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The UNITED NATIONS has been called on us conservatives to watch the polls during the election

4 posters

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thats right, a fucking international organization will be watching us.

what a bunch of chit

United Nations-affiliated election monitors from Europe and central Asia will be at polling places around the U.S. looking for voter suppression activities by conservative groups, a concern raised by civil rights groups during a meeting this week. The intervention has drawn criticism from a prominent conservative-leaning group combating election fraud

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), a United Nations partner on democratization and human rights projects, will deploy 44 observers around the county on Election Day to monitor an array of activities, including potential disputes at polling places

Liberal-leaning civil rights groups met with representatives from the OSCE this week to raise their fears about what they say are systematic efforts to suppress minority voters likely to vote for President Obama.

What authority does people who are not even Americans have over our election process? If this isnt proof enough that we have been sold out then I dont know what is.



Obama didn't go to congress to get permission before bombing middle east countries... he went to the UN.

When he didn't like states enforcing federal immigration laws... didn't he report them to the UN?

Who does he work for again?



PkrBum wrote:Obama didn't go to congress to get permission before bombing middle east countries... he went to the UN.

When he didn't like states enforcing federal immigration laws... didn't he report them to the UN?

Who does he work for again?

Your right. I noticed that.

we either have or are so very very lose to loosing our soveirgntry as a nation. This is just unacceptable to me.

I am livid Mad

no stress

no stress

They can kiss my ass if they dont like my Romney pin. They have zero authority. On a side note othershoe thinks its wrong to have anti voter fraud signs around polling sites. lol! She wont have a problem with this tho.



Gunz wrote:They can kiss my ass if they dont like my Romney pin. They have zero authority. On a side note othershoe thinks its wrong to have anti voter fraud signs around polling sites. lol! She wont have a problem with this tho.

I have no problem with poll watchers.

I do have a problem with United Nations poll watchers.

I also have a problem that the United nations poll watchers are going to do all this because of conservatives. as if we are criminals. it pisses me off. because actually its the liberals who have been way busy trying to steal elections by either buying them or registration fraud.

Is this even legal or constitutional?



Voter ID laws are bad because they supposedly disenfranchise legitimate voters (BTW we all know that is bullshit) but having a gestapo type organization intimidating voters at voting places is fine and dandy. Makes perfect sense in a liberal world.



alecto wrote:Voter ID laws are bad because they supposedly disenfranchise legitimate voters (BTW we all know that is bullshit) but having a gestapo type organization intimidating voters at voting places is fine and dandy. Makes perfect sense in a liberal world.

The UNITED NATIONS overseeing an American election. Talk about outsourcing.



alecto wrote:Voter ID laws are bad because they supposedly disenfranchise legitimate voters (BTW we all know that is bullshit) but having a gestapo type organization intimidating voters at voting places is fine and dandy. Makes perfect sense in a liberal world.

BTW we DO NOT KNOW this is BS. I hate it when you wing nuts just toss out these statement as if they were facts and hope readers will just lap it up without thought.

MIAMI — In a partial victory for voter rights and immigrant groups, Florida residents who were mistakenly removed from the voter rolls this year because the state classified them as noncitizens will be returned to the rolls and allowed to vote in November.

The Florida Department of State, which initiated the review of noncitizens on the voter rolls, also agreed Wednesday to inform the 2,625 people on the list who are eligible to vote that their voting rights had been fully restored. Still unresolved is whether Florida broke a federal law preventing voter purges within 90 days of an election.

Also, these observers are far from (as you call them) 'gestapo'. According to the article Chrissy posted

“State law does not generally provide for international observers,” Maiola said. “However, through our contacts at state and county level in certain states, we managed to secure invitations at local level and we have taken up the offer to observe. Where this is not possible, we will respect the state regulation on this matter and will not observe in precincts on Election Day.”

If there is nothing improper going on neither the conservatives nor liberals should have nothing to worry about. Apparently the Right is feeling a little nervous. I wonder why? Are they complaining just because it is an international group or is that just a smoke screen to obscure fears of having shady activities exposed?



The Republican Party and the Tea Party have been actively recruiting poll 'watchers". The R's have also been caught red-handed in at least 3 states destroying Dem voter registrations. And Repug governors in swing states are actively trying to suppress the vote by purging voter rolls, sometimes (as in Florida) defying federal voting laws. And then, there's Romney's financial ties to an Ohio firm that has very questionable electronic voting machines. Then we have the Supremes' Citizens United ruling that now allows open contributions from shady PAC's and "non-profits".

