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Why was the man run over in Deland...he wasn't wearing his seatbelt.....

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Brown likely had such thoughts as he saw the wig-wag lights of Officer Harris in his rearview. Then, he probably got mad. I know I would have. You are driving along, minding your business, causing no harm to anyone. Then you glance up and see the bright lights – and the buzz-cut head – of Officer Unfriendly. This costumed menace is about to threaten you with violence and – at minimum – shove a piece of paper in your face that will demand what amounts to a ransom payment, or else. The “or else” being a jail cell. Over… nothing. A non-crime.

And so, Brown attempted to flee. It ended up costing him his life.

Mind, “officer safety” was never threatened. Brown merely tried to get away from an obnoxious costumed thug who had no business bothering him in the first place. But that was sufficient to justify summary execution by motor vehicle.




Brown likely had such thoughts as he saw the wig-wag lights of Officer Harris in his rearview. Then, he probably got mad. I know I would have. You are driving along, minding your business, causing no harm to anyone. Then you glance up and see the bright lights – and the buzz-cut head – of Officer Unfriendly. This costumed menace is about to threaten you with violence and – at minimum – shove a piece of paper in your face that will demand what amounts to a ransom payment, or else. The “or else” being a jail cell. Over… nothing. A non-crime.

And so, Brown attempted to flee. It ended up costing him his life.

Mind, “officer safety” was never threatened. Brown merely tried to get away from an obnoxious costumed thug who had no business bothering him in the first place. But that was sufficient to justify summary execution by motor vehicle.

Teo are you aware that the Florida seatbelt law is no longer secondary? As of June 2009 the law was changed to allow LEOs to stop someone for not wearing a seatbelt. Had he stopped he would have faced a $69.00 fine, but instead he chose to run for whatever reason and it cost him his life. While I agree that his death was a needless one, the responsibility for it rests squarely on his shoulders. Stupidity gets you killed.



Ghost_Rider1 wrote:

Brown likely had such thoughts as he saw the wig-wag lights of Officer Harris in his rearview. Then, he probably got mad. I know I would have. You are driving along, minding your business, causing no harm to anyone. Then you glance up and see the bright lights – and the buzz-cut head – of Officer Unfriendly. This costumed menace is about to threaten you with violence and – at minimum – shove a piece of paper in your face that will demand what amounts to a ransom payment, or else. The “or else” being a jail cell. Over… nothing. A non-crime.

And so, Brown attempted to flee. It ended up costing him his life.

Mind, “officer safety” was never threatened. Brown merely tried to get away from an obnoxious costumed thug who had no business bothering him in the first place. But that was sufficient to justify summary execution by motor vehicle.

Teo are you aware that the Florida seatbelt law is no longer secondary? As of June 2009 the law was changed to allow LEOs to stop someone for not wearing a seatbelt. Had he stopped he would have faced a $69.00 fine, but instead he chose to run for whatever reason and it cost him his life. While I agree that his death was a needless one, the responsibility for it rests squarely on his shoulders. Stupidity gets you killed.

Guess the cops driving ability and reluctance to try and chase him on foot has nothing to do with it....



Ghost_Rider1 wrote:

Brown likely had such thoughts as he saw the wig-wag lights of Officer Harris in his rearview. Then, he probably got mad. I know I would have. You are driving along, minding your business, causing no harm to anyone. Then you glance up and see the bright lights – and the buzz-cut head – of Officer Unfriendly. This costumed menace is about to threaten you with violence and – at minimum – shove a piece of paper in your face that will demand what amounts to a ransom payment, or else. The “or else” being a jail cell. Over… nothing. A non-crime.

And so, Brown attempted to flee. It ended up costing him his life.

Mind, “officer safety” was never threatened. Brown merely tried to get away from an obnoxious costumed thug who had no business bothering him in the first place. But that was sufficient to justify summary execution by motor vehicle.

Teo are you aware that the Florida seatbelt law is no longer secondary? As of June 2009 the law was changed to allow LEOs to stop someone for not wearing a seatbelt. Had he stopped he would have faced a $69.00 fine, but instead he chose to run for whatever reason and it cost him his life. While I agree that his death was a needless one, the responsibility for it rests squarely on his shoulders. Stupidity gets you killed.

Guess the cops driving ability and reluctance to try and chase him on foot has nothing to do with it....

Nope not at all.



So I guess if a kid steals a piece of bubble gum he deserves to die for are definitely sheep material...the police state will love you....

