And what incriminating evidence did Zimmerman exhibit?
The act of shooting an unarmed teen. Was this decision clouded by drugs or alcohol. The officer would first ask, what if any drugs are you now taking? What if any alcohol have you consumed? Do you consent to a voluntary blood draw? If his answer was no, the officer would seek the warrant simply based on the shooting of the victim. In the absence of a crime, or in the absence of objective indications of influence, the state would not have probable cause for the warrant. So, If you are stopped at a traffic stop and you have broke no laws, and after a field sobriety test you have shown no objective indication of impairment, and you are asked to consent to blow, and your refuse, the officer would have to lie about the field sobriety test to seek a they never lie.....they just say that in their OPINION the person seems impaired, and rarely will a judge not issue the draw. However, the defense attorney will make a motion to suppress that evidence based on the lack of probable cause.
None of the standard questions in my review of the interview were asked. If you heard them ask the standard questions, I would stand corrected.