I would say without a doubt that we need impartial poll watchers, such as those from the UN.

I saw the faces of people in 2008 who obviously resented the presence of students and minorities exercising their right to vote. Unmistakeable hatred; outright anger.



Floridatexan wrote:
The Republican Party and the Tea Party have been actively recruiting poll 'watchers". The R's have also been caught red-handed in at least 3 states destroying Dem voter registrations. And Repug governors in swing states are actively trying to suppress the vote by purging voter rolls, sometimes (as in Florida) defying federal voting laws. And then, there's Romney's financial ties to an Ohio firm that has very questionable electronic voting machines. Then we have the Supremes' Citizens United ruling that now allows open contributions from shady PAC's and "non-profits".

I would say without a doubt that we need impartial poll watchers, such as those from the UN.

I saw the faces of people in 2008 who obviously resented the presence of students and minorities exercising their right to vote. Unmistakeable hatred; outright anger.

Confirmation please!



othershoe1030 wrote:
alecto wrote:Voter ID laws are bad because they supposedly disenfranchise legitimate voters (BTW we all know that is bullshit) but having a gestapo type organization intimidating voters at voting places is fine and dandy. Makes perfect sense in a liberal world.

BTW we DO NOT KNOW this is BS. I hate it when you wing nuts just toss out these statement as if they were facts and hope readers will just lap it up without thought.

MIAMI — In a partial victory for voter rights and immigrant groups, Florida residents who were mistakenly removed from the voter rolls this year because the state classified them as noncitizens will be returned to the rolls and allowed to vote in November.

The Florida Department of State, which initiated the review of noncitizens on the voter rolls, also agreed Wednesday to inform the 2,625 people on the list who are eligible to vote that their voting rights had been fully restored. Still unresolved is whether Florida broke a federal law preventing voter purges within 90 days of an election.

Also, these observers are far from (as you call them) 'gestapo'. According to the article Chrissy posted

“State law does not generally provide for international observers,” Maiola said. “However, through our contacts at state and county level in certain states, we managed to secure invitations at local level and we have taken up the offer to observe. Where this is not possible, we will respect the state regulation on this matter and will not observe in precincts on Election Day.”

If there is nothing improper going on neither the conservatives nor liberals should have nothing to worry about. Apparently the Right is feeling a little nervous. I wonder why? Are they complaining just because it is an international group or is that just a smoke screen to obscure fears of having shady activities exposed?

Im complaining because its a act of severing us from our SOVIERGNITY.

The only group in mass trying to steal this election is the left. and placing a GLOBAL WATCHDOG over a UNITED STATES OF AMERICA election is a disgrace and it sends the message of lost power to a higher authority than USA.

If any of you consider the UN a higher authority then just shove it up your ass.



Rogue wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:
alecto wrote:Voter ID laws are bad because they supposedly disenfranchise legitimate voters (BTW we all know that is bullshit) but having a gestapo type organization intimidating voters at voting places is fine and dandy. Makes perfect sense in a liberal world.

BTW we DO NOT KNOW this is BS. I hate it when you wing nuts just toss out these statement as if they were facts and hope readers will just lap it up without thought.

MIAMI — In a partial victory for voter rights and immigrant groups, Florida residents who were mistakenly removed from the voter rolls this year because the state classified them as noncitizens will be returned to the rolls and allowed to vote in November.

The Florida Department of State, which initiated the review of noncitizens on the voter rolls, also agreed Wednesday to inform the 2,625 people on the list who are eligible to vote that their voting rights had been fully restored. Still unresolved is whether Florida broke a federal law preventing voter purges within 90 days of an election.

Also, these observers are far from (as you call them) 'gestapo'. According to the article Chrissy posted

“State law does not generally provide for international observers,” Maiola said. “However, through our contacts at state and county level in certain states, we managed to secure invitations at local level and we have taken up the offer to observe. Where this is not possible, we will respect the state regulation on this matter and will not observe in precincts on Election Day.”

If there is nothing improper going on neither the conservatives nor liberals should have nothing to worry about. Apparently the Right is feeling a little nervous. I wonder why? Are they complaining just because it is an international group or is that just a smoke screen to obscure fears of having shady activities exposed?

