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Benghazi mom....blames BILLARY

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In other words, you lost the debate and now wish to do the exact thing the other trolls so enjoy as their fall-down (sic) position.

That's perfect. I reduced you to troll status in four moves.

Checkmate asshole.



BTW....just for shits and grins, I always notice certain phraseology employed by the assholes who have stalked me for years.

The fact that my stalkers use the same passive aggressive statement to avoid taking responsibility when they have had their nose rubbed in the carpet...well, let's just say it's obvious.

I might even point out that they will argue with a stop sign until the Rapture comes before they accept being wrong on any fucking subject, ever.

Fuck you, you fucking fucks, you.



Billy the Kid wrote:BTW....just for shits and grins, I always notice certain phraseology employed by the assholes who have stalked me for years.

The fact that my stalkers use the same passive aggressive statement to avoid taking responsibility when they have had their nose rubbed in the carpet...well, let's just say it's obvious.

I might even point out that they will argue with a stop sign until the Rapture comes before they accept being wrong on any fucking subject, ever.

Fuck you, you fucking fucks, you.

Mission accomplished. Your liberal cage has been rattled. Continue with your rant. LOL



Benghazi mom....blames BILLARY - Page 2 217159_4799623316694_443008571_n_zpsa815ab43



Lurch wrote:Benghazi mom....blames BILLARY - Page 2 217159_4799623316694_443008571_n_zpsa815ab43

WOW, I bet there isn't another forum in the state that has the Progressives panties in such a twist that they have HALF A DOZEN THREADS, all with the same false statement proudly displayed by the same patsy.

Adolph Hitler’s very close associate Joseph Goebbels stated!

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

And with reference to the false poster. certainly are desperate to make a big issue with the false poster and all the misinformation and twisted information.

Here you are this SIX POSTING OF THE SAME ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. You didn't even check ONE of the attacks given? Are you that careless with everything you do?

Sorry Lurch, you were sucked in by your source, be it the DailyKOS, MediaMatter or whatever. You do swallow whatever they serve up to you very easily and smoooooothly.

Show us which of those attacks resulted in a single AMERICAN DEATH. THAT is what makes Benghazi gravely different! This was cute, did they tell you there were no American Deaths or simply dish this up to you so nice and easy. Doesn't seem very friendly or devoted to you to lead you down such a lousy, simply path. You are so trusting you didn't even check the first one? That's rather lazy and careless isn't it?

Keep up the "good" work.

Now I have to tell you, this is kind of fun. Catching all the Progressives with their pants down around their ankles.

You left it out, but here is the link to your colorful if misleading and twisted poster. If I were you, and I was THAT misled, by one of my sources, I'd be ticked off. Of course, I check the sources for my posts myself. You should try that little trick.

You would REALLY believe this goofy source? Then you deserve what you got.

Here's an explanation of each of the incidents. Another twisted column trying to twist what was said by Charles Krauthammer.

And just like I said it would be before I even did a simple Bing search.

Why is it that four dead Americans in an Embassy which had been asking for help, for weeks, saying they could not defend the site then a STAND DOWN order was given...but by who?

This is a major SNAFU and it is getting worse by the day. Much like Watergate and MonicaGate where NO ONE WAS KILLED.



April 18, 1983
17 Dead Americans

Benghazi mom....blames BILLARY - Page 2 Beirutembassy

September 20, 1984
2 Dead Americans

Benghazi mom....blames BILLARY - Page 2 _38601673_usembassy238

Two separate embassy bombings in the SAME country in the span of 17 months ...

... 19 dead Americans

... one U.S. President ...

Benghazi mom....blames BILLARY - Page 2 5925912595_1987_r_reagan_answer_2_xlarge

You wanna talk about the Marines barracks next, Markie?

"You have to live and you have to do your best to protect yourself, but you have to know that these terrorist groups are threatening all over the world."
- Ronald Reagan



Sal wrote:April 18, 1983
17 Dead Americans

Benghazi mom....blames BILLARY - Page 2 Beirutembassy

September 20, 1984
2 Dead Americans

Benghazi mom....blames BILLARY - Page 2 _38601673_usembassy238

Two separate embassy bombings in the SAME country in the span of 17 months ...

... 19 dead Americans

... one U.S. President ...

