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Press turns on Obama over Benghazi....finally

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newswatcher wrote:

Laughable....So basically the cowh is too big to fail or face justice?...

Face justice?

Precisely, of what crime do you accuse the President of the United States?



Sal wrote:
newswatcher wrote:

Laughable....So basically the cowh is too big to fail or face justice?...

Face justice?

Precisely, of what crime do you accuse the President of the United States?

Justice in the sense of facing criticism/questions of the cover-up....The justice in having to face the American People with a better explanation other that Benghazi is a "sideshow"....Now the IRS situation....reports are that this has been going on since 2010....A Romney contributor was villified and faced two IRS audits...certainly an abuse of authority...No wonder the cowh sheds a tear in his press conference....He and his administration are responsible for the Benghazi situation...they created the mess and probably never dreamed anyone would challange...



newswatcher wrote:
Sal wrote:
newswatcher wrote:

Laughable....So basically the cowh is too big to fail or face justice?...

Face justice?

Precisely, of what crime do you accuse the President of the United States?

Justice in the sense of facing criticism/questions of the cover-up....The justice in having to face the American People with a better explanation other that Benghazi is a "sideshow"....Now the IRS situation....reports are that this has been going on since 2010....A Romney contributor was villified and faced two IRS audits...certainly an abuse of authority...No wonder the cowh sheds a tear in his press conference....He and his administration are responsible for the Benghazi situation...they created the mess and probably never dreamed anyone would challange...

So, you think that Obama was aware of what the IRS was doing?

Or, maybe it was just some mid-level staff who didn't understand the rules?



newswatcher wrote:
Sal wrote:
newswatcher wrote:

Laughable....So basically the cowh is too big to fail or face justice?...

Face justice?

Precisely, of what crime do you accuse the President of the United States?

Justice in the sense of facing criticism/questions of the cover-up....The justice in having to face the American People with a better explanation other that Benghazi is a "sideshow"....Now the IRS situation....reports are that this has been going on since 2010....A Romney contributor was villified and faced two IRS audits...certainly an abuse of authority...No wonder the cowh sheds a tear in his press conference....He and his administration are responsible for the Benghazi situation...they created the mess and probably never dreamed anyone would challange...

Stupid and silly is what you all are. The never ending quest to bring down Obama. You all have failed and will continue to fail.



true failure is when you give up,

no one is giving up, we are all just beginning



*Sage* wrote:true failure is when you give up,

no one is giving up, we are all just beginning

That's why you keep on losing the elections. You're just too dumb to get it. I expect that from you because you never learn from your mistakes. You just keep on doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. And what do they call that? LOL!



Dreamsglore wrote:
*Sage* wrote:true failure is when you give up,

no one is giving up, we are all just beginning

That's why you keep on losing the elections. You're just too dumb to get it. I expect that from you because you never learn from your mistakes. You just keep on doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. And what do they call that? LOL!

I won elections too. this is the first rodeo witch feet.

the rest of your babble is just that, babble. You don't know anything about my life really. you been given crumbs and think you have a cake, must be the way the far left thinks, crumbs = cake lol

I mean really, do you even know what your talking about? Rolling Eyes

damn what a dumb asss, its almost sad



2seaoat wrote:Do you get paid extra to repeat the same lie time after time? Not even the administration, or poor Jay Carney has tried to push that phony position.

I watched all of the Sunday TV shows live. I listened to the President. Never once did I think we were attacked by anyone but terrorist. What phony position are you talking about? That I have a brain between my ears and at the end of that Sunday I believed we had been attacked by terrorists.....just like all the other embassy attacks. Now tell me.......were you confused after that Sunday? Did you change your vote for president?

The central thesis of this controversy is Americans are fails at every level.

As we all well know you are trying desperately to re-write history, that wasn't what the President said the morning after the tragedy. Then he bid good buy and flew off to Las Vegas for a fund raiser.


Press turns on Obama over Benghazi....finally - Page 2 White-house-benghazi



Here is a recent Tweet from Bush's former press secretary, Ari Fleischer:

"...Advice to GOP on Benghazi/IRS. Investigate facts--don't leap to conclusions (crime, impeachment). Let facts drive-not emotion....”



ZVUGKTUBM wrote:Here is a recent Tweet from Bush's former press secretary, Ari Fleischer:

"...Advice to GOP on Benghazi/IRS. Investigate facts--don't leap to conclusions (crime, impeachment). Let facts drive-not emotion....”

Sounds good to me.

I just don't believe they'll stop lying. Gets more depressing every day.

It'd be nice if we could only get the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. But alas.



There would be no issue to benghazi if the information had been limited pending investigation... then an honest explanation and appropriate remedies. It was still naive at best and incompetent at worst to cut security... even if they want to blame the right. Rolling Eyes

Nuland made the course they took very clear.



PkrBum wrote:There would be no issue to benghazi if the information had been limited pending investigation... then an honest explanation and appropriate remedies. It was still naive at best and incompetent at worst to cut security... even if they want to blame the right. Rolling Eyes

Nuland made the course they took very clear.

I agree. If they'd at least told the truth from the beginning this would be a non-issue. But, they doctored documents and talking points to a level that makes them look guilty of something. Obama lying about what and when he knew things doesn't work for the timeline. Everyone has their wires crossed and they can't maintain their lies. It's like a house of cards collapsing.



PkrBum wrote:There would be no issue to benghazi if the information had been limited pending investigation...

Pffft ...

... the wingnuts were politicizing this before the bodies were cold.



Sal wrote:
PkrBum wrote:There would be no issue to benghazi if the information had been limited pending investigation...

Pffft ...

... the wingnuts were politicizing this before the bodies were cold.

If you were able to be objective... you could see that the deception was the first act... and began the politicizing.



Sal wrote:
PkrBum wrote:There would be no issue to benghazi if the information had been limited pending investigation...

Pffft ...

... the wingnuts were politicizing this before the bodies were cold.

I think the left-wing-nuts got to this first. After all, this is Obama's watch. His gang had first dibs on the details. Now the wingnuts just want to know the truth. If that's even possible with this administration.



VectorMan wrote:
Sal wrote:
PkrBum wrote:There would be no issue to benghazi if the information had been limited pending investigation...

Pffft ...

... the wingnuts were politicizing this before the bodies were cold.

I think the left-wing-nuts got to this first. After all, this is Obama's watch. His gang had first dibs on the details. Now the wingnuts just want to know the truth. If that's even possible with this administration.

People who want the truth don't read the Blaze.

They just want confirmation of their fears and affirmation of their prejudices.

Press turns on Obama over Benghazi....finally - Page 2 13051410



How's this for politicization 9/12 DNC "Ask Osama bin Laden if he is better off now than he was four years ago,"



PkrBum wrote:How's this for politicization 9/12 DNC "Ask Osama bin Laden if he is better off now than he was four years ago,"

Yes, because politicizing the death of a terrorist responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans at the hands of U.S. special forces is exactly the same thing as politicizing the death of patriotic Americans at the hands of terrorists.

Jebus ...

Press turns on Obama over Benghazi....finally - Page 2 Jesus-facepalm



heh... who do you think killed our patriots a few days later in a county we had just bombed and armed?

Why did we intervene? Without congressional vote? Arm an unknown insurgency? Cut security? What was to be gained?

There were larger interests if you look at it... why libya? Why not syria? Or one of numerous conflicts in Africa?

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