Im complaining because its a act of severing us from our SOVIERGNITY.

The only group in mass trying to steal this election is the left. and placing a GLOBAL WATCHDOG over a UNITED STATES OF AMERICA election is a disgrace and it sends the message of lost power to a higher authority than USA.

If any of you consider the UN a higher authority then just shove it up your ass.

Why don't you do that? Oh, I would obliterate your face.



Rogue wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:
alecto wrote:Voter ID laws are bad because they supposedly disenfranchise legitimate voters (BTW we all know that is bullshit) but having a gestapo type organization intimidating voters at voting places is fine and dandy. Makes perfect sense in a liberal world.

BTW we DO NOT KNOW this is BS. I hate it when you wing nuts just toss out these statement as if they were facts and hope readers will just lap it up without thought.

MIAMI — In a partial victory for voter rights and immigrant groups, Florida residents who were mistakenly removed from the voter rolls this year because the state classified them as noncitizens will be returned to the rolls and allowed to vote in November.

The Florida Department of State, which initiated the review of noncitizens on the voter rolls, also agreed Wednesday to inform the 2,625 people on the list who are eligible to vote that their voting rights had been fully restored. Still unresolved is whether Florida broke a federal law preventing voter purges within 90 days of an election.

Also, these observers are far from (as you call them) 'gestapo'. According to the article Chrissy posted

“State law does not generally provide for international observers,” Maiola said. “However, through our contacts at state and county level in certain states, we managed to secure invitations at local level and we have taken up the offer to observe. Where this is not possible, we will respect the state regulation on this matter and will not observe in precincts on Election Day.”

If there is nothing improper going on neither the conservatives nor liberals should have nothing to worry about. Apparently the Right is feeling a little nervous. I wonder why? Are they complaining just because it is an international group or is that just a smoke screen to obscure fears of having shady activities exposed?

Im complaining because its a act of severing us from our SOVIERGNITY.

The only group in mass trying to steal this election is the left. and placing a GLOBAL WATCHDOG over a UNITED STATES OF AMERICA election is a disgrace and it sends the message of lost power to a higher authority than USA.

If any of you consider the UN a higher authority then just shove it up your ass.

Why all the hatred for the United Nations?



Ghost_Rider1 wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
The Republican Party and the Tea Party have been actively recruiting poll 'watchers". The R's have also been caught red-handed in at least 3 states destroying Dem voter registrations. And Repug governors in swing states are actively trying to suppress the vote by purging voter rolls, sometimes (as in Florida) defying federal voting laws. And then, there's Romney's financial ties to an Ohio firm that has very questionable electronic voting machines. Then we have the Supremes' Citizens United ruling that now allows open contributions from shady PAC's and "non-profits".

I would say without a doubt that we need impartial poll watchers, such as those from the UN.

I saw the faces of people in 2008 who obviously resented the presence of students and minorities exercising their right to vote. Unmistakeable hatred; outright anger.

Confirmation please!

"Nathan Sproul stands accused of destroying Democrat Registration forms in the past, has been hired by the Republican party to help Romney win in Florida and other states by fraudulent methods. He and his firm were recently fired after it was discovered what he was really up to in five US states, manipulating the vote which is a felony charge.

The Romney campaign hired a company called Strategic Allied Consulting and fired them last night when more than 100 fraudulent registration forms were found in Palm Beach County Florida. But there’s more.

Strategic Allied is a shell company operated by Nathan Sproul.

The Florida Supervisor of Elections reported the fraud which included:

1) Shredding Democrat voter registration forms in Florida and other states such as: North Carolina, Virginia and Colorado.

2) The GOP party paid this firm $667,000.00 this year to run campaigns in Florida, that would diminish democratic votes.

3) The Romney campaign hired Nathan Sproul as a political consultant last year knowing full well that he was accused of fraud in the past.

4) Election officials are investigating voter registration cards that were shredded or destroyed by the firm, and signatures were altered or changed on others.

5) Over 106 applications were flagged in a submission batch of 304 turned in on Sept 5, 2012 by the contractor of the Republican party.

Rest of the article here..."



Floridatexan wrote:
Ghost_Rider1 wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
The Republican Party and the Tea Party have been actively recruiting poll 'watchers". The R's have also been caught red-handed in at least 3 states destroying Dem voter registrations. And Repug governors in swing states are actively trying to suppress the vote by purging voter rolls, sometimes (as in Florida) defying federal voting laws. And then, there's Romney's financial ties to an Ohio firm that has very questionable electronic voting machines. Then we have the Supremes' Citizens United ruling that now allows open contributions from shady PAC's and "non-profits".