Yes in Wordslingers Amerika a victimless crime justifys murder....

no stress

no stress

I still am at a loss as to why there is a law requiring motorists to wear a seatbelt and no law requiring motorcyclists to wear a helmet. I do agree that seatbelts save lives but the law requiring their use is a bit of overreach by government.



TEOTWAWKI wrote:So I guess if a kid steals a piece of bubble gum he deserves to die for are definitely sheep material...the police state will love you....

Yes in Wordslingers Amerika a victimless crime justifys murder....

Don't put words in my mouth Teo. That is not what I am saying and you damn well know it. I never said this guy deserved to die, but out LEO officers have laws that they are sworn to uphold and must do so equally. If a LEO overlooks a seat belt violation, what's next,overlooking a brutal rape/murder.

Again, I present to you, that neither you nor I know the whole story. I am airing on the side of LEO pending the conclusion of the investigation, while you are automatically assuming that the cop acted with reckless abandon. He did not deserve to die, but his actions are what led directly to his death. I don't give a damn how scared you are of cops, you should never run, if you do then you must be willing to suffer the consequences.



Yeah never run they won't chase you on foot they will just hit you with their 4 thousand lb doughnut hauler.



Ghost_Rider1 wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:So I guess if a kid steals a piece of bubble gum he deserves to die for are definitely sheep material...the police state will love you....

Yes in Wordslingers Amerika a victimless crime justifys murder....

Don't put words in my mouth Teo. That is not what I am saying and you damn well know it. I never said this guy deserved to die, but out LEO officers have laws that they are sworn to uphold and must do so equally. If a LEO overlooks a seat belt violation, what's next,overlooking a brutal rape/murder.

Again, I present to you, that neither you nor I know the whole story. I am airing on the side of LEO pending the conclusion of the investigation, while you are automatically assuming that the cop acted with reckless abandon. He did not deserve to die, but his actions are what led directly to his death. I don't give a damn how scared you are of cops, you should never run, if you do then you must be willing to suffer the consequences.

I wonder if the man knew he had an active warrant or something of that nature. Drugs or weapons in the vehicle, perhaps? There had to be another reason he ran other than the fact he didn't have a seat-belt on or feared cops in general. Had to be.

I agree, Ghost. We need to know the whole story prior to passing judgement.



PBulldog2 wrote:
Ghost_Rider1 wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:So I guess if a kid steals a piece of bubble gum he deserves to die for are definitely sheep material...the police state will love you....

Yes in Wordslingers Amerika a victimless crime justifys murder....

Don't put words in my mouth Teo. That is not what I am saying and you damn well know it. I never said this guy deserved to die, but out LEO officers have laws that they are sworn to uphold and must do so equally. If a LEO overlooks a seat belt violation, what's next,overlooking a brutal rape/murder.

Again, I present to you, that neither you nor I know the whole story. I am airing on the side of LEO pending the conclusion of the investigation, while you are automatically assuming that the cop acted with reckless abandon. He did not deserve to die, but his actions are what led directly to his death. I don't give a damn how scared you are of cops, you should never run, if you do then you must be willing to suffer the consequences.

I wonder if the man knew he had an active warrant or something of that nature. Drugs or weapons in the vehicle, perhaps? There had to be another reason he ran other than the fact he didn't have a seat-belt on or feared cops in general. Had to be.

I agree, Ghost. We need to know the whole story prior to passing judgement.

I am not sure about a warrant, but the article did state that he had a suspended license. He also has an arrest record as long as your arm. So yes, it is pretty clear why he ran, he was afraid of going back to jail. I am not a mind reader, but that would be my guess and I will still await the results of the investigation. If the investigation proves that the cop acted recklessly and with intent, then I will man up and apologize, but some here have already tried and convicted the cop. These are the same people that drug Ard over the coals for running over Victor Steen before the investigation was complete. Afterwards, when the investigation showed that it was an accident with Steen falling off his bicycle and Ard had no time to react, these same people continued to blame Ard.



well case closed the family of the dead man got $550000.00

DeLand Police Officer James Harris was fired over the incident, which killed the suspect, 38-year-old Marlon Robert Brown, according to the Ocala Post.

As the video shows, Brown, a known felon, fled from his car on foot after police attempted to pull him over for a seat belt violation.

During the chase, Harris drove around his fellow officers and sped towards Brown.

After Brown slipped and fell, Harris nailed him with his car.

“I think he’s underneath the [expletive] car,” one of the officers can be heard saying in the video.

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