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The wussification of America

Hospital Bob
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26The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 1:30 pm



And I have no use for people who believe violence settles disputes and people are wussies for not doing so.

27The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 2:11 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Dreamsglore wrote:And I  have no use for people who believe violence settles disputes

It sure settled this one.  And it got two rabid animals off the streets for good.  The "justice" system would have eventually put both animals back on the streets to do it again. And that's ONLY if it had apprehended them and that is far from certain.

28The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 2:14 pm


And I have no use for people who believe violence settles disputes and people are wussies for not doing so.

People not leaving their homes after hearing those screams make sense in your world. I have no doubt that you would never leave your home when people were crying for help or tussling in the back yard. My wife however, would immediately go out......thirty five years as a school teacher, and I have throughout my life intervened in people who are fighting or in distress. A coward dies a thousand deaths......I plan to die once, and that does not mean I am rambo and I am going into the backyard to beat people up......simple to see what the hell is going on, and tell them to stop, and certainly I do not think I am at risk doing the same.

29The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 2:24 pm


It sure settled this one.

In that case it was necessary to escalate.  Nobody would argue with the roommate getting his gun and protecting the people in the Apartment.  Dreams thinks I am settling a dispute with violence to go into my backyard and tell people to knock it off and move along with their dispute.   Yes, I would get violent once out there if somebody was hurting a child or another I determined was at risk.  

I have made it clear if I heard a gunshot, I would call the police first.  I would not grab my gun and play rambo........but if these folks bob has described came into my house and threatened my wife and I........I would try to defend myself.....and my shotgun might be involved in that process, but it would never be my first choice unless necessity required the same.  Now if the folks came in without weapons, I would do exactly what I did a year and a half ago when I described an incident with our ATV......and lets say those people were getting the best of me........I doubt if I would have brought a gun to a fist fight......I have been beat up before in a do not always get the best of the same.....but to murder someone.....again....I do not understand.

30The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 2:31 pm



If you think your life is in danger or your family or other lives are in danger, I understand murdering someone. But in that case, I don't consider it murder, it's self defense or the defense of others.

Bob, that was big news in Jax.  Those guys were just sitting there watching TV when the criminals busted into the house.

31The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 2:50 pm


If you think your life is in danger or your family or other lives are in danger, I understand murdering someone. But in that case, I don't consider it murder, it's self defense or the defense of others.

My life in danger from a person who just ran from unarmed....however I came into contact with this individual without a weapon.....he starts getting the best of me, and lands some good blows on me.......would I have reached into my pocket and pulled out a gun and shot him in the heart......after I had called the police......Mr. Good had yelled at us and told us he was calling the the gun would stay in my pocket. If the guy beating me reached in my pocket and was trying to shoot bet I would shoot that person.........but I think I am going to have to tell my story to the jury........I think people are right.....zimmerman is going to have to testify. What a big decision the defense team is going to have to make.....critical to this case.

32The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 3:28 pm



The wussification of America - Page 2 KittyGenovese

It's called the Bystander Syndrome...

Sad but true.



33The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 3:34 pm


It's called the Bystander Syndrome...

it is sad that some people think that people should cower and not get involved.....and that only the police can protect is no wonder police are abusing us, and these type of incidents are so is is sad that this mindset has consumed America.

34The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 3:45 pm



The wussification of America - Page 2 Th?id=H.4808633558108881&pid=1

Chalk it up to enlightened progressive liberalism... Get involved, get sued.

*****SAD SMILE*****


35The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 3:54 pm


Chalk it up to enlightened progressive liberalism... Get involved, get sued.

Get in line....sue me.....I am not cowering in my house when somebody is tussling and yelling in my cannot paint your house that cannot park your rv on that need to remove your hat.....gangs wear hats.......sir you need to call the police and not check out your what point do Americans quit being afraid?.........I mean we fear people who look a little different.....we fear anybody who might hurt us.....without a scintilla of rational fear.....yet, these same folks will text while driving......I simply do not get it......this is a real problem

36The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 4:06 pm



The wussification of America - Page 2 Th?id=H.4905051230702080&pid=1

I took a Business Law college course a few years ago. The instructor, who was a judge, told us about a case he prosecuted when he was a lawyer. Seems a 16 year old jumped the fence and went swimming in a farmers pond. Said minor broke his neck, and survived it as a paraplegic, while engaged in his illegal activity. This judge/lawyer won the case for his client and the farmer lost his farm.

