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Benghazi could bring down admin

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lurch thinks hes got something with that bush thing. because bush went on national tv and told a lie to the country about the deaths being over a old utube video, even spent tax payer money telling the other country on their tv channels it was over a utube video....

LOLOLOL when in doubt and have nothing to say, drag up bush lol!

because every loser is allowed to use bush as an excuse forever........... Wink


How do you spin the facts to make Bush an excuse...? For anything...?

A comparative analysis of data shows that GOP whining is in fact, selective outrage.

What Lurch posted is fact. You really ought to be more selective in your choice of battles.



Billy the Kid wrote:

lurch thinks hes got something with that bush thing. because bush went on national tv and told a lie to the country about the deaths being over a old utube video, even spent tax payer money telling the other country on their tv channels it was over a utube video....

LOLOLOL when in doubt and have nothing to say, drag up bush lol!

because every loser is allowed to use bush as an excuse forever........... Wink


How do you spin the facts to make Bush an excuse...? For anything...?

A comparative analysis of data shows that GOP whining is in fact, selective outrage.

What Lurch posted is fact. You really ought to be more selective in your choice of battles.

no what lurch posted is a attempt to deflect.

I was very clear in what I said, so I wont say it again.

its simpleton deflection, which is sad because really, how long does the 5 year old stand up in class holding his pee pee after wetting his pants while pointing, jimmy did it, jimmy did it



*Sage* wrote:
Billy the Kid wrote:

lurch thinks hes got something with that bush thing. because bush went on national tv and told a lie to the country about the deaths being over a old utube video, even spent tax payer money telling the other country on their tv channels it was over a utube video....

LOLOLOL when in doubt and have nothing to say, drag up bush lol!

because every loser is allowed to use bush as an excuse forever........... Wink


How do you spin the facts to make Bush an excuse...? For anything...?

A comparative analysis of data shows that GOP whining is in fact, selective outrage.

What Lurch posted is fact. You really ought to be more selective in your choice of battles.

no what lurch posted is a attempt to deflect.

I was very clear in what I said, so I wont say it again.

its simpleton deflection, which is sad because really, how long does the 5 year old stand up in class holding his pee pee after wetting his pants while pointing, jimmy did it, jimmy did it


So tell us oh bright one where is your outrage at the 60 deaths at our Consulats and Embassies during the Boy George nightmare????



knothead wrote:
*Sage* wrote:
Billy the Kid wrote:

lurch thinks hes got something with that bush thing. because bush went on national tv and told a lie to the country about the deaths being over a old utube video, even spent tax payer money telling the other country on their tv channels it was over a utube video....

LOLOLOL when in doubt and have nothing to say, drag up bush lol!

because every loser is allowed to use bush as an excuse forever........... Wink


How do you spin the facts to make Bush an excuse...? For anything...?

A comparative analysis of data shows that GOP whining is in fact, selective outrage.

What Lurch posted is fact. You really ought to be more selective in your choice of battles.

no what lurch posted is a attempt to deflect.

I was very clear in what I said, so I wont say it again.

its simpleton deflection, which is sad because really, how long does the 5 year old stand up in class holding his pee pee after wetting his pants while pointing, jimmy did it, jimmy did it


So tell us oh bright one where is your outrage at the 60 deaths at our Consulats and Embassies during the Boy George nightmare????

And it was a nightmare. The other day I was reflecting on who was the worst president of my lifetime. For me it is a toss-up between George W. Bush and Lyndon Johnson. I decided to give Jimmy Carter a break, because he didn't start any wars during his presidency. The other two did.



knothead wrote:
*Sage* wrote:
Billy the Kid wrote:

lurch thinks hes got something with that bush thing. because bush went on national tv and told a lie to the country about the deaths being over a old utube video, even spent tax payer money telling the other country on their tv channels it was over a utube video....

LOLOLOL when in doubt and have nothing to say, drag up bush lol!

because every loser is allowed to use bush as an excuse forever........... Wink


How do you spin the facts to make Bush an excuse...? For anything...?

A comparative analysis of data shows that GOP whining is in fact, selective outrage.

What Lurch posted is fact. You really ought to be more selective in your choice of battles.

no what lurch posted is a attempt to deflect.

I was very clear in what I said, so I wont say it again.

its simpleton deflection, which is sad because really, how long does the 5 year old stand up in class holding his pee pee after wetting his pants while pointing, jimmy did it, jimmy did it


So tell us oh bright one where is your outrage at the 60 deaths at our Consulats and Embassies during the Boy George nightmare????

