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Bradley Manning wants to live as a woman

Hospital Bob
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Bradley Manning, the Army private sentenced to military prison for leaking classified documents, revealed he intends to live out the remainder of his life as a woman.

“I am Chelsea Manning. I am female,” the Army private wrote in a statement read on TODAY Thursday. “Given the way that I feel, and have felt since childhood, I want to begin hormone therapy as soon as possible. I hope that you will support me in this transition.”

Manning, 25, was sentenced to 35 years in prison on Wednesday after having been found guilty of 20 charges ranging from espionage to theft for leaking more than 700,000 documents to the WikiLeaks website while working in Iraq in 2010.

Click here to read Manning's full statement

“I also request that, starting today, you refer to me by my new name and use the feminine pronoun (except in official mail to the confinement facility),” he continued in the statement. “I look forward to receiving letters from supporters and having the opportunity to write back.”



He picked a good place to start living as a woman......



Mr Ichi wrote:He picked a good place to start living as a woman......
LOL, I almost spit my coffee out! Laughing 

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I never heard of anything called BMAM (black,  muslim, asian,  mexican).  Nobody ever had a notion to create one word which lumps them all together.

So why in the name of fuck is there a word called LGBT (lesbian,  gay,  bisexual,  transexual).  Because I don't understand these trannies any more than a mexican understands what an asian is.
And I'm sick and tired of being lumped in with them.



Nekochan wrote:
Mr Ichi wrote:He picked a good place to start living as a woman......
LOL, I almost spit my coffee out! Laughing 
    Please explain why we should continue to house...feed...and care for this freak?...And now to pick up the tab for a gender change....Sadly there will be many that will support this effort and odds are we'll pay...



I would pay for any neocon stuck in a man's body...a little holy water and a priest is all it takes.



Mr Ichi wrote:He picked a good place to start living as a woman......

So the little twerp had an agenda after all.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

TEOTWAWKI wrote:I would pay for any neocon stuck in a man's body...a little holy water and a priest is all it takes.
I think you must be torn on this one.  You're agin trannies.  BUT you're fer blowing the whistle on the military/industrial/neocon complex or whatever it is this man/woman blew the whistle on.    lol

But this dude/dudette better go the whole magilla and get different sex organs.  Otherwise somebody's gonna blow his/her whistle in prison.  lol



When I first saw this guys picture I thought he was a she...Who knows Bob . Humans are DESIGNED to react to various hormones and stuff. All that estrogen from birth control pills in our water along with stuff like it to fatten cows, it's a wonder we all ain't singin show tunes.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

TEOTWAWKI wrote: it's a wonder we all ain't singin show tunes.

I don't know where that myth started that all queers wanna hear show tunes.
I never saw a musical that didn't bore me silly. Same goes for opera. lol



I can't say that I am surprised. He did always look kind of girly to me.



Don't tell a soul Bob but I love show tunes...

Last edited by TEOTWAWKI on 8/22/2013, 1:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

TEOTWAWKI wrote:Don't tell a soul Bob but I love show tunes...
We better not tell anybody you were the interior decorator for that FEMA trailer either. lol



Bob Is right Puts a new twist to the term "Whistle blower"



H to the NO Private Manning



TEOTWAWKI wrote:I would pay for any neocon stuck in a man's body...a little holy water and a priest is all it takes.
   Good one.Smile


it's a wonder we all ain't singin show tunes.

now you are bragging..........



The Wikipedia article on Manning already refers to him as 'Chelsea.'



But now the military says it won't let Manning be a "she".



When I went into the Army in the mid 60's, we were all given about a day and a half of psychological and IQ tests.

It would seem that, "I want to be a woman" would raise a red flag somewhere....



Markle wrote:When I went into the Army in the mid 60's, we were all given about a day and a half of psychological and IQ tests.

It would seem that, "I want to be a woman" would raise a red flag somewhere....
If you remember the Draft was also was breathing down every ones neck. I would wager you could have worn panties and matching bra and still been accepted. Damn!!! Now I think of it......

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