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This young man was an American hero.....his death was no accident

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His name was Aaron Swartz. I had never knew who this young man was until I listened to a radio show where I heard the story. He was a student at MIT and uploaded a database to their network with the intention to share scholarly articles. They prosecuted this kid threatening him with 30 years in jail......he exhausted his resources, and took his life by hanging friday.

It was not until I heard this 26 year old man's words that I realized we lost a genius who almost single handed stopped the internet from being censored.

A few years ago, Mr. Swartz caused a stir by downloading some 20 million pages of court documents from the fee-charging Pacer website by exploiting free access given to libraries. No charges were ever brought, and no crime was committed, his lawyer said. But his efforts to make online content available for free ultimately brought him into conflict with federal prosecutors.

Please watch this video.....they have all but murdered this kid.


This very young man was a genius who was a patriot. I fear he took his life for the cause of internet sheep we sit and are unable to have his intelligence to recognize what almost happen to the twenty something kid took on Congress and won.....and they got even.....there is blood on the hands of the Justice department.



conspiraloonThis young man was an American hero.....his death was no accident Tinfoi10


You need to watch the utube T.......but for this genius......we might have lost the internet as we know it......and they got their pound of flesh......he had challenged the powers to be......and he was squashed like a bug with a threat of 35 years in the video.



I been following the story..I doubt he hanged himself...probably like Madoffs son did..with help....


I been following the story..I doubt he hanged himself

I do not know....he suffered depression, and I heard a professor who was a lawyer who initially represented him break down and cry like a baby on the radio today, because he had been traveling last week and four days before the suicide, the database company had agreed to release him of any civil liability and was going to post their database on the MIT network for free, and he was unable to forward the same to Aaron....simply tragic, and to hear this man cry like a baby....I am very angry.

MIT is complicit in this prosecutorial lynching.....they needed to stop the prosecutors office. This kid saved the internet......for now from dark and evil forces.....Chris Dodd was the sinister fellow with deep ties to wall street who almost pulled this 26 year old patriot......saved our butts.....and they destroyed different than if they had shot him or executed him. I do not get to active in many things, but I am going to send some emails to senators and congressmen to hold the Attorney General's office accountable for this crazy demand for 35 years against this kid. Eric Holder should lose his job in my opinion, and certainly the immediate supervisors of the prosecutors on this case. I want a congressional hearing.



If Eric Holder can indirectly kill thousands of Mexicans then I doubt this dude will hurt his feelings


The difference is that Hollywood and Wall Street have been cozy with the Obama administration. This kid absolutely destroyed their sinister plan. This was plan and simple retribution. We need to follow the smoking gun. Who authorized these charges....and why the excess when the kid was trying to open databases and information for scholarly pursuit. Nobody pressed this issue but the justice department. Holder has blood on his hands.





Everybody knows the captain lies

yep......but when prosecutors overcharge for political pay back......well there will be consequences. If you read some of the comments coming off blogs, the little guys in this country have had enough. As one comment said.....this is the last straw. I am angry that any one of us can be chopped, diced, and thrown into the frying pan.......not to achieve justice, but to keep special interests on Wall Street and Hollywood happy.

Aaron's death will not be without consequences. Mark my word.....little people all over this country are pissed.



There are two crimes in this country which will bring the swiftest and most draconian punishment imaginable - being poor and speaking truth to power.


There are two crimes in this country which will bring the swiftest and most draconian punishment imaginable - being poor and speaking truth to power.

This kid stood up for all of us....before we knew the danger we were in....he was a genius, yet when we allow Wall Street and the Banksters to go without prosecution, and when we allow unlimited contribution to political campaigns because of Citizens United....then we have Hollywood and other special interests buying politicians like former Senator Dodd........what an evil bunch of this time people have to take a stand. Eric Holder has to go, and the folks immediately responsible for this prosecution should lose their law license. This was a political assassination. When Paul Wellstone went down in the plane crash, the banks and Credit card companies rammed through the Bankruptcy Reform act.....Dodd....Hatch, and the whole bunch of bought and paid for shills tried to shut down the internet for profit.....and if we think for a moment that this is going to stop....nope....they will be back again, and if they can politically prosecute all those who stand in their way.....then this country is no longer a free nation.



then this country is no longer a free nation.