I would say without a doubt that we need impartial poll watchers, such as those from the UN.

I saw the faces of people in 2008 who obviously resented the presence of students and minorities exercising their right to vote. Unmistakeable hatred; outright anger.

Confirmation please!

"Nathan Sproul stands accused of destroying Democrat Registration forms in the past, has been hired by the Republican party to help Romney win in Florida and other states by fraudulent methods. He and his firm were recently fired after it was discovered what he was really up to in five US states, manipulating the vote which is a felony charge.

The Romney campaign hired a company called Strategic Allied Consulting and fired them last night when more than 100 fraudulent registration forms were found in Palm Beach County Florida. But there’s more.

Strategic Allied is a shell company operated by Nathan Sproul.

The Florida Supervisor of Elections reported the fraud which included:

1) Shredding Democrat voter registration forms in Florida and other states such as: North Carolina, Virginia and Colorado.

2) The GOP party paid this firm $667,000.00 this year to run campaigns in Florida, that would diminish democratic votes.

3) The Romney campaign hired Nathan Sproul as a political consultant last year knowing full well that he was accused of fraud in the past.

4) Election officials are investigating voter registration cards that were shredded or destroyed by the firm, and signatures were altered or changed on others.

5) Over 106 applications were flagged in a submission batch of 304 turned in on Sept 5, 2012 by the contractor of the Republican party.

Rest of the article here..."

wendy rosen drops out of congressional race because she voted in two states LOL

theres more. do you really want to go there? you will be put to shame





And the List of Democrats busted for vote fraud keeps growing. We can officially add THREE MORE Democrats to the list of those engaged in factual vote fraud that swayed a special election in Arkansas

Four MORE Democrats arrested for Voter Fraud in Indiana

8 Arrested for Absentee Voter Fraud in Madison County, Florida

7 Democrats Arrested in New York for actual Voter Fraud via Absentee Ballots

12 Democrats have been Charged in Georgia for Absentee Ballot Voter Fraud

NAACP Executive Sentence to 10 Years in Prison for Voting for Obama 10 Times in 2008

please note this is actual voter fraud. not registration. They in the Po po lol

4 Wake County, North Carolina Democrats have Admitted to Voting for Obama TWICE Each in 2008

Daytona Beach City Democrat Commissioner and his Campaign Manager arrested for Absentee Ballot Voter Fraud

Illegal alien from the Philippines Arrested and Charged on 17 counts of Voter fraud in Lake County, Illinois

Indiana Voter Fraud – Please note that we have TWO Separate voter fraud issues in this state to address: 1. Absentee Ballot Voter Fraud; 2. Obama’s Signature Fraud

theres more. and all the verifiable links are provided.



othershoe1030 wrote:
alecto wrote:Voter ID laws are bad because they supposedly disenfranchise legitimate voters (BTW we all know that is bullshit) but having a gestapo type organization intimidating voters at voting places is fine and dandy. Makes perfect sense in a liberal world.

BTW we DO NOT KNOW this is BS. I hate it when you wing nuts just toss out these statement as if they were facts and hope readers will just lap it up without thought.

MIAMI — In a partial victory for voter rights and immigrant groups, Florida residents who were mistakenly removed from the voter rolls this year because the state classified them as noncitizens will be returned to the rolls and allowed to vote in November.

The Florida Department of State, which initiated the review of noncitizens on the voter rolls, also agreed Wednesday to inform the 2,625 people on the list who are eligible to vote that their voting rights had been fully restored. Still unresolved is whether Florida broke a federal law preventing voter purges within 90 days of an election.

Also, these observers are far from (as you call them) 'gestapo'. According to the article Chrissy posted

“State law does not generally provide for international observers,” Maiola said. “However, through our contacts at state and county level in certain states, we managed to secure invitations at local level and we have taken up the offer to observe. Where this is not possible, we will respect the state regulation on this matter and will not observe in precincts on Election Day.”

If there is nothing improper going on neither the conservatives nor liberals should have nothing to worry about. Apparently the Right is feeling a little nervous. I wonder why? Are they complaining just because it is an international group or is that just a smoke screen to obscure fears of having shady activities exposed?

