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James Lee Burke

2 posters

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1James Lee Burke  Empty James Lee Burke 7/10/2010, 4:55 pm



His latest Dave Robichaux book, "The Glass Rainbow" is due to come out on July 13. I've pre-ordered the Kindle edition. I've read every one in the series, except for the oldest ones that I can't find. I also got Hubs hooked on these books. I can't wait to get started reading it! If you haven't ever read any of these excellent books, do yourself a favor and pick one up.

2James Lee Burke  Empty Re: James Lee Burke 8/9/2010, 1:36 am



Thanks for the recommendation.
I've never read any of his works, but I will now be on the lookout!

3James Lee Burke  Empty Re: James Lee Burke 6/21/2012, 6:17 am



James Lee Burke's latest installment in the Dave Robichaux series is due out next month. The name is Creole Belle and it's available for preorder as an ebook on Kindle Books.

4James Lee Burke  Empty Re: James Lee Burke 6/21/2012, 2:44 pm

no stress

no stress

What are they about G4P?

5James Lee Burke  Empty Re: James Lee Burke 6/21/2012, 4:03 pm



This series is about a Cajun Police detective who lives in New Iberia, LA. While his stories are gripping and keep you turning pages, it's his style of writing that is what keeps me coming back. The characters are interesting and multi-dimensional. I hope you'll give one of his books a try!

6James Lee Burke  Empty Re: James Lee Burke 6/21/2012, 6:57 pm

no stress

no stress

Sounds like my kind of book. I'll see if I can find one. Thanks G4P Smile

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