themselves trying to get debit cards to the homeless people..  I bet the borders aren't closed to the military and others trying to help..  I bet ice isn't melting in the back of the trucks trying to get it to the people who need it...
ah nice comparison to Katrina...Wink 

No matter what though, I do find it odd that so many dams broke.



The dams broke because they were "minor" and not subject to inspections. This is probably a 100-year flood. I think every dam should have an least once a year.



Floridatexan wrote:
The dams broke because they were "minor" and not subject to inspections.  This is probably a 100-year flood.  I think every dam should have an least once a year.

what exactly is a 100 year flood?

is it something we should expect every 100 years because we have data that says a flood like this happens about every 100 years?

Im curious.



It's happened before.



Floridatexan wrote:
Shut up.  I have family stranded at their home outside Boulder with no way to get out.  All the roads are washed away.  If they're going to get out, it will have to be by air.
Why? You sure do have a lot of hate built up in you for some reason. Seek help!


A one hundred year flood level refers to the floodwater levels that would occur once in 100 years, or as a 1.0 percent probability per year. However, FEMA changes these standards which many believe were too conservative. In Milton area along the blackwater, and off garcon point they were raised three feet, some by FEMA, and some by the county in elevation requirements in new construction.

My Islands have had 7, 100 year floods in the last 10 years. It is a very inaccurate measure because floods have a tendency to bunch, so FEMA is using a bit different statistical analysis which is more aggressive in the past. Also, in the midwest 2008 late spring floods you had floods shattering any prior recorded records. Some rivers in Iowa were 10 feet above the highest recorded flood level. For those familiar with the FEMA Flood panels, they have all been increased in my experience across the board. This forces more people into the insurance pool, but if you have a good elevation survey, I have exempted a property from a fEMA panel and floodplain designation.



It's happened before... many times... relax.


The dams broke because they were "minor" and not subject to inspections. This is probably a 100-year flood. I think every dam should have an least once a year.

I deal with State engineers who do the inspections. They have cut back in most states 50% of the personnel for folks who do those inspections. A private community damned a stream that feeds into my river. They had a golf course that went through and around the damned water. When the damn failed my islands were covered with golf balls. When I get a 10 year dredging permit, all I ever find is yellow, white, and orange golf balls. Fortunately, the river system is large and the dam break did not go into a small and narrow floodplain. This is a real problem in colorado.



2seaoat wrote:The dams broke because they were "minor" and not subject to inspections. This is probably a 100-year flood. I think every dam should have an least once a year.

I deal with State engineers who do the inspections. They have cut back in most states 50% of the personnel for folks who do those inspections. A private community damned a stream that feeds into my river. They had a golf course that went through and around the damned water. When the damn failed my islands were covered with golf balls. When I get a 10 year dredging permit, all I ever find is yellow, white, and orange golf balls. Fortunately, the river system is large and the dam break did not go into a small and narrow floodplain. This is a real problem in colorado.
We'll get back to you after we fix the colorado and the mississippi. btw... you do know some areas don't flood... right?


We'll get back to you after we fix the colorado and the mississippi. btw... you do know some areas don't flood... right?

Not in my world



2seaoat wrote:We'll get back to you after we fix the colorado and the mississippi. btw... you do know some areas don't flood... right?

Not in my world
No... I suppose not. Atleast it gives us sumthin to talk about. Might be cold up here this winter... till about spring.



Markle wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
Shut up.  I have family stranded at their home outside Boulder with no way to get out.  All the roads are washed away.  If they're going to get out, it will have to be by air.
Why?  You sure do have a lot of hate built up in you for some reason.  Seek help!
Now you shut up. I don't appreciate stupid partisan jabs when I'm worried about my nephew and his family. Get it, jerk?



PkrBum wrote:It's happened before... many times... relax.
Now you know that I knew the answer to my question.Wink 

I was going to use that as a lead into something else some people forget about. but dangit I got to go to work, but Im thankful for my awesome job. Smile 



I think its just horrible to be stuck like that -- Its one thing to be in a hurricane --But how in the world do you escape something like water flowing so fast you cant do anything ---Fla-Texan I hope your family gets out of there safely --I would be terrified if my daughter were in any kind of danger --any danger at all really --I hope you get some news on your family --soon.

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