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Hostile Witness by Rebecca Forster

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This legal thriller is a page-turner. Or in my case, a click-turner. I downloaded it for free from Amazon's Kindle site. It's the first book I ever read via Kindle on my laptop.

Falling asleep with a laptop on my tummy felt a bit odd, but I could not put this one down!

Last edited by PBulldog2 on 6/2/2013, 10:29 am; edited 1 time in total



PBulldog2 wrote:This legal thriller is a page-turner. Or in my case, a click-turner. I downloaded it for free from Amazon's Kindle site. It's the first book I ever read via Kindle on my laptop.

Falling sleep with a laptop on my tummy felt a bit odd, but I could not put this one down!

If you like Hostile Witness, you must read all the Witness Series by Rebecca Forster.



Ghost_Rider1 wrote:
PBulldog2 wrote:This legal thriller is a page-turner. Or in my case, a click-turner. I downloaded it for free from Amazon's Kindle site. It's the first book I ever read via Kindle on my laptop.

Falling sleep with a laptop on my tummy felt a bit odd, but I could not put this one down!

If you like Hostile Witness, you must read all the Witness Series by Rebecca Forster.

Hostile Witness is the first book of hers I've read. I downloaded it on a lark because it was free. I'm planning to buy Silent Witness next, since that's the second book in the series.

As I read Hostile Witness, I became convinced Forster in an attorney. She's not, but she bases some of her stories on experiences her husband has had. He's a circuit judge.

It's always fun to find a new "favorite" author! Very Happy

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