After class I looked at the judge/instructor and told him if he ever pulled that crap on me I'd be having picnics on his lawn every day with my family encouraging them to do something risky so I could sue him. His reply was that I couldn't do that because his lawn is private property. My response was, "So was that farmers land."

Within two years the laws about jumping fences was changed to those that jump the fence take responsibility for themselves.

I have no problem breaking up a fight. Judges and lawyers beware.



37The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 4:14 pm


That battle with ponds and pools has been about an attractive nuisance. Some states impute liability on the landowner because the pond or pool is an attraction to children and creates a risk which is creates some ridiculous outcomes, but the other side of the coin is that folks with pools should be securing them so nobody is at the hell does an Iowa farmer secure a pond? That seems a little tough to do, unless folks routinely were trespassing and the court imputed some type of notice on the landowner that he had to do something further on keeping people out...........this is usually the exception.........not the rule.

38The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 4:19 pm



If there is a fence, it is hardly an attractive nuisance.
I dislike attractive nuisance laws.

39The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 4:24 pm



The wussification of America - Page 2 Th?id=H.4905051230702080&pid=1

A swing set, a maple tree, a bike, etc... on someone else's property can be an attraction. Doesn't give the kid the right to be there or the parents the right not to provide adequate supervision and/or moral guidance about respect for others property to ensure the safety of their children.

It all boils down to responsibility and the reason people take certain actions.

Just like the case being tried now.



40The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 8:34 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

2seaoat wrote:we fear anybody who might hurt us...

I don't fear them. For me it's like this.

I hope it's not weird and not different from a lot of us, but I have my space. The place where nobody enters except me and the people I know.
It's called inside my house. Or inside my car.

I have a rule, and like with star trek, it's a "prime directive". A prime directive is like a commandment in the bible except there is no situation in which the prime directive does not take precedent.

When they aint me or the people I know, they is in violation of that prime directive. And as I said, only the prime directive then applies and that means there are no rules. Not the court's, not the constitution's, not Rush Limbaugh's and not Keith Overman's.

Not fear. Pure fucking retribution. Israeli style.

41The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 8:55 pm


Not fear. Pure fucking retribution. Israeli style.

If you heard a tussle in your back yard.....a fight.....would you go out and see what was happening? Would you bring a gun with you to check it out? I just do not understand all these people staying in their homes when people are yelling and it appears someone needed help. Would you go Israeli in your back yard?

42The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 8:59 pm



Woman gets bullet in her tit for investigating noise in her backyard

Gore said the deputies thought Orey’s open gate looked suspicious, so they went into her backyard. The deputies ran into Orey, and one of them had a “spontaneous reaction.”

Authorities said they did not know exactly what prompted the shooting. They said the woman did not have anything in her hands and was not armed at the time.

Morgan said Orey told him she heard something in her backyard so she went to check it out.

“She saw a flashlight and identified herself as the homeowner and he shot her,” said Orey’s father, Dennis Morgan.

43The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 9:05 pm


Woman gets bullet in her tit for investigating noise in her backyard

And a shark bit a kids arm off on PB.....did that stop you from surfing. People need to take this country starts being able to go into your back yard to check things out without being if I am over in Navarre and I see people breaking the law chumming the pier bringing the sharks in......I am going to be cautious......but I am going into my backyard when I hear a is not is not is time for people to use common sense.

44The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 9:08 pm



Yeah we can only hope it's just a punk like Trayvon and not an armed idiot cop.

45The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 9:20 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

2seaoat wrote:

If you heard a tussle in your back yard.....a fight.....would you go out and see what was happening?  Would you bring a gun with you to check it out?  I just do not understand all these people staying in their homes when people are yelling and it appears someone needed help.  Would you go Israeli in your back yard?