Benghazi mom....blames BILLARY - Page 2 5925912595_1987_r_reagan_answer_2_xlarge

You wanna talk about the Marines barracks next, Markie?

"You have to live and you have to do your best to protect yourself, but you have to know that these terrorist groups are threatening all over the world."
- Ronald Reagan

Come on, you've been snookered and made a fool of SIX times tonight.

If you recall, the discussion has to do with since the War on Terror began in 2003...not 30 years ago. My, you are a desperate little soul.



Lurch wrote:Benghazi mom....blames BILLARY - Page 2 217159_4799623316694_443008571_n_zpsa815ab43
Benghazi mom....blames BILLARY - Page 2 RevisedBushPhonyPoster



Markle wrote:

Come on, you've been snookered and made a fool of SIX times tonight.

If you recall, the discussion has to do with since the War on Terror began in 2003...not 30 years ago. My, you are a desperate little soul.

Why are you changing the rules on us now, Markie?

You just claimed that the only thing that matters is the nationalities of the victims, and now you want to quibble about dates?

O.K., I'll play along ...

It was the deadliest attack on a U.S. diplomatic mission up to that time, and is thought of as marking the beginning of anti-U.S. attacks by Islamist groups.

A pro-Iranian group calling itself the Islamic Jihad Organization took responsibility for the bombing in a telephone call to a news office immediately after the blast.

This war has been going for quite some time.

It just took us a while to catch on.



Billy the Kid wrote:BTW....just for shits and grins, I always notice certain phraseology employed by the assholes who have stalked me for years.

The fact that my stalkers use the same passive aggressive statement to avoid taking responsibility when they have had their nose rubbed in the carpet...well, let's just say it's obvious.

I might even point out that they will argue with a stop sign until the Rapture comes before they accept being wrong on any fucking subject, ever.

Fuck you, you fucking fucks, you.

Mission accomplished. Your liberal cage has been rattled. Continue with your rant. LOL[/quote


Don't you have a dick to suck....?

Get busy.



Sal wrote:
nochain wrote:

Coming from a quivering hyper-partisan "hack" such as yourself that's a pretty funny statement. Try again loser:

"A State Department official told The Washington Times that there was no impact on security in Benghazi from the cuts.

Read more:


Nice cherry picking, Flippy.

Here's what preceded the line you lifted from your link;

Investigators looking for lessons from the fatal terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi might want to start on Capitol Hill, where Congress slashed spending on diplomatic security and U.S. embassy construction over the past two years.

Since 2010, Congress cut $296 million from the State Department’s spending request for embassy security and construction, with additional cuts in other State Department security accounts, according to an analysis by a former appropriations committee staffer.

Rep. Michael Rogers, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, made clear Wednesday that congressional staff will be looking into the attack, in addition to a probe by the State Department’s inspector general and another State Department investigation required by federal law.

The cuts to the embassy construction, security and maintenance budget was almost 10 percent of the entire appropriation for that account over those two years, said Scott Lilly, now a scholar at the left-leaning Center for American Progress.

“Anytime we cut that account back, we are putting people’s lives at risk, people who are serving the country” in dangerous places abroad, said Mr. Lilly.

The cuts mean that “a lot of places you’d intended to secure better, you don’t reach” this year, he added.

He said he did not know whether the cuts had impacted security at the Benghazi consulate that was stormed on the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks by heavily armed Islamic extremists, who burned down the building and killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

Thanks for the back up.

Hey, here's a couple of questions for you, Flippy ...

... how many people were killed in attacks on our embassies and diplomatic consulates on Dubya's watch?

HINT: About 50

... how many partisan investigations were launched to use the blood of those patriots for political purposes?

SPOILER ALERT: zip, zero, nada

Your phony excuse about funding cuts was dumped even by the lying administration MONTHS ago.

You were either played for a fool or you have no character and ignore the fact that it was AMERICANS KILLED IN BENGHAZI.

It hit the fan today in the White House Briefing when the White House Press showed their anger toward the White House for having strung them along and LIED to them for months. Poor Jay Carney had a rough day.

As for the phone, evasive list of deaths you refer to above. You should be ashamed, but I know better.Benghazi mom....blames BILLARY - Page 2 F7fcd5e0-3baf-4b3e-822f-524d4cf5abc9

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