But I can't stop Republicans, ordinary Republicans, from talking. And as long as you ba*tards keep talking, people out there are going to continue to have a clear idea of what the Republican party is.
You see how that works? You see how you're ruining it for us?
If you're a 22 year-old who just read Atlas Shrugged, you need to stop blogging about it. If you're a middle-aged white dude who only communicates with his estranged children through racist chain emails, you must promise never to hit the send button again. You need to stop talking about your AR-15, and you need to stop showing up at the Wal-Mart in full camo.
You're a business owner, maybe, and you're kind of pissed about Obama? Take the bumper stickers off your car, and no more sharing in the employee break room. And no go#damn talking about the Rapture ever, ever again.
Are we clear? Because if you don't listen to me, the only places we'll be competitive are districts composed solely of people who plan to shoot someone within the next 30 minutes and actual Confederate veterans. Mostly northern Florida I guess.