That one's not as easy to answer. Yes I would get into that. But it wouldn't be as quickly and it would depend on what all the circumstances were at the time. And all I mean is, I would have to stop and think for at least a few seconds what the fuck it was that I was witnessing. Because if I did what I would do inside my home then I would go out the back door with the gun firing. And that wouldn't be a very wise thing to do.

46The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 9:35 pm


I would go out the back door with the gun firing.

You see.....we are getting to the real truth on this trial. Nobody would probably have been killed if neighbors simply left their houses and became involved. A kid is dead. A man may be going to jail. Racial tensions are being fired up by haters......and I would have loved one of the witnesses to turn to Martin's parents and say......I am sorry.....I was afraid......I could have stopped this........of course everybody would move for a mistrial.....but that simple admission might get America on the right track.....this is about folks staying safe in their homes watching reality TV and when reality is in their back yard.....they call the police......

47The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 9:38 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

If you woulda gone out the back door with the gun firing then that is reminiscent of when Dillon or Chester went through Miss Kitty's saloon door with their guns firing too.  
But that's usually when Doc or Festus got wounded.  lol

48The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 9:44 pm


I do not need a gun to go in my backyard. Now if I hear a gunshot in my backyard, I am calling the police. Now, I have never shot anybody I do not how easy I can go Israeli on somebody......but I have kicked asz before, and I do not need a gun to do that so I am comfortable with that choice.....If I get shot.....well I will not have to sit around and wait for the liver to fail....its all good by me.

49The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 9:51 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I hear you loud and clear there.  And I respect your take on it.

But I have a different take on it only in this respect.  If somebody is the aggressor and he wants to fistfight with me,  he gets a bullet.  And if he happens to spin around for any reason and it's his back that's turned toward me,  he still gets a bullet.
I'm not Audie Murphy. I'm the guy behind the pill box dropping the grenade on the japs from behind.

50The wussification of America - Page 2 Empty Re: The wussification of America 6/28/2013, 10:26 pm



2seaoat wrote:I have now heard two witness testimonies where males were afraid of going out of their house to check out two people fighting in their back yard.   In one case the person was looking for a knife before going out, and in the second case he at least stepped out and yelled at the combatants.

I simply do not understand the world I live in anymore.   If two people are fighting behind my house......I am going outside and getting involved.  I do not understand the need to carry a concealed weapon.   I do not understand the need to cower in my house when somebody is fighting in my backyard.   I do not understand how this even happened if people were not so damn afraid.   What has happened in this country that we are afraid to go out in our yard and tell people to get the hell out of here with your fighting.

I am sorry.........a person like George Zimmerman probably was screaming for help.    The one witness said he yelled for them to stop and he was going to call the when Zimmerman shot Martin he knew that a neighbor had yelled something and the police were going to come.......what kind of punk who initiates a confrontation shoots somebody in a scuffle.......this country is doomed if males have all become scardy cats who cower in their homes and shoot people in a fist fight.......none of this would have happened if some males had simple courage to walk out of their house......or not have courage in their pocket and had enough common sense not to follow people lawfully walking on a sidewalk.

Not getting involved in a street fight isn't the "wussification" of America.

The hero neighbor rushes out of his house and arrives at the fight just as the weapon discharges, going through Mr. Martin and lodging in the hero's heart. Leaving a widow and two young children.

The wussification of America, IN MY OPINION is due to many other things. Lowering standards for police and fireman in order to allow women. Doing the same thing to allow women in front line battle positions.

Anne Sullivan, the young woman killed the first month she was on duty at the Houston fire department where four firefighters were killed a few months ago. She was a volley ball player and cross country runner in high school. She was also 5'2". In top physical condition she'd weigh around 130 pounds.

Was she the cause of the fatalities? We'll never know. Did the three veteran keep an eye on her? Of course they did. Did she has as much body strength as the three men? Of course not. BUT they did have a woman on the crew.

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