Like the possible flipping of vote tallys on Diebold electronic voting machines?



othershoe1030 wrote:
alecto wrote:Voter ID laws are bad because they supposedly disenfranchise legitimate voters (BTW we all know that is bullshit) but having a gestapo type organization intimidating voters at voting places is fine and dandy. Makes perfect sense in a liberal world.

BTW we DO NOT KNOW this is BS. I hate it when you wing nuts just toss out these statement as if they were facts and hope readers will just lap it up without thought.

MIAMI — In a partial victory for voter rights and immigrant groups, Florida residents who were mistakenly removed from the voter rolls this year because the state classified them as noncitizens will be returned to the rolls and allowed to vote in November.

The Florida Department of State, which initiated the review of noncitizens on the voter rolls, also agreed Wednesday to inform the 2,625 people on the list who are eligible to vote that their voting rights had been fully restored. Still unresolved is whether Florida broke a federal law preventing voter purges within 90 days of an election.

Also, these observers are far from (as you call them) 'gestapo'. According to the article Chrissy posted

“State law does not generally provide for international observers,” Maiola said. “However, through our contacts at state and county level in certain states, we managed to secure invitations at local level and we have taken up the offer to observe. Where this is not possible, we will respect the state regulation on this matter and will not observe in precincts on Election Day.”

If there is nothing improper going on neither the conservatives nor liberals should have nothing to worry about. Apparently the Right is feeling a little nervous. I wonder why? Are they complaining just because it is an international group or is that just a smoke screen to obscure fears of having shady activities exposed?

Yet you libtards do not apply the same logic to voter ID laws. If voter ID laws were passed and a legal citizen was doing nothing improper then they would have nothing to worry about.



alecto wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:
alecto wrote:Voter ID laws are bad because they supposedly disenfranchise legitimate voters (BTW we all know that is bullshit) but having a gestapo type organization intimidating voters at voting places is fine and dandy. Makes perfect sense in a liberal world.

BTW we DO NOT KNOW this is BS. I hate it when you wing nuts just toss out these statement as if they were facts and hope readers will just lap it up without thought.

MIAMI — In a partial victory for voter rights and immigrant groups, Florida residents who were mistakenly removed from the voter rolls this year because the state classified them as noncitizens will be returned to the rolls and allowed to vote in November.

The Florida Department of State, which initiated the review of noncitizens on the voter rolls, also agreed Wednesday to inform the 2,625 people on the list who are eligible to vote that their voting rights had been fully restored. Still unresolved is whether Florida broke a federal law preventing voter purges within 90 days of an election.

Also, these observers are far from (as you call them) 'gestapo'. According to the article Chrissy posted

“State law does not generally provide for international observers,” Maiola said. “However, through our contacts at state and county level in certain states, we managed to secure invitations at local level and we have taken up the offer to observe. Where this is not possible, we will respect the state regulation on this matter and will not observe in precincts on Election Day.”

If there is nothing improper going on neither the conservatives nor liberals should have nothing to worry about. Apparently the Right is feeling a little nervous. I wonder why? Are they complaining just because it is an international group or is that just a smoke screen to obscure fears of having shady activities exposed?

Yet you libtards do not apply the same logic to voter ID laws. If voter ID laws were passed and a legal citizen was doing nothing improper then they would have nothing to worry about.

Once again, for you non-libtards, the problem is that the processes developed to allegedly "safe-guard" the voter rolls often result in 1) legal voters being wrongfully thrown off the voter rolls and 2) putting in place requirements such as picture ID that present very difficult problems for certain groups of voters.

The fake "protect the vote" movement, is nothing more than voter suppression
We have all read copious arguments re voter photo ID asking the question "who could possibly function in today's society without a photo ID?"

This question could only be asked by people who already have one or more photo ID's themselves and who are unfamiliar with other age, racial or ethnic groups who in fact function very well within their social setting without photo ID and in many cases have also been allowed to legally vote in many elections.

In order to appreciate the impact of the ID requirement it is necessary to think or go outside our own relatively limited frame of reference. Just because it would be a hardship for someone to secure a state issued ID it doesn't mean they would not otherwise be qualified to legally vote.



regardless of all this.

It is a sign of a loss of sovierntry to have a foriegn group of individuals watch dog over us.

defend it anyway you want you bunch of commies

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