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Government takes GOOD care of itself.....4.3 % unemployment in Government "workers".

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Unemployment Rate Plummets to 4.3%--For Government Workers

Both the federal and state governments increased their employees in July, August and September.

The Obama administration has added 10,000 civilian workers to the federal government's payroll since July, according to BLS. In that month, the federal government employed 2,804,000 civilian workers. In August, that increased to 2,810,000. And, in September, the number of civilian federal employees increased again to 2,814,000.

Some things never change if we don't pay attention: "He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance." That's from the Declaration of Independence.

boards of FL

boards of FL

TEOTWAWKI wrote:The Obama administration has added 10,000 civilian workers to the federal government's payroll since July, according to BLS. In that month, the federal government employed 2,804,000 civilian workers. In August, that increased to 2,810,000. And, in September, the number of civilian federal employees increased again to 2,814,000.

Some things never change if we don't pay attention: "He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance." That's from the Declaration of Independence.

This time last year there were 2,852,000, so we have shed roughly 40,000 federal government jobs over the last year.

This time in 1988, during the Reagan era, there were 3,126,000.

Damned liberals keep growing the federal government!

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I didnt even know you could have an unemployment rate for gov workers.

I think it should be over 8% and the rest of the country be 4

I personally think we have too many useless social workers

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