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Government protects Monsanto as they may ruin the economy....

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As Worldwide Activism Against Monsanto Increases, US Government Shields Big Biotech

May 25 saw activists rallying against Monsanto in 36 countries across
the globe. In Europe, activists are concerned that the company is trying
to overturn EU disclosure laws, and many in the US hit the streets to
voice their opinion about the "Monsanto Protection Act"
that was silently slipped into the 2013 Federal Appropriations Bill.
This is an act that gives biotech immunity from federal prosecution for
planting illegally approved GE crops.

Mainstream media took little notice of this global phenomenon. Perhaps
it had something to do with the fact that just two days prior to the
worldwide protests, US senators overwhelmingly voted against the right
of states to pass their own GMO labeling laws.13
Best to keep news of Monsanto’s poor image at bay while legislators are
hard at work protecting the beast’s rights to continue its wanton
slaughter of human rights.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

My father and some of his best friends worked their whole careers at that snake pit. And in the end it fucked them all.

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