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Safe Haven

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1Safe Haven Empty Safe Haven 2/14/2013, 10:37 pm


I just got home from watching Safe Haven at the Rave on W Street.. Like all of the movies based on Nicholas Sparks books, it's great.. I only used 3 napkins for the tears.. LOL I ALWAYS cry while reading his books or watching his movies.. I HIGHLY recommewnd going to see it..

2Safe Haven Empty Re: Safe Haven 8/8/2016, 10:33 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Safe Haven Pbch11

3Safe Haven Empty Re: Safe Haven 8/9/2016, 10:24 pm




4Safe Haven Empty Re: Safe Haven 8/9/2016, 11:51 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Sorry bout that,  telstar.  That was a test post and I meant to delete it after I put it up.  I used the movie forum thinking very few people would see me do it but then forgot to delete it.

This won't mean anything to you unless you grew up around here.
This morning someone emailed me the best photo I've seen yet of something called the "Casino" which was a landmark on Pensacola Beach when many of us here were young.  I very much wanted to post the photo (taken in 1960) but the test post revealed the photo is too large for posting which is a shame.  All it shows is the arcade which was to the left of the actual Pensacola Beach Casino.  And if I reduce the size of the photo so it will fill the post field it becomes too small to bother with because what makes the photo so cool is the detail in the photo when displayed full size.

5Safe Haven Empty Re: Safe Haven 8/10/2016, 8:32 am



Bob wrote:Sorry bout that,  telstar.  That was a test post and I meant to delete it after I put it up.  I used the movie forum thinking very few people would see me do it but then forgot to delete it.

This won't mean anything to you unless you grew up around here.
This morning someone emailed me the best photo I've seen yet of something called the "Casino" which was a landmark on Pensacola Beach when many of us here were young.  I very much wanted to post the photo (taken in 1960) but the test post revealed the photo is too large for posting which is a shame.  All it shows is the arcade which was to the left of the actual Pensacola Beach Casino.  And if I reduce the size of the photo so it will fill the post field it becomes too small to bother with because what makes the photo so cool is the detail in the photo when displayed full size.

Thanks Bob I thought it was a scene from the movie. Even though it was just a test shot I'm glad somebody else used this board beside me.

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