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According to Reuters, The U.N. World Economic and Social Survey has determined that the needs of developing countries are not being met, and new taxes will help fight dilemmas like “climate change” and the “record of broken promises” by donor countries.

Though the United Nations has no authority to enforce global taxes at the current time, its propositions hold sway and are not unlike schemes proposed by American politicians.

(Related: Biden to Crowd: ‘We Want…A Global Minimum Tax)

Survey author Rob Vos explained in a statement, after lamenting the shortfall of international donations because of budget cuts:

“Although donors must meet their commitments, it is time to look for other ways to find resources to finance development needs and address growing global challenges, such as combating climate change…
“We are suggesting various ways to tap resources through international mechanisms, such as coordinated taxes on carbon emissions, air traffic, and financial and currency transactions.” [Emphasis added]
The related Huffington Post article includes this video, titled “What is the New World Order?” with the Chairman of the World Economic Forum USA, to explain why global governance will solve our issues.

CNS News summarizes a few of the proposed changes:

Carbon Tax: A tax of $25 a ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted in developed countries…The money could be collected by national authorities, but be earmarked for international cooperation. CO2 is the “greenhouse gas” blamed most often for climate change.
– Currency Transaction Tax: A tax of 0.005 percent on all trading in four major currencies – the U.S. dollar, the euro, the yen and pound sterling – would yield around $40 billion a year for international initiatives. The decades-old idea of levying a small charge on financial transactions is sometimes called a “Robin Hood tax” since it supposedly taxes rich nations to benefit poor ones.
The European Union’s executive Commission has proposed the introduction of such a tax – 0.1 percent for shares and bonds and 0.01 percent for derivatives – in the 27-member union with effect from January 1, 2014, an initiative expected to raise just over $70 billion a year. The WESS says a portion of that could be earmarked for international cooperation.
– SDRs: Allocation of International Monetary Fund Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) could yield $100 billion a year to purchase long-term assets that could then be used for development finance. Set up in the 1960s, SDRs are used by governments and some international institutions. It is not itself a currency, but its value is based on a basket of the dollar, euro, pound sterling and yen. Some countries, including Russia, China and Brazil, have been pushing the idea of SDRs replacing the greenback as the world’s reserve currency.
– Billionaire’s Tax: A tax of around one percent on individual wealth holdings of $1 billion or more, “with the revenue destined to finance internationally agreed global development purposes.” The WESS says this mechanism, which it estimates could raise $50 billion a year, is an option that could be explored but needs further technical elaboration.
“Realizing the potential of these mechanisms will require international agreement and corresponding political will, both to tap sources as well as to ensure allocation of revenues for development,” said Vos.
However, conservative organizations (and those that value national sovereignty), worry about hundreds of billions of dollars more being allocated to the United Nations.

(Related: Director of New Documentary ‘U.N. Me’ Tells Beck About Murder, Corruption, and Ineptitude of the United Nations)

Myron Ebell, director of energy and global warming policy at the free-market Competitive Enterprise Institute, noted that the taxing authority would be unaccountable to a sovereign authority, and Phyllis Schlafly, president of the conservative Eagle Forum, argues that the day the United Nations tries to impose a global tax should be the day the country pulls out of the U.N.

After all, we would essentially be paying the institution to tax us.

Conservative blog Hot Air sarcastically concludes: “It’s truly a brave new world, comrades…Welcome to the age of international peace and prosperity.”



You have could volunteer for a one way mars mission..



ah yes, you got to love all these new taxes coming our way so we can save the world.

thing is, we wont be able to save the world, we will just suffer and die with it.

is that 2.5 Billion dollar global warming tax in this? I bet it is.

who's going to pay for all these freebies and taxes?

we ar egoing to end up a 2 class nation, very rich and very poor

those darn liberals cant wait for the middle class to die off.



Chrissy8 wrote:ah yes, you got to love all these new taxes coming our way so we can save the world.

thing is, we wont be able to save the world, we will just suffer and die with it.

is that 2.5 Billion dollar global warming tax in this? I bet it is.

who's going to pay for all these freebies and taxes?

we ar egoing to end up a 2 class nation, very rich and very poor

those darn liberals cant wait for the middle class to die off.

Well I am middle class and I think we're knock knock knockin on heavens door....

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