Anyone watching his new show, The Following...?
Pretty good.
Pretty good.
W_T_M wrote:Anyone watching his new show, The Following...?
Pretty good.
W_T_M wrote:Anyone watching his new show, The Following...?
Pretty good.
Sal wrote:W_T_M wrote:Anyone watching his new show, The Following...?
Pretty good.
Yeah, I've been watching it.
Pretty graphically sadistic stuff.
It's amazing what they'll put on network TV in prime time these days.
The show is well acted and pretty compelling, although it stretches the bounds of credibility some.
Who teaches Edgar Allen Poe in college?
That's high school material.
Bob wrote:For the unenlightened amongst us...
p.s. I was one of the unlightened until reading this. I had heard of the "6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon" but didn't know how involved it was.
W_T_M wrote:
in edit...pile on the negs so I can set the record. I hope to reach 500 before to day ends.
Bob wrote:W_T_M wrote:
in edit...pile on the negs so I can set the record. I hope to reach 500 before to day ends.
500 is definitely a record setter. But if I was you I'd go for the big one (four figures). That would be like Babe Ruth's home run record. Would probably stand for decades to come.
And what would be even better is if you can eat hot dogs and drink beer while you're posting like he did.
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