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Scarborough blasts Obama for his 18.4% tax rate

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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob



Bob wrote:

So why not an 18.4% flat tax rate for everyone?...If it's good enough for the cowh....



The Obamas only gave 25% of their income to charities?


Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Sal wrote:The Obamas only gave 25% of their income to charities?


Another perspective...



Why in the world would ANYTHING Joe Scarborugh says be worth 2 shits? The A Hole is just a Hack but everyone listens to him just as they do Rush and Beck and what ever he says is Gospel. Oh. I forgot!!! He mentions Pensacola. Gee-zuz



Hallmarkgrad1 wrote:Why in the world would ANYTHING Joe Scarborugh says be worth 2 shits? The A Hole is just a Hack but everyone listens to him just as they do Rush and Beck and what ever he says is Gospel. Oh. I forgot!!! He mentions Pensacola. Gee-zuz

I agree.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Hallmarkgrad1 wrote:Why in the world would ANYTHING Joe Scarborugh says be worth 2 shits? The A Hole is just a Hack but everyone listens to him just as they do Rush and Beck and what ever he says is Gospel. Oh. I forgot!!! He mentions Pensacola. Gee-zuz

I agree.

How can you agree that Rush is a hack when you said he was smarter than all 535 members of congress put together. lol



Two things ...

#1 - He released his tax returns?

What a novel idea!

#2 - There’s a bit of a difference between a moderately wealthy person who pays a lowish tax rate and wants to raise rates, and an enormously wealthy person who pays a lowish tax rate and want to make them lower.



I think all the bloviating Joe did was to highlight the need for an AMT on certain levels of income . . . . . .

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