Thanks Mr. Lincoln

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.

D D Eisenhower


History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.

So very true. Now is the time for every patriot to rise up and say enough. Eric Holder has to go, and the folks who are trying to make us all into indentured servants who wander over to a brick and mortar monstrosity and worry about meeting rooms and 18 children gathered to read, while completely ignoring the reality of how information is conveyed in a constantly evolving paradigm, where some want to steal this country.......well the weak and timid are growing.....and the patriots like Aaron Swartz are few. It is time to take a stand.....send an email to your senators.....Eric Holder has to go. We need to engage our brain as to what is important.



2seaoat wrote:History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.

So very true. Now is the time for every patriot to rise up and say enough. Eric Holder has to go, and the folks who are trying to make us all into indentured servants who wander over to a brick and mortar monstrosity and worry about meeting rooms and 18 children gathered to read, while completely ignoring the reality of how information is conveyed in a constantly evolving paradigm, where some want to steal this country.......well the weak and timid are growing.....and the patriots like Aaron Swartz are few. It is time to take a stand.....send an email to your senators.....Eric Holder has to go. We need to engage our brain as to what is important.

So out of all the shit you could possibly want to start a civil war over, seaoat choses the death of a internet geek, who had downloaded millions of copies of data that was only free to MIT and was going to make them availible to the public, and right before he and the gov almost settled the company he stole the documents from , made them free to the public.

clarify something oats, what makes this guy a patriot. im missing something?


clarify something oats, what makes this guy a patriot. im missing something?

Senator Dodd had cut a deal with Hollywood. You see Hollywood was collectively pouring money into the Democratic coffers, and in exchange the world of celebrity would have had a long line of attempted bills passed which have used the backdoor of copyright law to give the government an absolute right to shut down websites......INDEFINITELY.....with the simple threshold of that site having a copyrighted component. This would have been the equivalent of shutting down walmart for 6 months because they had in a bin in Topeka a counterfeited barbie doll.....not just the Topeka store....all of Walmart.....and this power was completely in the discretion of government to silence websites.

This boy genius had dedicated his life to free access. He could have been a zillionare by now because at 14 he was making significant contributions, so when he was told that there was nothing which could be done to stop the SOPA predecessor......he simply started an online petition and within a week 300k people were pouring emails into see we mere mortals could not understand what was being seemed one brave senator as a direct result of Aaron stopped the final passage in the Senate where it had overwhelming support, and within a period of three weeks Sopa was dead, and everybody like rats was abandoning the sinking ship of internet control by government.

So as payback, on a matter which should have been handled civilly or within MIT, Eric Holder and the boyz beholding to Wall street, the Banksters, and Hollywood authorized a prosecution which called for 35 years for his sharing of scholarly articles which he protested that the authors did not get paid, the publishers did, and the fees were depriving the world of this knowledge. He was an American hero. He was a patriot. He was above us in intellect and spirit, and in the end he was murdered by a corrupt system.

Please listen to his own words:



2seaoat wrote:and in the end he was murdered by a corrupt system.

C'mon, man.

He was unfairly prosecuted, he was harassed, he was bullied, but he was NOT murdered.

It's a tragedy.

He was a brilliant guy with a serious problem with depression.


Agreed that he suffered from depression, but until you have seen someone you know wrongfully prosecuted and the state having unlimited resources....and after the process the defendant is broke and psychologically would not understand that part of any plea agreement is to do justice, and a person with a known psychological history of depression being pushed by a system which was doing this most certainly for payback....well yes I call it murder when you overcharge, and destroy a person's life with full knowledge the person suffers from depression.....yes, I am pissed and yes I am overstating my position....but damn is time for a great many of us to do the same. This was a wrongful prosecution....and yes he was depressed, but the blood remains on the hands of those who authorized this prosecution.

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