And it was a nightmare. The other day I was reflecting on who was the worst president of my lifetime. For me it is a toss-up between George W. Bush and Lyndon Johnson. I decided to give Jimmy Carter a break, because he didn't start any wars during his presidency. The other two did.


I don't disagree Z . . . . good point!



*Sage* wrote:
Billy the Kid wrote:

lurch thinks hes got something with that bush thing. because bush went on national tv and told a lie to the country about the deaths being over a old utube video, even spent tax payer money telling the other country on their tv channels it was over a utube video....

LOLOLOL when in doubt and have nothing to say, drag up bush lol!

because every loser is allowed to use bush as an excuse forever........... Wink


How do you spin the facts to make Bush an excuse...? For anything...?

A comparative analysis of data shows that GOP whining is in fact, selective outrage.

What Lurch posted is fact. You really ought to be more selective in your choice of battles.

no what lurch posted is a attempt to deflect.

I was very clear in what I said, so I wont say it again.

its simpleton deflection, which is sad because really, how long does the 5 year old stand up in class holding his pee pee after wetting his pants while pointing, jimmy did it, jimmy did it


Since when is a litany of facts an attempt to deflect....?

None of you drooling wingnut trolls addressed what was actually stated in the post. What Lurch posted was absolutely true.

No amount of spin can change that.

Why you bother to try and make it something else....something less than absurd.

Yes, your BS was very clear, so please don't say it again, ever.



bluemoon wrote:Benghazi isn't going to bring down anything. It didn't work as an election issue, did it? You're beating the deadest of dead horses.
That was 8 months ago. Americans moved on a long time ago. If the Republican party can't move on the rest of the country will leave them in the dust.

Yes, it was stonewalled and obfuscated quite well until after the election. Sort of like President Richard M. Nixon did with Watergate. Of course, no one was killed in Watergate or MonicaGate.



Lurch wrote:Benghazi could bring down admin - Page 2 217159_4799623316694_443008571_n_zpsa815ab43

WOW! You really let yourself get in deep on this one didn't you. Well, maybe it will teach you to check your sources before making a total fool of oneself.

Sorry Lurch, you were sucked in by your source, be it the DailyKOS, MediaMatter or whatever. You do swallow whatever they serve up to you very easily and smoooooothly.

Show us which of those attacks resulted in a single AMERICAN DEATH. THAT is what makes Benghazi gravely different! This was cute, did they tell you there were no American Deaths or simply dish this up to you so nice and easy. Doesn't seem very friendly or devoted to you to lead you down such a lousy, simply path. You are so trusting you didn't even check the first one? That's rather lazy and careless isn't it?

Keep up the "good" work.

Now I have to tell you, this is kind of fun. Catching all the Progressives with their pants down around their ankles.

You left it out, but here is the link to your colorful if misleading and twisted poster. If I were you, and I was THAT misled, by one of my sources, I'd be ticked off. Of course, I check the sources for my posts myself. You should try that little trick.

You would REALLY believe this goofy source? Then you deserve what you got.

Here's an explanation of each of the incidents. Another twisted column trying to twist what was said by Charles Krauthammer.

And just like I said it would be before I even did a simple Bing search.

Why is it that four dead Americans in an Embassy which had been asking for help, for weeks, saying they could not defend the site then a STAND DOWN order was given...but by who?

This is a major SNAFU and it is getting worse by the day. Much like Watergate and MonicaGate where NO ONE WAS KILLED.

You are really, really easy!



April 18, 1983
17 Dead Americans

Benghazi could bring down admin - Page 2 Beirutembassy

September 20, 1984
2 Dead Americans

Benghazi could bring down admin - Page 2 _38601673_usembassy238

Two separate embassy bombings in the SAME country in the span of 17 months ...

... 19 dead Americans

... one U.S. President ...

Benghazi could bring down admin - Page 2 5925912595_1987_r_reagan_answer_2_xlarge

You wanna talk about the Marines barracks next, Markie?

"You have to live and you have to do your best to protect yourself, but you have to know that these terrorist groups are threatening all over the world."
- Ronald Reagan



Lurch wrote:Benghazi could bring down admin - Page 2 217159_4799623316694_443008571_n_zpsa815ab43
Benghazi could bring down admin - Page 2 RevisedBushPhonyPoster

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