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Republicans and the Individual Mandate: The History

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ST. PAUL, Minn. (WCCO) - Republicans are united against the individual mandate.

They call it “socialism” and an unconstitutional “government takeover”.

But the central pillar of President Obama’s health care law came from “America’s most-respected conservative thinkers.”

It’s TRUE.

The conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation first proposed the idea of requiring people to buy health insurance in 1989.

It was an individual “mandate for all households”.

The Heritage proposal was an alternative to a Democratic idea Republicans considered far worse: A government-run health service.

That’s partly what President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton proposed in 1993.

“Hillary Care”, as it was called, would have required employers to buy health insurance for their workers.

That’s when Republicans, including GOP Senate Minority Leader Robert
Dole, introduced a bill requiring individuals to buy insurance instead.
And the individual mandate was born.


Republicans like Newt Gingrich supported the mandate back then, and
it became the conservative health care model for Massachusetts Governor
Mitt Romney.

During the GOP Primary season, Romney sometimes deflected attacks on
“RomneyCare” by highlighting Gingrich and The Heritage Foundation.

“We got the idea of an individual mandate…from (Newt Gingrich),” said
Romney during a December 2011 GOP presidential candidate debate in Las
Vegas. “And [Newt] got it from the Heritage Foundation.”

As Republicans backed away, 2008 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton embraced it.

But candidate Barack Obama actually campaigned against the individual mandate.

“If a mandate was the solution, we could try it to solve homelessness
by mandating that everybody buy a house,” said then-Senator Obama
(D-Ill). “The reason they don’t have a house is that they don’t have the

But when he became President, Obama flip-flopped.
Calculating the only way to pay for health care was to force everyone to
buy it, even though he reportedly had doubts about its legality.

Only seven minutes after the president signed the health care law, conservatives went to court to declare it unconstitutional.

This completed, full circle, the 23-year, jaw-dropping, breathtaking
about-face of almost every politician involved in health care.

That’s Reality Check.

Here are some of the sources we used for this Reality Check:

1989 The Heritage Foundation Report

The 7-minute lawsuit

Obama opposes mandate, changes mind despite doubts 1

Obama opposes mandate, changes mind despite doubts 2

Individual Mandate Fact-Checks 1

Individual Mandate Fact-Checks 2

Clinton Health Care Proposal / “Hillary Care” 1

Clinton Health Care Proposal / “Hillary Care” 2

1993 Republican “Individual Mandate” Bill 1

1993 Republican “Individual Mandate” Bill 2



PBulldog2 wrote:ST. PAUL, Minn. (WCCO) - Republicans are united against the individual mandate.

They call it “socialism” and an unconstitutional “government takeover”.

But the central pillar of President Obama’s health care law came from “America’s most-respected conservative thinkers.”

It’s TRUE.

The conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation first proposed the idea of requiring people to buy health insurance in 1989.

It was an individual “mandate for all households”.

The Heritage proposal was an alternative to a Democratic idea Republicans considered far worse: A government-run health service.

That’s partly what President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton proposed in 1993.

“Hillary Care”, as it was called, would have required employers to buy health insurance for their workers.

That’s when Republicans, including GOP Senate Minority Leader Robert
Dole, introduced a bill requiring individuals to buy insurance instead.
And the individual mandate was born.


Republicans like Newt Gingrich supported the mandate back then, and
it became the conservative health care model for Massachusetts Governor
Mitt Romney.

During the GOP Primary season, Romney sometimes deflected attacks on
“RomneyCare” by highlighting Gingrich and The Heritage Foundation.

“We got the idea of an individual mandate…from (Newt Gingrich),” said
Romney during a December 2011 GOP presidential candidate debate in Las
Vegas. “And [Newt] got it from the Heritage Foundation.”

As Republicans backed away, 2008 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton embraced it.

But candidate Barack Obama actually campaigned against the individual mandate.

“If a mandate was the solution, we could try it to solve homelessness
by mandating that everybody buy a house,” said then-Senator Obama
(D-Ill). “The reason they don’t have a house is that they don’t have the

But when he became President, Obama flip-flopped.
Calculating the only way to pay for health care was to force everyone to
buy it, even though he reportedly had doubts about its legality.

Only seven minutes after the president signed the health care law, conservatives went to court to declare it unconstitutional.

This completed, full circle, the 23-year, jaw-dropping, breathtaking
about-face of almost every politician involved in health care.

That’s Reality Check.

Here are some of the sources we used for this Reality Check:

1989 The Heritage Foundation Report

The 7-minute lawsuit

Obama opposes mandate, changes mind despite doubts 1

Obama opposes mandate, changes mind despite doubts 2

Individual Mandate Fact-Checks 1

Individual Mandate Fact-Checks 2

Clinton Health Care Proposal / “Hillary Care” 1

Clinton Health Care Proposal / “Hillary Care” 2

1993 Republican “Individual Mandate” Bill 1

1993 Republican “Individual Mandate” Bill 2

but its a great idea now to the left now that obama has backed it?

oh and this bill is 2700 pages long. it may have bits and peices of ideas from past republicans or democrats because really obama does not have the intelect to actually come up with ideas on his own, so he steals others and has his minions add to it. I bet he did his college papers that way too

it wasnt a answer then, and it isnt a answer now. I dont care what party is pitching it. But I can see the left are already getting your defeat coat on and working up a way to blame republicans for this mess LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL



but its a great idea now to the left now that obama has backed it?

oh and this bill is 2700 pages long. it may have bits and peices of ideas from past republicans or democrats because really obama does not have the intelect to actually come up with ideas on his own, so he steals others and has his minions add to it. I bet he did his college papers that way too

it wasnt a answer then, and it isnt a answer now. I dont care what party is pitching it. But I can see the left are already getting your defeat coat on and working up a way to blame republicans for this mess LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

"Bits and pieces", eh? the individual mandate some of you conservatives keep fussing about is relegated to bits-and-pieces-hood. Rolling Eyes



PBulldog2 wrote:
but its a great idea now to the left now that obama has backed it?

oh and this bill is 2700 pages long. it may have bits and peices of ideas from past republicans or democrats because really obama does not have the intelect to actually come up with ideas on his own, so he steals others and has his minions add to it. I bet he did his college papers that way too

it wasnt a answer then, and it isnt a answer now. I dont care what party is pitching it. But I can see the left are already getting your defeat coat on and working up a way to blame republicans for this mess LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

"Bits and pieces", eh? the individual mandate some of you conservatives keep fussing about is relegated to bits-and-pieces-hood. Rolling Eyes

are you trying to say this bill that just passed, you know the 2700 pages is "SOLEY" the exact same bill as the republicans had?

Because the mandate is such a small portions of this monster and I already told you, its a bad idea who ever suggested it. But IT WAS YOUR PARTY THAT PASSED IT and THEN SOME.

so dont go trying to find a way out to blame republicans, because thats exactly what your trying to do LOLOLOL

yes, definatly "EYE ROLL"



One thing is for sure somewhere along the way we all pay for everyone's health insurance. The individual mandate is a reasonable way to get everyone to take personal responsibility for their own health care costs instead of being a "free rider" as Romney called those who show up at the ER and get care and can't pay.



othershoe1030 wrote:One thing is for sure somewhere along the way we all pay for everyone's health insurance. The individual mandate is a reasonable way to get everyone to take personal responsibility for their own health care costs instead of being a "free rider" as Romney called those who show up at the ER and get care and can't pay.

dealing with more than 300 million people isnt that easy.

this bill isnt going to do anything but stop job creation, lower healthCARE services and put another tax/penalty on groups of people. and no one should say they are not planning on raising penalties/taxes on people with this, because the CBO and the people who planned the bill factored in the taxes/penalties to offset the cost.

and it wont work

the ONLY people who think this will work or it is good are either those who refuse to sacrafice the work to get your their insurance or those who do nothing but sing the party line.

But I can honestly say. this thread really has givenme a laugh because it shows nothing but the left preparing for the fallout by trying to find an escape goat AGAIN. They are preparing to TRY and BLAME republicans.

Now thats funny Twisted Evil



Chrissy wrote:

the ONLY people who think this will work or it is good are either those who refuse to sacrafice the work to get your their insurance or those who do nothing but sing the party line.

I work, darlin', I pay for my own insurance, and I'm an independent.

You are sooooo brain-washed!

Rolling Eyes



PBulldog2 wrote:Chrissy wrote:

the ONLY people who think this will work or it is good are either those who refuse to sacrafice the work to get your their insurance or those who do nothing but sing the party line.

I work, darlin', I pay for my own insurance, and I'm an independent.

You are sooooo brain-washed!

Rolling Eyes

sure I am.

thats why Im a lesbian conservative republican libertarian nature lover Smile

because i must tow the party line, tow that line, drag that line LOL



I guess the Republicans are suddenly in favor of the 'free riders'! No one is trying to blame the R's for anything. They are just so unbelievable on the individual mandate. They could justify it when the Heritage Foundation came up with it but now it is no good.

In Massachusetts, where the concept was pioneered under the law enacted by Romney, Gruber said it was mostly intended to ensure that wealthier, younger and healthier people paid into the system instead of hoping they could get by without coverage. It also encouraged people who had turned down their employers’ insurance to sign up.

Read more:



othershoe1030 wrote:I guess the Republicans are suddenly in favor of the 'free riders'! No one is trying to blame the R's for anything. They are just so unbelievable on the individual mandate. They could justify it when the Heritage Foundation came up with it but now it is no good.

In Massachusetts, where the concept was pioneered under the law enacted by Romney, Gruber said it was mostly intended to ensure that wealthier, younger and healthier people paid into the system instead of hoping they could get by without coverage. It also encouraged people who had turned down their employers’ insurance to sign up.

Read more:



Did they now?

No they did NOT.

So give it up. The left passed the mandate. Did they Not? Yes they did.

Now dont go gettin all mad if your party gets blasted for it tryig to blam eit on the repubs.

but hey, maybe those really bright pubs set you non idea thinking libs up for the fall. maybe they knew eventually you would try and steal this idea and make it your own. dangit, the repubs are so smart.

they must all be related to george bush who created every single bad thing in america.

damn these people know how to think ahead LOL



PBulldog2 wrote:Chrissy wrote:

the ONLY people who think this will work or it is good are either those who refuse to sacrafice the work to get your their insurance or those who do nothing but sing the party line.

I work, darlin', I pay for my own insurance, and I'm an independent.

You are sooooo brain-washed!

Rolling Eyes

sure I am.

thats why Im a lesbian conservative republican libertarian nature lover Smile

because i must tow the party line, tow that line, drag that line LOL

Well, I'm a straight, free-wheelin' independent libertarian nature lover, so at least we have two things in common. Very Happy



Saving The American Dream

Here you'll find a more up to date plan from The Heritage Foundation. Come on, can't we EVOLVE! too. LOL

Gotta love the photo of the little boy with the flag. I tried to link to it, but I couldn't for some reason. Even if you don't want to read the plan, the photo is worth

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